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Everything posted by zykO

  1. those are weak headphones bro in other news, i'm actually really blown away with what you did with mr. z cuz that actually sounded like shit before lol
  2. ok, here's my secret. i'm on gorgonnash every single night.
  3. all i know is... NOTICE TO MARIO: GET YO ACT TOGETHER ,... cuz DK just took this shiet to anotha level of fun
  4. proven paradox: first of all, thanks for the love both here and on youtube... as always, it is much appreciated that my music was enjoyable! about having multiple voices; while i've never been against collaboration (as i've probably collaborated more over the years than anyone i know), i've gotta stress that not very many of my tracks are presented as "studio" music. i actually struggle mightily with making studio quality music and i invariably end up making mood pieces or environment pieces probably as some kind of copout ... or, like this track and many others, guy-with-a-guitar-in-the-woods types of pieces because of that, the vocals aren't meant to wow you into thinking "ya know, this guy is a great singer!" instead, it is meant to sound like a guy, who isn't necessarily a musician, with a guitar on a boat... maybe just a boy who found himself caught up in the middle of something much bigger than himself and is struggling with trying to make sense of it. i can't imagine link being a classically trained vocalist and luckily, neither am i honestly, i kinda like my voice cracking... i find the imperfection to be so intrinsically human that it may just be perfect hehe
  5. ahem. (you can totally cast natalie portman as me, by the way. or vin diesel)
  6. actually, the multiplayer is severely broken. the most disappointing thing is logging on and finding only 5 active games in a primetime slot. it's that broken. on LAN, it's a little quicker but it still hangs between turns obnoxiously long. they cut out the vids and animations to cut down on the load times but it doesn't seem to have made much of a difference the game is like ecto has suggested. milled out, rushed and otherwise uninspired. this is what happens when sid steps away from development. COME BACK TO US SID. IN SID WE TRUST. in lame revo development team, we do not. zircon, it used to be that way in civ 4 at least where you could make something of being a peaceful civ, amassing knowledge and money and coercing your way through time. sadly, being a peaceful literate civ gets you gangraped in this one. and a cultural victory is nearly impossible even on warlord. i'm not saying the game isn't worth playing. i just started a new game recently... huge real earth map, max civs and city states, with egypt right there in north eastern africa (cities are even where you'd really find them heh) and it's fairly fun. i am confident that when this game is patched and expansions are released, it'll be significantly improved.
  7. i don't see how "authenticity" is an issue here. after all, jk is a western guy doing "eastern" music (where's the arabic?) it's hard enough for a western middle eastern guy (me) to do middle eastern music (despite listening to a metric fuck ton of it) so i'm genuinely impressed by this "foray into eastern horizons!" lol your next challenge, jk: tuvan throat singing
  8. what's worse (my opinion of the game has progressively and consistently degraded... i hardly even play anymore... yet you should have seen how addicted i was to civ4 even before it was fixed) is the maddening combination of rare resources and everyone (AI) wanting to attack you all the time. no matter how much you try to play your diplomacy strategically and cautiously, in the end, if you're forced to attack someone for a resource (say URANIUM or OIL), you will get gang raped by everyone within earshot of your for being a "warmongerer" - i don't mind that some resources are rare to the point of one kingdom on the entire planet having a monopoly but at least allow for acquisition by force without the consequence of war on multiple fronts! and even though i've settled in with the happiness system, i don't like that my troops fight less effectively if my citizens are unhappy. like my previous concern about citizens of my capital being unhappy about what i'm doing on another continent with natives, it makes even less sense that elite, war-hardened troops would suddenly become less effective just because the folks back at home are upset. especially if the circumstances of the war are not being taken into consideration. if you want to be uber realistic (say, how in our own war in the middle east, the morale of our troops and of our people seems to be on equal terms), at least make a difference between defending your nation from an assailant and going on a pillaging rampage. so far, it's perfectly the same. i don't see how my troops would be less spirited defending their homes and families. i agree with you, ecto: pretty but only inches deep. i get off on the presentation sometimes... it helps when i'm incredibly stoned. but generally speaking, this game is starting to grow kinda boring. i can't wait for an expansion that spices things up a bit. and boy are you right that the CPU doesn't know the first thing about the new combat system lol i hustle them on a REGULAR basis like i'm motherfucking robert e lee hahaha
  9. thank you, my friends - i'm moved by your words and it reminds me how much of a pleasure it is to share my work with you. thank you and i'm glad you enjoyed it you know, that irked me as well actually. the iron maiden song is based on a great 18th century poem by Samuel Coleridge of the same name (and the same spelling of rime) and not only structured its lyrics after the poem's style but also directly quotes a couple of verses from it. the poem was actually my chief influence on the piece, not the maiden song (as you can tell they are stylistically nothing alike lol) particularly, but in the end it kinda worked out the same. the lyrics read like a straight forward poem about finding one's way in the world although i ditched the allegorical context to focus more on the isolation of our "hero" on the open sea in search of his destiny. and like coleridge's poem, its strangely autobiographical
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