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Everything posted by AMT

  1. I'll agree that 2D gaming is in a bit of a decline, but it's by no means dead. The Megaman Zero series was fantastic, and ZX seems to be continuing a similar level of quality. I really really hope there's another 2D Metroid though, because the 3D ones just aren't the same. Even so, there are still some great 2D games that have been coming out, like Contra 4, the DS Castlevanias, and that one Chrono Trigger looking RPG, for example. Sure, there could definitely be more, but it's something.
  2. This is the best one, hands down.
  3. Just like the internet.
  4. Yup! Once it's connected and everything is installed correctly (This depends on your specific keyboard, I'll just outline what to do in REAPER), open up REAPER and go to Options > Preferences > Midi Devices. Right click on your keyboard and select "Enable." Now add a new track, and give it a VSTi of some sort (ReaSynth works for testing). Click the "R" button to arm the track for recording; a VU meter should show up on the track, and something like "Input 1," or the name of your audio capture device will be on it. Right click the VU meter, go down to MIDI inputs, and select the device you just enabled. "All Channels" or "Channel 1" should work. Now, click the little speaker icon that's on the left of the VU meter to turn on input monitoring. Now, when you play something on your keyboard, you should hear it. You can now record input from it as well. If there's a large delay between pushing a key and hearing something, it's because of the latency settings of your audio device. Use the button in the far upper right to configure this, try setting a lower buffer size.
  5. Dang, this is cool. I'm on level 12, decided to take a break for now. Level 6 was difficult, as was level 8.
  6. Alright, made some finishing touches and submitted this. Hopefully I won't fare too poorly.
  7. I concur. Also, Poochy should not win. Poochy should die in a fire because he sucks at bringing Yoshi across lava pits. D:
  8. I just want to post again and say that this really is an awesome album. It's moved its way to the top of my playlist very rapidly. Good work everyone!
  9. Updated the song, link is the same as in the first post. Finished off the ending, added some more melody, and polished up production. http://ftp.cableone.net/rebelart/OneShotOneKill.mp3 Thanks for taking the time to listen!
  10. The last codec call of MGS2. The ENTIRE last codec call of MGS2.
  11. http://ftp.cableone.net/rebelart/OneShotOneKill.mp3 Here's a remix of "The Hard Corps" and "GTR Attack!" from Contra: Hard Corps for the Sega Genesis. This game has awesome music, and I haven't seen any mixes of it, so I decided to give it a shot. I'm going for a heavy, UT2004ish sound. Comments and critique is appreciated!
  12. This is really good, I enjoyed listening to it. Looking forward to more of this in the future!
  13. He's not talking about piracy. Both of his examples were old PC games. He's saying that he can play old PC games on his current PC; I can play Commander Keen, Doom, Starcraft, Half-Life, Unreal Tournament, Morrowind, Doom 3, Half-Life 2, Oblivion, and Crysis all on one machine. Consoles can't do that for the most part.
  14. Once, my Gamecube fell off of a 4 foot surface onto a tile floor while I was playing; Wind Waker shot out of the tray and across the room on impact. I walked over, grabbed the disk, put it back in the tray, unpaused, and continued adventuring.
  15. A pair of M-Audio BX5a's, an Alesis Multimix8 USB mixer, a microphone, some shirts, FEAR, Dead Rising, and a CD. This was a pretty awesome year. Also, yeah, new 360s have HDMI now. I bought my pro on the Halo 3 launch and it has one. Ok, I looked this up, and this sounds pretty awesome. I need to get my hands on one of these.
  16. http://myweb.cableone.net/rebelart/MinesSynthy.mp3 Alright, this mix has taken the better part of today, and I'm liking how it's coming out. Thanks for listening, and please leave feedback!
  17. Alright, that was pretty awesome. I like how you just glanced over at Gregori in Ravenholm and then kept going. The Portal-to-shotgun thing in Nova Prospekt was nice too. I'll definitely be looking forward to whatever the Half Life movie project you're working on is if it's this kind of quality.
  18. Jet Grind Radio - First cel shaded game? Parappa the Rapper could almost count, but that's not quite the same.
  19. I fail to see how videogames had anything to do with this. Two drunk teens beat a 7 year old to death and the first thing they blame to is a has-been game from the 90's? This is just ridiculous in every aspect.
  20. That was also the first game that had an intro that made me cry as a child. On another note: I know there was one video a long time ago, but that made me laugh.
  21. Would Donkey Kong Country be the first game to break the fourth wall (reference the fact that it's a video game from inside the context of the game)? Or is there another one that did it earlier? As far as I'm aware, Cranky's comments were the first to do this. Also: Harvest Moon - First day / night cycles?
  22. I'm pretty sure Halo was the first game with graphics.
  23. Oh wow, this is coming along excellently! The production overall sounds a ton better than your last song. I can't pinpoint anything that's wrong with it myself, so someone who has a better monitoring setup / better ears will have to help you there. Arrangement wise, as I said in #ocrwip, it's awesome, and live instruments made it even better. I'd say sit on it for just a little while longer to get some feedback on the final final draft, just to make sure. Good luck man!
  24. My thoughts on this are as follows: This is stupid.
  25. Studio monitors, definitely.
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