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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. That's the version I was using when I switched back to It crashed regularly on me.
  2. Do I really need to explain anything?
  3. Mine's pretty easy to remember
  4. Alright, here's what I did for the moment. As I mentioned before, all the crashing started with the update. So, I went back and grabbed the version of FireFox, and thus far, I've had not a single crash. Seems something happened, and currently there's nothing on Mozilla's help forum that does anything besides telling people it's not FireFox, but a plug-in. They suggest going through their standard "FireFox crashes" diagnostic, but people still say the browser crashes even after doing all the things the diagnostic says to do. I even read a post or two flat out refusing to believe that it was FireFox at all... like somehow FireFox couldn't possibly have a bug in it. I can also no longer find the threads that talked about the browser crashing to the desktop, which puzzles me. So, try going back to and see if it helps.
  5. They'd rather play the "what if?" game. Gives them some time in the spotlight... despite being in that spotlight for the wrong reasons.
  6. It was in the gaming world by the time the N64 came along. Carts were first labeled in kilobytes, then in megabits by the time the Master System and NES showed up. The Genesis, SNES and Neo-Geo continued using this memory number, until CDs started becoming the norm with the PS1 and the Saturn. By the time the N64 hit, the term "megabits" when referring to video games was seen as the terminology of the past. Nintendo clung to that term, so that their games sounded huge with a "whopping 512mb of memory"... or greater. Now, considering that 16-bit games stopped at 40mb (Super Street Fighter 2, Sonic and Knuckles, etc.), it wouldn't have looked good for a new system to say its games were 64MB. I mean, we might know the difference between mb and MB, but when marketing a new system to the general public and younger kids (where the average person probably didn't know the difference), I doubt Nintendo wanted comments like "What? That's it? My Genesis games are only a little smaller. I thought this was next generation stuff.". So, they stuck with the "old" megabits line to make their games sound massive. "megabits" is a lot like referring to a gaming system's power in "bits" (8bit, 16bit, 32bit, etc.). By the time the Dreamcast arrived, it was an out dated terminology for the video game world. The same thing happened to "megabits" before the N64 rolled around. So while yes, the term is still viable in the computer and data worlds, in the video game world, it's "old".
  7. 'Tis witchcraft! HE MUST BE PURIFIED BY FIRE!
  8. Did he happen to mention how many megabits that song would take up on a typical N64 cart? I say "megabits" because N64 carts were still using that old memory size terminology.
  9. Yeah. VGMix2 went down because of the hack (and the inability to figure out how to fix it due to VGMix2's apparent haphazard coding). VGMix3 isn't up yet because virt and them are doing all the programming themselves, and haven't finished it.
  10. I'd rather have him go back in time and bitch slap the idiot that decided to go with the cart format for the N64.
  11. About a week or so ago, I finally beat the Golmore Jungle's Elder Wyrm... and damn did it feel good. I tried so many times since I first mentioned that thing in here, and the closest I got was getting him down to about 2/5 of a bar of life before everything gave out. That spore attack is viscous. I actually gave up for a while. I figured "fuck this", and walked away from the game for probably a good month or so. I was just so tired of fighting that thing. Then about a week before I won, I got the hankering to give the game another whirl, and just started level grinding. Buying better weapons, spells and items out the wazoo. After a while (and about eight level ups), I decided to give the Elder Wyrm another go. Got my ass handed to me a few times, then decided to try something. As soon as the thing was getting ready to cast Spore, I started character switching. Fran (my main character) was the first to be moved away from the thing. Once she was far enough, I switched off her Gambits, and left her standing there casting Cure on herself. Then I switched to the next character (Vaan), and got him running away. By the time the spell was cast, only the one remaining character was hit, which left two to do the needed healing and whatnot. I lost Vaan twice during the battle, but managed to bring him back both times so that all three characters got the experience at the end. Yeah, yeah... every says this boss was sooooo easy. Well, it wasn't for me. FFXII is a a bit of a different RPG for an old schooler like me, and seeing that thing die felt damn good. Since then, I've been kicking some pretty righteous ass on the bosses I've encountered (I'm on the big Pharos tower, with the second boss beaten). As I said in the AIMMS thread, is sure feels good to see new territory.
  12. It's the 80s all over again!
  13. Yes, if you've only said "no" to something once, you can still come
  14. Have you tried running the "dxdiag"? Click on "start", then "Run", and type in "dxdiag". When it's done running, click the sound tab along the top, and move the "Hardware Sound Acceleration level" arrow down to "Basic Acceleration". Click "exit", and try running the game again. If you still have no sound, run the dxdiag again, turn off the hardware acceleration, and try playing again. Some games have a problem with hardware acceleration (like The I of the Dragon), and run better with this option turned down, or flat out off. It's worth a try.
  15. Not to sound like a jerk, but what does the Saturn have to do with the game's musical quality?
  16. Yeah. I don't know too much about Linux or dual booting, but that question makes no attempts at defining just what the hell it's asking.
  17. Have you ever watched Harvey Birdman? If you have, than you know why it is. If you haven't, Shut up. Maybe it's the two hours of Image Ready work messing with my head, but... ... someone wanna explain just what happened here? Sounds like EasyP is saying this game'll be better than PW, but Maco70 is flaming him by saying it'll be better than PW.
  18. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4911
  19. Somehow, I get an odd Yanni/Castlevania (recent ones) vibe listening to this.
  20. What responsibilities? It's not like they'd be touring the country in a bus with "OCRemix" on the side amidst constant live media coverage But seriously, to my un-podcast-initiated mind, their responsibilities would be pimping the show in a positive light, pimping the site and all its remixes in a positive light, and running the podcast (requests, interviews, play lists, setting up and arranging any needed mirrors/threads/downloads, etc). What other duties am I missing? To be perfectly honest, I think we've all learned from past events that not everyone who works for a given company or site is the best person to speak for all of it (or parts of it). Sometimes you have to step outside that so-called "circle of trust", and bring in a fresh perspective... someone who hasn't been in constant contact with everything OCR. And chances are, if someone's that interested in being a part of the OCR line up, they wouldn't have major issues with the site. After all, why do volunteer work for something you can't stand? Besides... it wouldn't be hard to set up a few simple rules... like, "Don't trash talk the site or its staff on the air", right? Anyway, that's my take on it. I can see where you're coming from Bahamut, and I understand the concerns behind your views. Hopefully my point comes across at least reasonably well.
  21. Actually, I believe that's not really the case. The person doing the podcast (be it official or unofficial) should have a good personality to make the show at least semi-interesting when they talk, have knowledge about the remixes/games that are being featured, and basically just know how to use the needed equipment. You don't need to be an OCR regular to have those traits. So whether they're new to the site, or a regular of several years, as long as they know what they're doing, saying, and don't come off as a bumbling dolt, I see no reason to hold community visibility over someone's head as long as they can prove their abilities Of course, since this guy's asking about doing an unofficial podcast, it's a bit irrelevant.
  22. Wow. I just saw bits of the videos this guy theoretically made between the shootings on Fox News. He was definitely fucked in the head, ranting and raving like a nut job to a camera he held. Couple that with the court ruling from 2005 calling him a danger to people around him, and now you have to wonder... why was this guy allowed to continue walking around free? Sounds like he needed to be in a rubber room a long time ago.
  23. That's why I like the one EB I go to. I know most of the people that work in that store, so I don't have to worry about getting all the discount/subscription bullshit dumped into my lap when I go there. They also know I basically hate strategy guides (can't anyone actually beat games these days without having their hand held all the way through them?), so... The other EB/Gamestop stores, and the one or two Gamecrazy stores that are somewhat close by, are just pits. Annoying employees, REALLY annoying managers, serious amounts of misinformation and wrong information, pissy attitudes... it's sad. The whole situation is bad enough with the hoops EB/Gamespot makes their employees jump through, but when the company hires people with poor attitudes, it's made worse. I wound up sharing words with a store manager a few weeks ago. The guy was acting like a complete tool to me, the employee working with him, and a mother shopping for a game for her daughter. He wandered off, and I wound up helping her. I went up to the counter to buy my magazine, the mother was next to me being helped by the other employee, and the kid was out of earshot playing with the 360 machine. So, leaned forward a little as I handed him my money, and asked him if he always acted like a complete fucknut to his customers, or if we were just the lucky ones today. The mother tried not to laugh in his face, but didn't quite make it. I know he may have been the product of all the crap his employer does, but that's still no excuse to be a prick... especially to a little kid. I know that makes me a dick too, but come on... telling a little girl to "get the hell away" when she tugged on his pant leg to ask him something?
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