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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. The loss of life in all this is tragic. But perhaps what makes it even more tragic, is why it happened. A spat with his girlfriend? Over thirty people died because this guy's love life might have hit a bump?
  2. I win towt twonite nda jot crunk! HEHAB!H! Or not. Thanks again guys
  3. Other than a quick comment on being baffled by Zeklan's post, all I got say is, thanks guys And don't worry, AD. To me, you'll always be the crabby old man who complains at random people as they pass him at the restaurant, store, or wherever he happens to be that day OH! And save me a seat at the home, Maha. I hear they're serving pudding tonight after Jeopardy.
  4. I doubt anyone will have an issue with their remix being played. A bit of publicity for OCR, and mentioning what game/remixer it's from and all that is nice too. So really, I see no reason for you not to be able to play them on your radio station. Just uh... grab a broad selection, and not just large groups from the "popular" games. The lesser played games and such need lovin' too
  5. Off the top of my head... Street Fighter II Street Fighter II: Champion Edition Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting Super Street Fighter II Super Street Fighter II Turbo Super Street Fighter II X for Matching Service Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix And that doesn't even get into all the ports of a number of these entries.
  6. Betrayal At Krondor Back in 1993, when D&D games appeared frequently on the old IBM computers, this game was released. A number of years later, Sierra On-Line, Inc. released the game was freeware to promote its sequel. Despite the praise for it, it kind of got buried and forgotten by the consumers back in the day. But, I figured I'd dig it up for this thread. So if you still like those old school D&D games, and feel like playing one that's got a lot to offer, here ya go. Note: You'll need DOSBox to play it.
  7. I'm sorry, but I just can't get excited about this. I've played SSF2T to the point of being damn near tired of it. Couple that with the fact that this 13 year old game has been ported over and over again, and it's feeling a lot like rehash city. Sure, it's a neat idea, and God knows it's about time Capcom gave it a whirl... but why not do it to something that hasn't already been re-re-re-re-re-re-re-released? Better still, why not put all that effort into something new... like Darkstalkers 4?
  8. If it has a forum you can post on, it can crash there. It doesn't matter which site it is. I've had it happen here, on Gerbilfat, .org, Remod, the Super Mario 64 project site, and several other sites I visit.
  9. I personally only use No Script and Adblock Plus (both up to date).
  10. There is no error message. When you hit "Enter" while typing in your forum message, you get a box that pops up telling you that FireFox has to close (you know, the whole "Send/Don't Send" deal). Then you have to restart FireFox. This has been happening to me ever since the upgrade, and it's getting really old.
  11. Wait... you mean that's not how it's supposed to be done in reality?
  12. So which one's Australia using... This one, or this one? I like the "Fear" icon in the second group myself
  13. There's the "first" new song for those who haven't heard it.
  14. What's so difficult about using "A-O" and "M"? I know America isn't the be all-end all for everything, but we do have one of the most concise and descriptive ratings systems for video games. It can't possibly be that hard to understand "E-C", "E", "E 10+", "T", "M" and "A-O" for games. Each one's pretty clearly defined, and each one has a myriad of extra descriptors to add for more info. Why do other countries feel the need to muck this concept up by over-simplifying it to the point of the system not working well anymore?
  15. And I have a lovely bunch of coconuts. So how did StarFox Command turn out? I heard a lot of rough things about it, most of which stemmed from the stylus usage.
  16. The old UnMod saying "They always come back" applies to the site itself too... even if it is just its chatroom
  17. OCR In Ten Years... Coop sits quietly by the fire, watching the small flames dance over the slowly charring logs. The short-lived waves of warmth that come from it do little to ward off the chill that's sunk deep into his bones, and the rain beating against the window nearby gives him no moment of peace to collect his thoughts. As he tries to make sense of things, what comes next is inevitable. A hurried banging pulls his gaze from the fire, and Coop stares hard at the handle of the front door. A moment later, a voice shouts "Open the door, Coop! We know you're here!" from behind it, as its metal knob begins to rattle. He should say something... but what? "No one's home", or maybe "I'm on the crapper"? Would it make a difference what it was? Probably not, since they wouldn't hear it over the banging. Coop just looks back into the fire, and decides it's not worth it. He knows there'll be a lot of talking shortly. May as well save his voice. The door bursts in, and the room fills with police officers... guns drawn, and pointing straight at the back of his head. "DON'T MOVE!" and "STAY WHERE YOU ARE ASSHOLE!" ring out in a dozen different voices. But they eventually grow silent, and a set of nearly heavy footsteps start to get closer. "Not doing much to hide yourself, huh?" comes a raspy voice. "Not really, no," the Coop says calmly. Footsteps come around, and a detective comes into view. He picks up the poker, and starts prodding the logs in the fireplace. Looking back at Coop from under his weathered brow, "You'd probably feel a lot warmer if you kept this going better." "I doubt it," Coop grins. The detective looks back at the fire. "Yeah, I do to." After a few moments, he stands up and shakes the rain from his overcoat. "So," he says, wiping off his sleeves, "are you up for a little talk?" Coop looks up at him. "About what?" "Oh, just this and that," the man says passingly, as he steps away from the fireplace. Leaning back against the wall along side it, "You wouldn't know anything about a website called... um... hang on a sec." He slowly rummages around in one of the liner pockets of his overcoat. "Let's see..." he mumbles, pulling out a piece of paper. "Oh yeah. OverClocked Remix?" Coop nods a little. "A bit, yeah. I used to post there a lot." "Really?" the man says. "Well, then maybe you can help me out. See, the guy running the place, named 'djp', was nearly killed a week ago." "That so?" "Yep," the man nods. "Seems someone came to his house with backhoe, and started tearing into it. The thing is, they were tearing into where his bedroom was." "Wow," Coop says in an even tone. "Some serious business." "Tell me about it. Whoever was driving that thing was doing a lot of shouting too. Things like, 'First UnMod, then Off Topic, and now Other Stuff?', and 'See how you like loosing part of your home!'." Coop raises his eyebrows. "Sounds like a real nutjob." "More than likely, yeah. You uh... you got any ideas who the person driving that backhoe was?" "No. No I don't," Coop says, shaking his head. "I do know that there were a lot of people who got pretty pissed off about the shenanigans there. Could have been any number of them." The man scratches his head. "This is true. But uh... yours was the only old account still active on that site. According to djp, you were the only remaining older poster who was there for the deletion of all three forums this backhoe driver named. He says you were stilling posting when Other Stuff got the axe... up until a week ago. You haven't posted since the backhoe attack." "My Internet service was shut off a week ago. Seems my provider went under, and I'm still trying to find one that doesn't overcharge me." "Really?" "Really," Coop nods. "Interesting. I'll have to check that out. But uh... in the mean time, try not to make yourself scarce, huh?" "I'll be right here." "Good. Good." After a few moments, "You know, it's a shame he decided to shut down the site. Looking some stuff up, it seemed to have a lot going for it. Was pretty popular from what I read." "It was a fun place, once," Coop says calmly. "But with dozens of restructurings after merging with VGMix, banning everyone who didn't have a remix on the site, and that whole "pay to post" debacle... well, the fun fades when the things people like start getting pulled out from under them. There was always talk about building a stronger community, but it's kind of hard to build a community when you keep splitting it, ya know? Guess someone got tired of it." The man stands there for a bit longer, then turns and starts for the busted in front door. "Well, I'll be in touch." Then to the police in the room, "C'mon guys." Just as the detective reaches the door, "Oh, and detective?" Coop calls back. "Yeah?" the man says, looking back over his shoulder. "If you find the one who did this, be sure to tell them, 'It's just a forum'." The man nods, and leaves the way he came in. The last cop out attempts to prop up the mangled door, but gives up after a few tries. The sound of engines roaring to life drift in over the steady rain. They eventually slowly fade, and Coop is left alone, staring coldly into the dying fire again. Picking up the poker, Coop nudges one of the logs, sending a shower of sparks onto the fireplace floor. "Serious business, indeed."
  18. Gradius V Gradius III&IV R-Type Final Dragon Quest VIII Final Fantasy XII Soul Calibur III WipeOut Fusion Alien Hominid Ace Combat 5 Guilty Gear X2 Metal Slug Anthology Silpheed: The Lost Planet * Onimusha Onimusha 2 Onimusha 3 Contra: Shattered Soldier * MegaMan Anniversary Collection * Capcom Classics Collection * Capcom Classics Collection 2 * Midway Arcade Treasures * Midway Arcade Treasures 2 *= Get the XBox version if you have the option.
  19. Megadeth. Where I listen to some of Metallica's albums (I own all but "St. Anger"... I just can't bring myself to buy that album), I generally listen to all of Megadeth's (even the much hated by many fans "Risk").
  20. There have been a number of games over the years that have had bare breasts. I think it has to do with what happens with the nudity (i.e. fucking), rather than just nudity itself. Besides... isn't God of War supposed to have bare breasted women? I know in Painkiller, there's a nip slip or two with Eve in the cinemas.
  21. Why so far off? I thought you'd already worked out the last of the kinks in your kidnapping plan.
  22. You can play the bad guy if you want to, but I'd wager there are a good number of other folks up for the part Although... you could play a character named Joey Suzu, just to see if anyone gets the reference
  23. Possible theme song (put to the "Facts of Life" theme)... You take the good you take the bad you take them both and there ya have UnMod Forum UnMod Forum There's a lot of things to do and read. Like booby threads and get goatse'd. UnMod Forum UnMod Forum When the foooooorum gets insaaane, try noooot to leeeet it go to your brain. If you don't like what it's about, then go elsewhere to cry and pout boooooooo hooooo-oooo-oo-oo-ooooooo! Whether it's Nice Work or Bagel's rod, that's the way it is in UnMoood... (way it is in UnMooood) way it is in UnMoood... (way it is in UnMooood) way it is in UnMoooooooooooood!
  24. I know I'll get flamed and insulted for this, but... I was pretty disappointed by that Castlevania medley. The guy has some skill to be sure, but the slipped notes, timing issues, odd pauses as he seemed to be looking for keys/foot pedals... it just wrecked the performance. Either he needed more time to learn the medley, or they should have hired someone with more skill to play it. Couple that with the lack of emotion in his playing, and it was just a let down. I'm sorry, but the concept of playing the famous Castlevania tunes on a huge, century old pipe organ deserves a better outcome. Edit: It may be that it was the way the medley was written that was the cause of issues I had with the piece. It may not have been written as cleanly as it could have been for an actual pipe organ performance, resulting in the problems I heard and saw. If that's the case, then kudos to the guy for trying to make it work. But even so, I still think that medley could have been played better.
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