A long overdue bump.
After finding a nifty little clearance sale at a local Target, I picked up a copy of Wolfenstein for the PC. I know, the game got mixed reviews, but for $4.95, and being a fan of the previous games, I couldn't pass it up.
So I'm playing through and get to the end. What do I find? A familiar face from RtCW, and a big mother fucker all decked out in some serious hardware... and he wants to play.
The first phase of the battle involves getting through his shields and doing enough damage to him. As you do this, there are large rotating pillars that are your only cover from his gunfire, and of course, are the only sources to recharge your medallion from. Add to this that he blows some of them up, reducing your amount of cover, and yeah, there's a lot of running, hiding (or at least trying to) and firing.
After what seemed like a stupid amount of damage, and a pretty cool explosion, you enter phase two. With what you were standing on in tatters, it becomes a game of hide of seek. The boss is able to time shift and run quickly all over the place, resulting in only brief moments of being able to hurt him. And when you hurt him enough, he leaps into the air and begins raining little rockets down on you. When you finally get him hurt enough, the third phase begins.
Once you fall a long way to a small encampment, you have to run up a long path. All the while, the boss continually fires rockets at you from above as those freakish little experiments that run on all fours come at you. When (if?) you make it to the top, you finally get a little break with another game of hide and seek that's a little easier than the first one.
Perhaps I just had the wrong weapon upgrades, perhaps I just suck. Either way, that was a long, tough battle with a lot of deaths and restarts.