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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. That means you have the Windows version of the game, or you're trying to run the game using the Windows executable. Try other ".exe" files in the game's folder and see if they do the trick (may also be ".com" files or ".bat" files). If all of them say something about needing Windows, then you'll need to find the DOS version of the game (if there is one).
  2. Genetos A little freeware shmup. In essence, you battle your way through the various eras of the shmup world, starting at Space Invaders and going up to... well, you'll see if you get to the end. It's pretty quick (about 15-20 minutes), but it's very creative and fun.
  3. I think you cost yourself some of that dignity with this insultive rant, my friend. Now, I'd like to think you know me well enough that you know I'm a fanboy of very few things. I prefer to take things on an individual basis with games within a franchise, rather than say "A isn't like B so A sucks." As proof, I still listen to "Risk" by Megadeth... perhaps their most hated album. Might not be a rockin' metal album, but it's still an enjoyable listen to me (Megadeth lite?). It's on that note that I say something just feels... off, with Sonic 4. I wish I could say what, but I've only gotten to play a demo of the game (no 360, Wii or PS3 here). As such, I can't really pin it down myself without more play time. Granted, the physics are odd (stopping dead in mid air?), but hey, the physics took some getting used to with Sonic Adventure and Sonic Advance, so I can get around that. I'm hoping Steam will get a hold of this so I can play through it. My curiosity is piqued, and if it's $9.99 or something similar, I'd likely go for it based off of that demo. Also, keep in mind, that my comments were addressing statements you made, and weren't any Sonic fanboyisms coming to the surface. And for the record, I had fun with Sonic Unleashed (PS2). It wasn't perfect, but it was far more playable than Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Heroes in my opinion.
  4. I made a remix from that game a couple years back... http://thecoop.110mb.com/music/The_Coop_-_Arcus_Odyssey_-_A_Few_More_Miles_To_Go.zip
  5. Darius- "Captain Neo"... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EoD5D4pfgo ... followed shortly thereafter by Darius- "Cosmic Airway" as I got farther into the game... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6dyfmA3ssk
  6. Any thoughts? Yes? No? GTFO? Also, I'll be doing either a "Shop"/"Castle" combo, or "Megido" from Phantasy Star III (I'm leaning toward "Megido").
  7. There's a problem with that statement. Namely, if physics are created, then they can also be tweaked and adjusted. Animations can be made to play faster, hang time in the air can be shortened, and many changes can be done to more closely resemble what people are talking about when it comes to the original Genesis games' "feel." It's then up to the programmers to make those changes. If they don't, then they were either going for a different feel, were pressed for time, or they were just too damn lazy to do it. Which one the programmers of Sonic 4 fall under is anyone's guess. In other words, it's very, very possible. It's simply a matter of having the time/will to do it.
  8. I don't think a matter of the far is hearken too much with timing passages.
  9. A long overdue bump. After finding a nifty little clearance sale at a local Target, I picked up a copy of Wolfenstein for the PC. I know, the game got mixed reviews, but for $4.95, and being a fan of the previous games, I couldn't pass it up. So I'm playing through and get to the end. What do I find? A familiar face from RtCW, and a big mother fucker all decked out in some serious hardware... and he wants to play. The first phase of the battle involves getting through his shields and doing enough damage to him. As you do this, there are large rotating pillars that are your only cover from his gunfire, and of course, are the only sources to recharge your medallion from. Add to this that he blows some of them up, reducing your amount of cover, and yeah, there's a lot of running, hiding (or at least trying to) and firing. After what seemed like a stupid amount of damage, and a pretty cool explosion, you enter phase two. With what you were standing on in tatters, it becomes a game of hide of seek. The boss is able to time shift and run quickly all over the place, resulting in only brief moments of being able to hurt him. And when you hurt him enough, he leaps into the air and begins raining little rockets down on you. When you finally get him hurt enough, the third phase begins. Once you fall a long way to a small encampment, you have to run up a long path. All the while, the boss continually fires rockets at you from above as those freakish little experiments that run on all fours come at you. When (if?) you make it to the top, you finally get a little break with another game of hide and seek that's a little easier than the first one. Perhaps I just had the wrong weapon upgrades, perhaps I just suck. Either way, that was a long, tough battle with a lot of deaths and restarts.
  10. Perhaps, but those don't count And while the voice samples aren't quite as good in EJ1 on the Genesis, I've always felt the music is every bit as good, if not better, because it fits more with the Genesis synth sound than the SNES sample sound. EJ2 on the other hand, is the opposite to me. And just for shits and giggles... vs. vs. vs.
  11. Does make me wonder how people can call the tunes in the likes of , , , Batman, , and God only knows how many others shitty music just because it doesn't have "OMG REELISTICAL SAMPLES!!!shiftplusone".
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