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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. This is true, but it's still a prickish thing to adhere to... especially when you're talking 24-48 hours between purchase and sale pricing.
  2. I'd blame their "no refund if it goes on sale right after you buy it" dickery, rather than a lack of patience.
  3. I'm going to go on a voyage to Jupiter on board a Russian spaceship called the Leonov. I'll have to sleep all the way there, but once I arrive, I can finally begin to try and find out what happened on the Discovery.
  4. "What in the bloody blue fist fuck of death are you looking at?" "Leave the sand in your vagina at the door, please." "I 1CCed your mom last night because she was too easy." "Do you smell that?" --- "The next time you have a thought, just let it go." "Your opinions of late have been ridiculous." "Jesus loves you, but I think you're a cunt."
  5. And so begins the year we make contact.
  6. Because most of us had shut that horrid game's existence out of our memories.
  7. Thanks for making a thread about it. What? Someone had to say it Anyway, best of luck to you with whatever time killers you delve into next, zircon.
  8. Hell, I remember the "Draw me as a furry" thread where people submitted photos for others to turn into anthro characters. I know I did at least one (Eden if I recall her name correctly).
  9. Saboteur No quickie this time, and I think Wingless will get a special fuzzy feeling from it
  10. Having now beaten the first game in the trilogy, and knowing how beaten and battered this game was in reviews, I get the feeling The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning's soundtrack didn't get as much love as it should have. There are some really beautiful orchestral/synth orchestral pieces in it, a few of which would fit right into a Tim Burton film like "Sleepy Hollow"... Credits theme (it's the only version I could find on YouTube, and the last ten seconds are missing for some reason)There are also dramatic, battle-esque themes, but those are two that stood out to me as I played it.
  11. Wouldn't that be more along the lines of "OverCocked Remix" appearing somewhere?
  12. I already put this in the Off Topic thread, but... I get the feeling, the folks and friends got together and made themselves a little plan, as there was a distinct theme running through most of the things I received this year. As some of you know, I've gotten back into writing rather heavily the last few months. The people who bought my presents also know this, and they know that in two of the stories I've been working on (one short, one quite long), both have a main character I've been developing for some time that's a... well, see if you can guess... Gave: Shirts, movies, nice pants, earrings. Got: Dragon Age: Origins (PC), The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning (PS2), The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night (PS2), The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon (PS2), "The Book of the Dragon" by H. G. Ciruelo Cabral (holy shit... the illustrations... *drool*). And just for something different, Pink Floyd's "The Wall". Oh yes, someone was planning. And what wonderful planning it was
  13. The dickheads put it on an even bigger sale barely 48 hours after I bought it
  14. Neither have I. It makes no sense whatsoever, and that's part of what's driving me nuts about it. But, thanks for the link to SP3. No idea why MS' site's down (or at least, inaccessible on my end).
  15. So here's my little problem. After having to do a complete destructive restore on my PC thanks to things going absolutely bat shit crazy in it, I'm left with a strange issue. I have a number of blank DVD+R discs that I want to use. They're Memorex, and they worked fine up until this problem. That problem? Whenever I put one of them into my DVD drive to burn it, the drive changes from "DVD-RW Drive" to "CD Drive". Early this morning, before this all happened, I burned two blank DVD+Rs. They completed with no verification errors. Now, when I put those two DVD+Rs into the drive, nothing comes up. It goes from "DVD-RW Drive" to "CD Drive", and acts like the discs are empty. But if I pop them in Nero, that program shows that the files are indeed on the disc. Anyone know what the hell's going on? It just started happening out of the blue. Older burned DVD+Rs from a month or so ago are still coming up normally, and I can still pop in movies and games and have them be read by the drive just fine. But this bizarre problem is really starting to get on my nerves. Some handy info... XP Home SP2 Lite-On SOHW 1693S (up to date firmware) Nero 6 Oh, and on a more minor note, can anyone access Microsoft's website? I need SP3 for XP, but everything results in a "Server Not Found" error.
  16. I splurged and got Torchlight and Serious Sam HD (I got tired of waiting for a physical disc release). SSHD is as expected, fun with ridiculous amounts of shit to shoot. Some of the textures don't look HD (they look like the original textures blown up... they're rather fuzzy), but the game itself plays like I remember with the original game. Torchlight is just pure Diablo goodness (sans the brand name). I now know why people have been speaking well of the game. Love the pet addition.
  17. 'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the site, posters sat quiet in their monitor's light. Time was almost up. The big day was near. And posters waited to get their new gear. Games, books, and movies were sure to be had. Some will be quite grand. Others will be bad. Clothing of course is sure to be there to. Probably underwear, but what can you do? Trinkets and bobbles and some bricabrac. And surely some stuff that we'll take right back. As fun as that is it pales in contrast, to spending time with people from our past. Friends that we enjoy, and loved family. We'll talk, smile and laugh by a Christmas tree. And when the night ends, we'll be of good cheer. Some cuz they're happy... some cuz of the beer. But either way spirits will be running high, as we all wait for that jolly fat guy. So to OCR I raise up my glass. Happy Hanukkah, and Merry Christmas. I hope you all have a wonderful night. And that Christmas day for you will be bright.
  18. For me, it was the Sony and Nintendo fanboys (especially the "Big N" around these parts) that were the most vocal. Dear God... if you said one disparaging thing against a Nintendo system, they'd come out of the wood work to jump up your ass about it. It's like a big "N" was flashed in the sky ala Batman-like spotlight, to call them together
  19. Great job everyone. Thanks for doing this yet again Dyne, and a hearty "Nice Work" to everyone for their music tracks For those curious, here's the song I remixed... http://two.xthost.info/thecoop/Necromancer_Title.zip It's from an Atari XEGS game called Necromancer. I know not many people here owned the system, let alone heard music from it, so I thought I'd post the original tune just for reference.
  20. What you just said basically applies to the fanboys and fanatics of each company/system though. It's not like XBox owners had the market cornered when it came to being over sensitive, maniacal nut cases when someone said a bad thing about their beloved system.
  21. Oh I know it hasn't. But it's not nearly as prevalent as it once was back when the XSux, Lamecube and PoS2 were up against each other. ... Dear God I can't believe I still remember those system name manipulations By the way Toadofsky. I wasn't implying that you had been a Halo-bashing fanboy who was getting his comeuppance or anything. I was only saying what your post reminded me of from that time period. Nothing more
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