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Sam Ascher-Weiss

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Everything posted by Sam Ascher-Weiss

  1. This community helped me meet one of my very best friends and I will always be grateful to Larry Oji!
  2. Well... it's 13 years later but, I think it's worth a bump... somehow this thread through a series of chain reactions ended up getting the song to be briefly featured in a summoning salt video at exactly 13:37 timestamp:
  3. First story video set in the fictional cybersoccer universe that ties together several of my albums, including an announcement at the end:
  4. I made this video in anticipation of this song one day being posted, in case anybody was curious where the title of the remix comes from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQS2_Mt6_Lc
  5. well for anybody who missed it, I decided to go ahead and upload the full stream, I think I'll do that every night, it's easier than making a bunch of highlights, I used annotations with timestamps [also a comment with timestamps] to make it convenient to skip to all the real jam portions: Hope to see some more of you there tonight, 7PM EST!! http://www.hitbox.tv/shnabubula So eino if you happen to wake up briefly then just stop in and say hi ha, I'm sorry that the time might be inconvenient, at the moment, this is the earliest I can manage to do on a consistent basis!
  6. Hope this is okay to post about here, I apologize if I'm overstepping. Last week I came on stream almost every night and had fun messing around, jamming various vgm tunes as well as free form improvisations using different layering techniques and other stuff, it was so much fun that, seperate from the more formal "performance" streams I've done, I'd like to make this a regular thing, so to start, I'm gonna be trying at the very least for this week, but if it goes well, we can continue this indefinitely, an hour long jam stream, every night at 7PM EST @ http://www.hitbox.tv/shnabubula I know there are rules about posting videos in gendisc, so I do this with caution, I just want to show an example or two of the kinds of thing you can expect on the streams however, I'd be okay if these videos are MOD-edited out of this post, so long as the stream link itself can remain. Those are examples of some vgm synthesizer jams, and here's an example of some alternate kind of just fun improvising, this was actually done live, on the stream I recorded both layers, in this video I just merged them together visually, so on stream those viewing saw it put together in two stages but it sounded just like this, only without the ghost shnabubula [mario kart time trial reference] i apologize again if it's not okay to post this here. Having been a long time community member and contributor I hoped it wouldn't be overstepping bounds, but if it is I completely understand. I'm just excited about this project and what to give as many people an opportunity to come in and hang out/be a part of it as possible. Already a lot of community members have stopped by to show their support, and it means a tremendous amount to me when I see an old familiar OCR username show up in the chat.
  7. This will have to be discussed with the game director, as of yet I only have permission to release them in this format, as far as an official soundtrack album through bandcamp or something, that is possible, but not yet worked out. I'll definitely be pushing for something of that nature and I will give an update if we're able to move forward with that. Also, thanks a million for the support Shariq, really glad you enjoyed piano+violin versions!
  8. I wrote an entire snes-style soundtrack with my own custom built sound-set a couple of years ago, for a game that at the time very closely resembed a real 16 bit JRPG. The game has since changed direction enough that this music will no longer be the best fit, but I just recently got permission to release that version of the soundtrack. I've been doing it 1 song at a time through my soundcloud. 18 are up now and more are coming soon. I think you guys will enjoy these. The square and enix OSTs from the 90s snes era are SUCH a hugely formative and inspirational thing to me, so getting to attempt this was a very powerful emotional experience and I'm really glad I got to do it.
  9. So beautiful. Alex has gotten just ridiculously good.
  10. Just commenting so that the review thread will show up next to the remix who inspired this one's title, we had assumed they would be posted in the opposite order!
  11. give me "the castle" thank you
  12. I can confirm this album is more than worth the price. Every single track is something special. Not to be missed!
  13. hey, it's a very easy fix, don't worry, I've done it for many soundsets since then, those were the early days when we didn't know what we were doing, add me on skype as "shnabubula" I use that for IM chat, best way to directly communicate.
  14. If you can, please add to the OP that I stream every sunday piano performance at 4PM Eastern US time, been doing it every sunday at that time for the past 2 months, no plan on stopping so might as well put it there officially.
  15. Yo Paul, this is really cool man, especially on a compositional level. Yours is probably the best use of secret of mana sounds I've heard outside the original soundtrack. I think your work here would be greatly and enhanced by a more accurate use of the sounds on a technical level themselves. Unfortunately the only secret of mana "soundfont" available, currently, and what you were using, was made back in the early days of snes sampling by blitz lunar, when openspc was the only option. Changing from 32khz to 41.1khz back then when exporting the samples from modules often would cause the looped portion of the samples to be out of tune with the attacks, as is especially the case with the first ripped secret of mana set and is pretty audible in your song, this is totally not your fault and would be easily fixable by just replacing with the correct samples. Also, squaresoft games in particular, had a very specific kind of filtered delay that again is very simple to replicate with the right settings, if you'd like I'd love to help convert your song to sound even more accurate, not just for like nitpicky anal reasons but I think it will sound even better that way as the writing itself, the compositional work you did on the track is really really neat and I just want it to shine even more. You mentioned doing evemore, not sure if you found this in your searches but, a couple years ago, I did a song with half sounds from secret of evermore, half from secret of mana, and it switches back and forth then combines. I actually used lunar's improperly ripped mana sounds for it at the time, I just avoided using samples with detuned loops as there was not yet a good way to fix it like there is now, though the DSP is a pretty accurate emulation of the original (only used during the secret of mana portions) and that helps give the sounds that special squaresoft ethereal ambiance. You can here that one here (secret of mana sounds start at 0:45): https://soundcloud.com/shnabubula/evermore-densetsu-secret-of-mana-and-evermore-instruments
  16. https://shnabubula.bandcamp.com/album/vgmcast-vol-5 Alright, The Longest one so far, I felt really good about these performances today, here's the tracklist for Vol. 5: 1. Super Mario Kart - Credits 03:45 2. Carl Åborg - Dreamplay 06:24 3. Donkey Kong 64 - K.Rool Battle 07:08 4. Atelier Escha & Logy - A Road Full of Unknown 04:59 5. LaTale - Bifrost 05:17 6. Treasure Master - Worlds 3 & 5 [Microchip] 06:36 7. The Secret Garden - First Time Outside 04:04 8. Borne in Blood - Airborne Assault 04:46 9. Live-A-Live - Demon King's Prelude 04:59 10. Shining Force Gaiden Final Conflict - Frontline 06:19 11. Shenmue - Sedge Tree 05:43 12. Rustie - Hover Traps 04:20 13. Tigran Hamasyan - Song for Melan and Rafik 09:12
  17. https://shnabubula.bandcamp.com/album/vgmcast-vol-3 I'm really happy with how this one came out, definitely my favorite so far. Tracklist is as follows: 1. Sonic 3D - Green Grove Zone Act 1 05:01 2. Birdy the Mighty - Side Tsutomu 05:36 3. Igorrr - Infinite Loop 04:51 4. Undefined Fantastic Object - Nazrin's Theme 04:00 5. Panzer Dragoon Saga - Mutation 04:42 6. Dragon's Dogma - Imminent Triumph 05:34 7. Jane Child - Don't Wanna Fall in Love 04:14 8. Disasterpeace - Three 08:15 9. Dragon Quest VII - Memories of a Lost World 05:37 10. Threads of Fate - Rasdan 06:20 11. SubPixel - Outage with Candles 07:13 12. Bluesology 05:16
  18. https://shnabubula.bandcamp.com/album/vgmcast-mini 1. Welcome 2. Starsky and Hutch - Track 10 3. Ragnarok Online - Hybridism - Higher than the Sun 4. Chrono Trigger - Boss Battle 1 5. Secret of Evermore - Freak Show 6. Pokemon Black & White 2 - Colress Battle 7. Outro/Finale 06:47 Last Friday I was unable to complete the normal 8 hour stream due to some unavoidable life circumstances. Everybody was really understanding and supportive and I wanted to make sure the 3 people who got requests in during the brief Friday stream would get to hear their songs performed, so I did a make up stream the following Wednesday, picked 2 songs my self to round out the set and improvised an intro and outro. I really enjoyed this format as it gave me a chance to embellish each of the individual songs a bit more and it's something I might do in the future on occasion for contrast with the typical sunday 10+ song set. You can see the full performance video here: www.hitbox.tv/video/542117/description
  19. Volume 2 is up: https://shnabubula.bandcamp.com/album/vgmcast-vol-2
  20. https://shnabubula.bandcamp.com/album/vgmcast-vol-1 Isolated Warrior - Ending Jaga Jazzist - One Armed Bandit Link's Awakening - Tall Tall Heights Project Diva F - Negaposi Continues Nier Geshtalt - Wretched Automatons Super Mario RPG - Beware the Forest Mushrooms Bloody Roar 3 - Mystery Relics E.V.O. - Birthplace of all Life Gimmick! - World Map and Good Weather FFXIII - Dust to Dust Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky - Crystal Cave Silver Surfer - Stage 2 FalseSTOP! - Mellow Caverns Fantastic Star-Friend - ...I can come with you?! All of the songs here were performed live on stream atwww.hitbox.tv/shnabubula, you can watch the full performance here:www.youtube.com/watch?v=25ubGHRTrK0 These 14 Songs were all requested 2 days before on the regular weekly stream held every Friday from 12 PM to 8:30 PM EST (GMT -5). Part of the fun is learning all this material for the first time in front of a live audience watching me struggle and occasionally triumph, one tiny 5 second long portion of the "Bloody Roar 3" song took me more than a half hour to be able to play with any kind of consistency, but it all paid off in the end that Sunday. A good friend, Tadd Nuznov a.k.a. Rushjet1 (rushjet1.bandcamp.com) managed to save FLACs of each of the individual songs played and since I hadn't expected them to come out so well, I didn't properly prepare. In the future, all Sunday streams will be recorded via direct audio to my computer, unfortunately, since that was not the case this time, the audio is not as good quality as I would have liked, but it's pretty good and definitely better here than on either the hitbox or youtube versions. Anyway, I'm very happy with my playing on these recordings and I hope you all enjoy. Special Thanks to everybody who made it to either stream, can't wait to see you all again on Friday/Sunday coming up.
  21. That clip is from the Christian Mcbride album "Sci Fi" specifically a cover of the Steely Dan song 'Aja'. And yes, that is the same David Gilmour from Pink Floyd. EDIT: I think it may in fact be a different person with a phonetically identical name, as more often the guitarist on that track is credited as "David Gilmore" different spelling. I think any instance where it was listed as Gilmour was just somebody making an incorrect assumption that Gilmore had been mispelled.
  22. Here you go master: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65716957/David%20Gilmour%20Solo.mp3
  23. Thanks for putting me on the list in the OP. When you get a chance, I'd much rather be listed by my artist name instead of my OCR forum user name.
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