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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Eh I coulda taken em on warp out+repair+warp back in=no prob but of course I have no repair mods on my ship, haha
  2. Of course we're cheapskates. A new game is $40-60! That adds up, dude. Plus we won't even know if we like it unless we rented it, which is another $5 right there. Anyway, Dhsu, you underestimate a consumer's hunt for a bargain. I dunno how many times a day I have to put up with people going YOU HAVE SALE TODAY? WHEN SENIOR DISCOUN? YOU HAVE DISCOUN FOR ITEM? TOO ESPENSIVE! UGH I think some people in here re: used games have gaming set to a higher standard or something, but seriously, it's a product just like anything else, consumers have the RIGHT to buy, resell, and trade the item they bought and now own.
  3. just the way I like it! need tags tho plz jesus goddam
  4. Sloopy, uhhh

    What does the site look like? Please tell me there's not a news post from July 2008 on the front page... If so we're STILL having a really crazy issue with the site - don't worry, I think if you wait a while [like a day] it just goes back to normal.

  5. wait what what do you think we're ReMixing? Also I pretty much have to post this:
  6. Pirating != Copyright infringement. I don't think anyone here illegally cracks software then charges people for copies of it in some shady alley in downtown Chinatown. ...DO they? Here's the thing about used games: You pay for used games because that pays for the "manpower" involved in receiving the used game, inventorying it, stocking the shelves with it, and then paying the guy over the counter $7-8 an hour to look after it and sell it. Real simple. How is this unethical? It's only unethical if they're charging almost as much as it cost originally [see: EBGames, Gamestop]. Also, IIRC the way it works is that the game company isn't making money off of that specific purchase you're making. When you run your credit card through, the money isn't wired immediately to Japan to be distributed by Hideo Kojima. They already got the money from the store that stocked their shelves full of their game, the store just needs to sell their shit and make a profit. Same with anything you buy in a store.
  7. Maybe it's because we are no longer teenagers and now just hate stupid teenagers therefore we are annoyed by spiderman.
  8. Sounds like a job for morally-justified copyright infringement. Have you checked your favourite torrent site lately?
  9. Marvel was dead to me a long time ago. Well, not really, I just tend to prefer DC, specifically the Vertigo line but I'll venture into the superhero stuff every now and then ["Harley and Ivy" was fantastic]. I also remember liking Rex Mundi [from Image] but I need to really catch up on that. I think I stopped reading it 'cause they kept getting new artists. One would go rogue or get fired or something and they ended up with a really bad one. Also lol@spiderman not making sense. Dude he got bit by a spider and suddenly shoots sticky shit out of his wrists.
  10. hahaha made the song before I grew ears it's not too bad but man, crazy metallic resonance
  11. You know what I just realized? no one did Mystic Forest FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU- I probably should've been paying attention. I would've done it. Hell, I already did for VGMix 2, but the quality is a bit lacking. I could've just remade that.
  12. Hey Kyle also update my site link I haven't used neutronstar in years soundtempest.net/soc/ por favor
  13. Jesus Christ 5 hours of music what in the goddam hell
  14. yo dawg just a heads up 404s on these 4 things under "downloads" BT-SoS-Soraya-AutumnSpiritsWhisper(ForestofTheTreant)-WIP.mp3 BT-SoS-Soraya-SilencetheMemories(RaisingACurtain)-WIP.mp3 BT-SoS-akumajobelmont-MyWayWithYou(Arche)-WIP.mp3 SoS-Joker-ColdMemoryAlternateVersion(Freeze).mp3 Glad to be a part of something complete for once.
  15. Well, combat, at least PVP, is mostly about gaining or defending your ground in whatever corp you're in. If you wanna make things even more interesting, you could play as a soldier for hire, or a pirate, and make big bucks off that Yeah, I could be piloting a Caracal soon. Hell, I HAVE the ship I just can't pilot it yet. My main playing buddy though, insists that I should train Minmatar Frigate skills and he'll get me a Rifter, assuring me that it is a fun ship. He flies his around sometimes and it does look kinda fun >_>
  16. Sooooooooo I was in my first fleet battle in 0.0 space today. I died. But then, so did most of our 20 person fleet. Haha. I had the worst ship in the whole battle. But it's my kestrel and I love my kestrel <3. This is my 3rd one
  17. I took a shitty webcam pic of my updated mixer. This is what it's been like since I've gotten it fully configured. I also docked my Zaku II Custom onto it for even more awesome:
  18. I don't get this big fuss over 64 bit. 32 suits me fine You guys just aren't economical at all!
  19. OR SHOULD I SAY LIONTAMER oh and pixietricks too I guess hi pixietricks
  20. IN MY OPINION, Reaper would be a fine choice as it shares a common interface with a few other things. FL Studio is just... a mess. It's capable enough but there's a lot of things it'll do for you that you don't want it to do, and vice versa. Try it out of course, I mean I used it for 5 or 6 years and it's not THAT bad, it's just that I switched to Renoise which is so much better i am a tracker elitist fyi, you won't see a lot of that here since everyone uses FL or Reason.
  21. No it really is £2 look at the site then look at your credit card
  22. Xen was awesome Well, I'll concede that it wasn't the best part of the game, but the whole setting overall was absolutely stunning. Especially in 1998. I had never seen anything look this good, ever. And the low grav was fun Dear lord, no. Play the original first. BM:Source isn't due for a while now anyway, plus you can finish HL1 in like 3 hours. If you want super hax check out "Half Life in Half an hour"
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