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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Am I the only one that still plays his old gameboy color? I am actually playing Oracle of Seasons right now, lol
  2. Well, I got my stuff on ansiform. You're not gonna get paid or recognized for anything though because it's a free and anonymous [!] netlabel. strange that eviljoker isn't responding. he's just starting out too so he should be easier to get ahold of
  3. Well for business I'm not sure, my big character [OverCoat] is all about PVP and kicking ass. My new character [Puru Two] is going to be a mad scientist/drug lord/miner/industrialist/possibly a support PVPer? I dunno about the fighting aspect of her yet. There's plenty of people to help you down the right path, at least in the n00b systems or 1.0 space [like Kakakela, my home system ] You can always join my private redneck chat, like Schwaltzvald. Though the rednecks might start feeling a little crowded if I invite EVERYONE in there. We'll see
  4. get it god, Amarr ships are so nameable
  5. What's your character name? I'll add you to my buddylist.
  6. Except for the whole "please use words with more than 15 letters in the search" thing:< hate that. can't it just do the search but omit small words? failBulletin
  7. HOLY SHIT SID PLAYER ON IPHONE Now if I only had an iPhone... Actually I have no cell phone at all right now I suppose you could always try loading chips on a GP32/GP2X or something of the sort also. I keep thinking of getting one of those but never taking the initiative. Also: does this app use sidplay2 or what?
  8. Just because the site staff dislikes people searching out specific genres doesn't mean you have to. Claiming one should stop searching out music for a particular style because they're not being "open-minded" enough is awfully pretentious, and in my opinion moreso than someone who sticks to a rigid set of preferred genres. Also, think about this: What if he was, in fact, just turned onto the new age genre, and is looking to expand his collection? Or, he just feels like something relaxing right now, but usually listens to drum & bass or black metal?
  9. Can't forget about dear ol' Helen fantastic stuff
  10. Where did anyone get the idea I had an old computer? 3.2 GHz in this bitch DFD works fine edit: oh. oh I see what you're trying to do there
  11. I would reconsider using FruityLoop's pre-packaged drum loops and Slayer as well I mean at least you're using Slayer more sensibly than most but man does that sound bad, especially when you're using a somewhat more believable guitar in "Guitar Driven" Seriously though at this point I would recommend getting some nicer samples, especially for anything you have labeled "VGM." Stuff like "Flo BLACKa" starts out promising but then you bring in these awful weak synths. Is that SimSynth? I would suggest expanding your VSTi catalogue, take a trip around kvraudio.com and get some good free synths. Selling stuff for a fixed price like that is also very odd for a composer to do. Are there no negotiable fees?
  12. I'm actually barely even feeling any limitations with this 3.2 GHz P4 I got... and it's been 5 years already with this PC. Of course I upgraded it here and there >_> Are we talking about the same VSTi? I don't have "draft" on mine. Actually, looking at Luke's, it's missing a lot of stuff mine has. Like really bad jokes.
  13. Mainly it rapes my buffer if I have any soundfont over "poo-ish" quality and high polyphony, so I get that horrible crackling noise ugh
  14. Eh yeah some instruments don't get as much articulation as the others, but it's a miracle those instruments got any attention at ALL
  15. ??????? Well, it's kind of essential. It's the only really good all-encompassing ethnic sample library out there.
  16. Actual evidence of OCR activity on EVE Online! This was a huge-ass fleet. I dunno if Schwaltz ever went back and got them all but I got a good 1.5 mil isk out of it
  17. I have Quantum Leap RA and I have sfz guess which one works faster I don't get it, soundfonts were fine back in 2003, why is it so hard to load them now? I get all sorts of errors with sfz in renoise, which is probably the most stable VST host out there.
  18. Yeah I'm gonna have to ask you to log off then :3

  19. I'm at war with the "Somali Coast Guard Authority" right now what the fuck kind of corp name is that? I wonder if these people are actually Somalian pirates
  20. I started out in 2001 and didn't get a remix posted until 2005. Hell, it wasn't until 2004 that I started getting somewhat positive responses to my music. I've come a long way, and I think I've finally developed a "style" to stick to. Hooray.
  21. You can always ask one of your mirrors really really nicely if they'd be ok with streaming.
  22. I believe that's a flash player that streams mp3 files on one's own site. There's also archive.org. They now support embedding for their flash players as shown on my myspace As far as OCRs getting on archive in the first place, it's probably legally defensible enough. hehe
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