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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Spybot + HijackThis was the combo that fixed my last trojan. All I had to do was close any processes run by the trojan and then have Spybot delete the files for good. All this after a few days trying out random antivirus programs and having them solve absolutely nothing [AVG and AdAware did find some stuff but didn't do dick in the end] It caught me totally off guard because that was the first virus I'd gotten in like... 7 or 8 years, so I never had any protection. I have Spybot running in the background now and it fortunately leaves a small footprint so it doesn't hog resources away from me making my music
  2. 10 year what? I liked Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned :V It's not nearly as good as Fat of the Land [very little is] but I thought it was great still.
  3. Here's my two favourites: Roxanne: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypycpKQxXR0 White Wedding: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlCWo1qdTdE
  4. ELF/shocklance/whiteout/cloaking pack is the ultimate griefer combo
  5. You best be trollin'. Why would they exclude those two races when they're already fucking done?
  6. you can always just blow up the vehicle D: I've seen people block the flag with assault tanks before though. Fun stuff.
  7. Yoko Kanno doesn't need to write any more Cowboy Bebop music. The full soundtrack plus the limited edition soundtrack is 14 CDs. That's like 10 or 11 more discs than the actual anime needs.
  8. This is where I tell you to make a ska Cowboy Bebop cover for my animeremix site :3 I could totally see a Real Folk Ska happening, actually. FUND IT
  9. for a free Megadrive-ey FM synth I would recommend VOPM: http://www.kvraudio.com/get/228.html It's not EXACTLY like a Megadrive, but it does emulate the Yamaha YM2151 chip, which sounds damn near close to the Megadrive's YM2612, and was used in CPS1 arcade cabinets. So yeah, forget soundfonts for anything chip-related, this VSTi is as close as you're going to get, unless you wanna get TFM Maker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g8tLhd4u98 Also: "without having to build them from scratch" you say? Humbug! Building your own sounds is the best part!
  10. Lesson of the day: STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MORTAR TURRETS It's like this one turret was targeting me on purpose. It was a friendly turret too :V
  11. Just saw Brycepops playing on the goon server [which is always somehow the most active server] THIS THREAD = WORKING
  12. Tribes 2 used to have email, buddies, clan management stuff all built into the game [!] but those features disappeared with Sierra, sadly. Tribes 1 still has a built-in IRC app though
  13. The game is built around teamwork. You get rewarded points for repairing your base [generators, inventory/vehicle stations, turrets, etc] as well as extra points for capturing the flag or defending it. You can rack up a lot of points just doing that. Also, take some time [during a botmatch preferably] to look around the inventory list and experiment with different setups. I'm a heavy mortar and missile spamming kind of guy so I get the ammo pack and lob away, for both offense and defense. Also, the most important thing you can do is learn how to ski. This is the only game I can think of where you can do something like this. All you gotta do is hold jump while going down a hill and it lets you go at incredible speeds. Also, once you hit another hill jump and jetpack to get over it with ease Skiing is fun! Yeah, back when I first got the game, you were hot shit if you had a NVidia TNT2 I was using some crappy onboard video [5.5 MB, 11 MB by stealing some RAM] at the time so my game looked like shit I actually had a hard time running it.
  14. They're all totally original. Well, he remixed my song [The Third Garden] but that song was made almost entirely out of sampled stuff in the first place so it's almost like an original song [think Kanye West remixing Daft Punk... sorta].
  15. Oh man, I love the newbies playing this game that don't quite "get" it. A lot of players seem to just focus on their scores and get pissed off when the inventory station has no power. Spoilers: I'm in ur base, destroyin' ur generators. I can't just go out there and kill shit but I get some pretty good results when I plan on sabotaging stuff hehe
  16. I'd love it if you had an audio example Describing an esoteric sound is really hard, it's a lot easier just to host a mp3 somewhere of the noise you're thinking of.
  17. OMG http://www.tribesnext.com so yeah, Tribes 2 is now back in business. I guess some geeks made a new master server after Sierra's got shut down about a year ago. This is good news as my absolute favourite FPS is now playable online again. I know some of you guys need something to do so let's play some Tribes 2! NEED A BOMBADIER NEED A TAILGUNNER etc
  18. I loved the Robotnik had to yell "PENISH" at least once
  19. need moar cosplay fapping material ok isn't that what ThaSauce is for
  20. That dude was fucking hilarious. Busta and I were just cracking up. We started raising the roof and he was like "YEAH" probably because we were the only ones really responding to his music. The LAST Jamspace guy was the worst though... he played like sunday morning at 3 AM or somesuch... this random goth guy in a fishnet shirt playing probably the shittiest industrial I'd ever heard, and he had this little video thing set up playing horror movies... You'll find his picture next to "pretentious" in the dictionary. He had a keyboard made of duct tape also.
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