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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. WHEN IS SEPTIC DREAMS COMING OUT j/k I have it already Happy birthday man, I hope you see this thread here and if not maybe someone will show you on #ocremix I dunno lol
  2. No more free plugging for Sgt Rama then
  3. GOD TIER: Metroid Metal HOT DOG TIER: Smash Bros FUCK YEAH TIER: Armcannon LOL TIER: Armadillo Tank [i wish the best with pieness though seriously, they have nowhere to go but up ] Also, the hotel stole my Sierra t-shirt >:V but at this point that's like a minor annoyance because I was ROCKED SO HARD. Seriously, ALL the bands were so good this year, except for this one guy in the jamspace at 2 or 3 AM on sunday morning, with an audience of maybe... Escariot and Dom. It was great meeting everyone, seriously. I got to talk to ALMOST everyone, and the "drifting between groups" was I think optimal this year, like meeting VGMixers and OCR people and even Shizzies :3. Also enjoyed being on the OCR panel, especially since I have never contributed anything major to OCR ever [other than music], but plugging animeremix and my album was nice. and and and THE SCENE etc
  4. Well, there's a lot of free flash players one can use for their website. However I think the boon with last.fm was that it came from last.fm's server and not OCR's... So bandwidth is a big thing to consider
  5. Hey I can change thread titles now, that's great! New post! http://nekomimimusic.mduo13.com/archives/58/ This shows a few of Richie Kotzen's gundam music covers, which are awesome
  6. A great IRC troll who goes by distance once told me "if you make music on the same computer you browse the internet with, kill yourself" Basically, find less stuff to distract you and eventually you'll just have nothing else to do but write music.
  7. There are people out there with weirder keymapping
  8. Wacky I actually use E for jump in every FPS game now and spc for use :3
  9. haha, i've heard this song before now I have teh sauce It's probably called "Spaghetti" for "spaghetti western" [since most of the classic or not-so-classic western films were filmed in Italy]
  10. I've said this many times before, but the problem is outside of the OCR community you start running into the people thinking that if you fuck with the song too much you're doing the composer a disservice. I can see where they're coming from though, but I'm open to covers as well as arrangements, I don't really give a shit. The main complaint outside of OCR about our music is, to use the SF2 HD soundtrack as an example, is that OCR turned the songs into "fucking elevator music what the fuck." The thing is, actually arranging the music into different styles is normal to people, but the difference with OCR is that here the melodies, or the chord structure, or whatever notes from the original song is usually changed. I can't think of any other site other than vgmix where this happens, so for most gamers it's foreign idea and doesn't make a lot of sense. The average gamerjoe would rather just hear straight up covers.
  11. This actually falls in line with the rest of the fallout lore, the whole "oh man why did we ever make this stupid crap" thing. See: coin-op fallout shelters, the FEV, President Eden, etc.
  12. It eventually uhh... Well let's just say it gets a wee bit larger than Gunbuster
  13. Wait what? Gurren Lagann was probably the best anime to come out this millenium. I can appreciate new and old :V
  14. I just finished New Dominion Tank Police and... I gotta recommend that one too I'm also getting the soundtrack for it, and the original Tank Police. You know who wrote most of the songs? Yoichiro Yoshikawa, the same guy who did the music for IRIA: Zeiram the Animation. Who knew? The uhhh, place I'm getting the music from also has the awesome dub music hooray! Speaking of different dub music, I wonder why no one does that anymore. See this clip of the UK Manga version of Fist of the North Star: Yeah, that's right, fucking awesome DRUM AND BASS, holy shit! also: HOKUTO STINKIN' MY ASS! also also: the hilariously drawn-in eyes at 7:14
  15. I didn't want to limit people too much because honestly I'd be happy with anything at this point even if it isn't Christmasey.
  16. If you already have windows just use that, it has the most software options available and is generally pretty stable if you're not a moron OSX has some good stuff but the software available is less than 1% of what you could possibly run on windows XP or vista. Despite that, there's some pretty capable software, like Logic Linux has bullshit for audio apps, the only good option for Linux is to get Renoise, but if you hate tracking you're out of luck there. There are some DAWs available but they have a ways to go. It's not impossible to make music in linux though, and it's free, which is always a plus. Well, renoise isn't free, but it's very well priced considering how capable it is, though you could run it on Windows instead and get full VST support.
  17. no one did anything that's fantastic no thanks to animeremix.org being down either jesus christ can we have ONE successful christmas competition
  18. New blog! http://nekomimimusic.mduo13.com/archives/57/ Merry Christmas [and a happy new eeee~]
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