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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. You might find this amusing, hunz wrote a song called "Sarah's Song" and it's been one of my favourites for years: http://scene.org/file_dl.php?url=ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/music/groups/hellven/hv013b.zip&id=87274 [free music!] 15 eh? I wasn't actually expecting piano music with all the volcom shit everywhere, to be honest, but this is actually pretty decent. It's hard for me to comment on piano songs, because you play better than me, but that's not saying much, haha. I listened to the rest and you have the potential to be a pretty great orchestrator if you keep at it! There's a few great orchestral composers on this site so I would share my music with them if I were you. I'm not going to name them though because they'll be like "damn it overcoat stop sending people to me for orchestration advice" good lord I am typing on and on Anyway good stuff, only beef I have is that while it's nice it's kind of been done to death and not memorable at all, though I'm sure Sarah likes it.
  2. Did you just watch Ghost in the Shell: SAC or what?
  3. Hopefully it will be better than the NES game. Actually, that won't be too hard to accomplish.
  4. oh I forgot about that XD I mix up my N64 shootan games
  5. How's this going? I haven't checked this thread in a while. Are you still using my 2005 masterpiece?
  6. don't scratch on this cake though I can only foresee a messy mix :V
  7. will feature stories narrated by different people [hopefully] inbetween tracks like this
  8. Wasn't Krispy working on this? Whatever happened to that guy
  9. XMPlay is a nice little unknown music player built for mod files, and plays just as much stuff [and plays it better] than winamp, so that's what I use. Also has Global Hotkeys! For video it's Media Player Homecinema and the CCCP.
  10. As a person who has actually played Starcraft 2 [at PAX] I can say don't worry, it's still a Starcraft game. Not quite as big a jump as WC2 to WC3, it's pretty much SC1 in 3D with different units. At least from my casual standpoint. I'm predicting the "hardcore" SC players are probably going to whine but fuck them anyway. As far as the content, I'm hoping each game is as least as long as, say, Brood War was. Brood War was pretty kickass for an expansion.
  11. Coop I thought you were going to do what you always do but you have exceeded my expectations
  12. Here's Fusion2004 in a nutshell Making guitarists uncomfortable since 2008. HBD
  13. I use UltraMon for my two monitors [1360x768 and 1280x1024], works great. http://www.realtimesoft.com/ultramon/
  14. Everything HK-47 says is amazing. We should bug Bustatunez to bug some other people to make "Star Wars: HK-47 Unleashed"
  15. I attended the VGL Seattle show in October '04. Didn't really meet anyone because there was basically 0 NW OCR presence there. I did meet Shnabubula somehow [of all people] at the PLAY! concert when it came here, and he introduced me to Marty O'Donnel and Jeremy Soule. I would have liked to have met some of you at this concert if you guys would've fucking reminded me that it was 4 days ago goddam. I seriously had no idea the concert was so close. I knew there was one coming up but it totally slipped my mind. Ah well, maybe next time.
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