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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Windaria depressed the hell out of me. Which reminds me, isn't Grave of the Fireflies from around this era too? :'3
  2. Macross 7 is my favourite Macross, especially if you include the extra episodes and the Dynamite 7 OVA I'd really recommend Legend of Galactic Heroes as well. Epic show is epicccccccc It's WAY too long for what Meteo wants, but... it is an OVA! So that technically makes it fit the criteria :3
  3. This thread > other anime thread Something about older anime... I dunno if it's nostalgia goggles or what. However, just yesterday I started to watch Stratos 4, which is from 2003, and I didn't even get through the first episode before deleting it. Sometimes with newer anime it feels like a watered down version of something I've already watched years ago, you know [though as far as lolis in space, Rocket Girls takes the cake. I recommend it even though it's a new anime]? Whereas the older stuff [i started watching New Dominion Tank Police immediately after] seems to explore the medium much thoroughly, like they wanted to see how far they could push it, compared to now where anime is big business and most of the televised stuff seems to follow a formula. I think this is true for most stuff from the '80s though, remember how gory all the action movies were, and then sometime in the '90s the violence got kind of subdued? What's up with that? Also, man I sound like an oldfag. NOSTALGIA GOGGLES Also also: DJP, that's wrong! it goes: A-ko > B-ko > C-ko :3 I saw a strange making-of documentary of Project A-ko though, and they had this really creepy section where all the production staff would list their favourite girl. I cringed every time someone said C-ko, and it was always like, the elders of the production team. Blegh
  4. I'm not a mac user and neither are most chiptune artists I suppose you could get MilkyTracker and make chiptunes that way [either the classic modscene way or sticking to limits of the NES, or SNES if you wanna use the XMSNES tool] Also, news update, little-scale is working on a MIDI-capable genesis [!!!] so whatever controls midi in OSX will be able to control a genesis when his project is done. Also also wow I forgot about this guide hahaha. incomplete just like everything else I'm working on at the moment.
  5. Yeah good idea that I forgot to mention, get the dub. It's actually a great dub considering the subject material of the show. Unlike most people though I genuinely enjoyed Mad Bull 34, because I watched it for what it was :3 Seconding Bubblegum Crisis also. Cyberpunk for the win. There's also good cyberpunk detective adventure game by Konami from around that time too, look for Snatcher for the Sega CD [you can emulate it with Gens fine]. You even have a little robot companion named Metal Gear <3 Also, look around for Project A-ko, Dominion Tank Police, Gall Force, and since you liked Akira I really recommend Roujin Z, a really good self-parody
  6. hey WHAT ABOUT CASTLEVANIA ARIA OF SORROW actually wait that didn't actually have any arias in it ...but it did have a few good tunes
  7. Try and find an OVA called Mad Bull 34. You won't regret it.
  9. Done and done: http://www.guimp.com/pacman_flash.html
  10. Glad you're releasing free stuff man Free soundtracks aren't a first but this is the first time a composer has come to us and posted it himself Stick around, will ya?
  11. that's arguable In any case, I'd rather play this instead: http://www.moddb.com/mods/suicide-survival
  12. New NMM post! Happy birthday Avaris! http://nekomimimusic.mduo13.com/archives/56/
  13. Dude it's not the graphics that make TF2 better, though the art style IS a part of it. Aside from the basic gameplay mechanics that were taken from the first game [and refined], it's the characters and their different personalities that make the game fun. And the sandvich. Stand on the freakin' point, dumbass.
  14. Anime Remix is down until I can find Xaleph so he can pay for the damn hosting or whatever went wrong. Just so I know all you animeremix fans want to know what's going on here, I haven't seen Xaleph for almost a month now, and I'm starting to worry. I mean, he does have two kids [yeah he just had another one recently kbye] and a long-hours job, but I wish he would just give me a pulse every now and then Meanwhile, back in 2006 mDuo13 [if you remember that guy here at all] and I started a blog about anime music and anime remixes, as sort of an "alternate presentation" of the niche scene we have going here. We haven't met with a lot of success but that's of course a side effect of this insanely obscure hobby we don't have it easy like with videogame music! Anyway, here's the blog: http://nekomimimusic.mduo13.com/ cutest website ever? maybe not, but it's up there! We cover everything from... well, everything. Soundtrack reviews, artists posting new content [and no waiting for a damn judges panel to hear it first!], whatever Yoko Kanno or Taku Iwasaki is doing at the moment, etc. Check it out! We don't have a lot of posts because we kinda forgot about it for a year but hey I just made a new one! Thank me later Strike911 Also, anyone who really likes anime music and is all up on the haps is welcome to ask me for posting privileges. Go on, just ask
  15. Hey no problem man, always willing to let people fuck with my songs they're free anyway, plus it's interesting hearing a different interpretation on my songs.
  16. I'm gonna start playing Steam ID is overcoat just fyi if you wanna get blown up by mah shrubs :3
  17. Hey man, I wouldn't be so sure about that. Maybe not a song exclusively made with the DS10 but something with it. Remember how close Battle of Strings and a Cell Phone got?
  18. OCR must get a server up on this: http://www.moddb.com/mods/suicide-survival I just played this for like 5 hours straight, oh my god.
  19. I talked to DJP about this once. He told me Joe Redifer would take over if he died :D:D
  20. Well, I am a PC Morrowind owner! Also: Hooray, Butcher Pete part 2
  21. There's so many good mods now - sucks to be you, 360 owners! http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1415 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=83 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1418 these are a few that I'm using now
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