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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Killer Clowns isn't that obscure. My last.fm page was recently tagged with the "lesser known yet streamable artists" tag. lol? http://www.last.fm/tag/lesser+known+yet+streamable+artists Some great stuff in there.
  2. It's nowhere near finished so no... I have like 3 songs done I can let you hear those though???
  3. What the fuck I am doing this exact thing with my next album ! ! ! It'll be like a long version of THIS except with short stories inbetween the tracks that all take place inside one big cyberpunk city
  4. Just checking up to see how everyone's doing :3
  5. Here's the soundtrack to Stalker, for free: http://www.stalker-game.com/en/?page=soundtrack and here's Arcanum [Highly highly recommended!]: http://www.terra-arcanum.com/sierra/media/media-soundtrack.html
  6. I just finished this game. Whatcha'll think of it? I thought it was a very exciting and challenging game, though the fact that the NPCs didn't speak 100% russian was kind of disappointing. I heard far too many "pineapple" puns. Maybe I'll go through again with a mod. Also, I felt like the endgame was too long !. I wanted to go back and do the whole "faction wars" thing but the game would not let me :[ Clear Sky had the same gameplay as SoC [lol], though IMO, while it had some moments, it lacked the creepy atmosphere of the first game. I liked revisiting the old locations though ALSO ALSO: lol @ the drum&bass battle music.
  7. I don't remember any huge backlash from the remix removals. I don't really remember anyone actually packing up and leaving except for the whole 2002 remixer exodus thing, plus the totally random deletion of unmod.
  8. Speaking of STALKER and other post-apocalyptic games, I finished Clear Sky recently weird-ass ending and non-russian taunts = also the fact that I got sucked into the endgame portion and didn't even get to try out the fancy new "factions war" thing maybe I should start a S:CS thread
  9. We love mashups here, but that's a different thing than what OC Remix is looking for.
  10. Addendum: There is more christmas music! Particularly by one of my favourite artists who goes by Vim! This is a very old monotonik release but I still like it at least around christmas time. http://www.mono211.com/content/releases/mtkmp12.html christmas breakcore. haha
  11. I don't know anyone with a Wii or anyone who has any interest in Megaman 9 so yeah
  12. XMPlay has one of those :3 Ironically, some plugins work better in XMPlay than they ever did in Winamp. Some don't though. I used NotSoFatso in winamp but XMPlay can't run it. NEZPlug is fine though [actually it sounds better IMO]
  13. Apparently "plus" yelled in Spanish
  14. both Toejam & Earl games Sub-Terrania Marble Madness inb4 "favourites thread in disguise"
  15. I don't think zircon knows how either not enough free netlabel electronic music in his diet
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