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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. I would sell your PS3 and buy a PS2, then spend the rest of the money on PS2 games unless you really wanna play Resistance 2.
  2. Transient has two new albums [jesus christ, he's got like 50 something albums now] and they're both excellent. You can get them here: http://www.frontiernet.net/~transient/ or have two direct links http://www.archive.org/download/nvr037/nvr037_vbr_mp3.zip http://dustedwax.org/dwk026.html
  3. Logging out/logging in doesn't work neither does your about:config tweaks, unfortunately.
  4. I collaborated with Gwilym a very long time ago, practically a month or so after Renoise 1.9 came out, with its fancy new instrument library and all. Somehow or another, I got a hold of Gwilym and we wrote a song together that he titled "Pidgeotto" for some reason. This being Thanksgiving, I can only imagine Ash, Professor Oak, Gary, and Ash's hot mom sitting down at a table enjoying a giant roast Pidgeotto. mmmm... Anyway, you can download the song here: http://soundtempest.net/soc/single/oc-gwilym-pidgeotto.mp3 Mick Rippon was supposed to do something with this song too but he'll never get around to it, so here it is, it is done. Unless Gwilym wants to do something more with it. There you go.
  5. DEMOCRACY IS NOT NEGOTIABLE I tried to nuke Liberty Prime but bitch wouldn't go down Also, with my evil character, Sydney got stuck in the chamber with Sarah Lyons. . Yeah, still with me because that one quest broke . She looked on as Sarah quickly died from radiation poisoning.
  6. Why are you arguing against compressing .wav files for download? It's as easy as ONE PERSON putting the .wav files in a zip or rar archive letting everyone else download the lossless files faster. I don't know why you feel the need to tell me these things. I've been using uTorrent for many years now. I know how BitTorrent works...
  7. I don't see why you guys still think FLAC is not accessible enough. Even still, if you made the files .flac that'd be a step in the right direction for lossless distribution of popular media. What I'd like to see is 128-256 kbps VBR for MP3s and high-compressed .flac. If you really want to distribute raw .wav files, for the love of god at least compress them with .zip or .rar. VotL's torrent is like twice the size it needs to be [i will forever make fun of Zircon for this]
  8. You know, I talked to WAVE [Jeroen Tel] a bit after we compo'd on IRC a few months ago - I told him about OC Remix and he was quick to tell me he hated the remixes of his stuff because they got all the notes wrong but this is the first remix of a Tel tune in a long long time, the other ones are all old and horrible sounding, unfortunately. If he ever comes on IRC again I'll tell him about this one and see if he changes his mind. He probably won't though because that's just how he is D:
  9. I really wish you could ally with the Enclave, I dunno if you can. If it's possible though: AMERICA, FUCK YEAH. I'm gonna see what I can get Eden to let me do. With my good character the first time around, I got him to shut down and make Raven Rock explode. I just started killing Brotherhood on a whim really. I was just like "fuck it" and started going crazy in the room with the robot I only ran into 4 or 5 essential characters, actually, Elder and Sarah Lyons of course, Captain Vargas, and Gallows. The Outcasts are now also all dead D:
  10. Well I dunno, clearing out the Brotherhood of Steel citadel was pretty hard. Hooray for putting stimpaks on a hotkey but I think I got everyone except the essential characters Also, being the monster I am, killed Fawkes in his cell, then got the GECK myself :3 anyone ever tried activating the GECK? I was hoping for an alternate ending :[
  11. Another user, Aktulua, also had this problem. Also, I'm using Firefox 3.0.4
  12. I might charge for my next album I always say this but it never happens this one though, I'm gonna put a lot of work into it. Once I get some more songs finished and some short stories written, I'm gonna look for some voice talents.
  13. I would recommend the PC version so you can get my music replacement pack :3 http://www.moddb.com/members/overcoat/addons/overcoats-fallout-3-music-replacement-pack
  14. Is that related to the "Temple of the Union" place? Once my evil character got in there and found out they were all escaped slaves I kinda.. torched the place Then i go down to the Lincoln memorial some weeks later and find Slavers that need some slaves dead or whatever, I tell them I killed them already and they're like "sweet u r awesome" and leave The Mall is just generally an awesome place - I loved storming the capitol building behind Talon company, then sniping the survivors from their backs >:3 Also, I encountered some bug with Abraham Washington's quest - I have the Declaration of Independence but I tried to give it to him twice, and only the "Nevermind I don't have it" option came up. Now it doesn't even come up at all. lol bug On the bright side, now I have Sydney forever :3
  15. I'm going to ask this here because nobody posts on my site anymore. http://www.animeremix.org/ You may be seeing either a news post about the state of Anime Remix or another news post dated July 5th belatedly celebrating the Fourth of July. I have no idea why but sometimes, this old version of the site loads. It's an exact replica of the site that seems to run parallel to the other one. Even the forums are different, the old one seems to be fraught with spambots even! Here's the thing though - my cache has definitely been cleared multiple times since that time so I'm wondering if it's client side or server side - both Xaleph and 1stStrike [the awesome host of our site] have assured me that everything on their side is fine, but they don't know what could be causing this issue. Anyone here have any ideas? In all my 10+ years of being on the internet I've never seen anything like this. If it's actually server side, I'll pass the info on to Xaleph, because I'm not the AR codemonkey
  16. Anything marketed as "gamer headphones" probably wouldn't work for actual music producers though - usually "gamer" stuff tends to have really overpowered bass response. Actually pro audio headphones would probably be better for gaming, given the intentional clarity of the sound - and you can usually get them for way less ! [AKG K271s are like $119 on ebay last I checked]
  17. Holy fuck it was sarcasm headinhands.jpg
  18. pretty cool bro, is this another C64 cover? This is that kind of euro dance song that gets remixed 100 times to make the BPM twice as fast quality stuff
  19. Yeah Friendly tip: If you want people to hear your stuff, make sure it's not password protected %^( I recommend rapidshare or senduit, at the very least
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