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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Who needs sheet music and piano rolls when you have TRACKING??? prepare for the spreadsheet music revolution :3
  2. How is there going to be lag with USB? MIDI data is more than 20 years old now, and really isn't data-intensive at all by modern standards. Even USB1 is more than adequate for whatever MIDI requires. I'm very happy with my MIDISport 2x2 by the way! Any lag would be, in all probability, the MIDI cables, rather than the USB. There's always going to be a little lag, but my audio card's latency is set at like 5 ms which is not even noticeable. Also, many audio cards, like my Emu 1212, have MIDI built in. I would look into something like that instead of just buying a MIDI interface. You can probably get an entry-level card like an EMU 0404 for around 80 bucks, which is what I paid for my Midisport 2x2 many years ago [lol kind of a ripoff but I've had it so long that I think it's paid off], and an Audiophile 192 for not much more. Both have MIDI in/out.
  3. I was going to do this with Mass Effect, KOTOR 1, KOTOR 2... basically any RPG with multiple endings... but i never get around to it, haha. I always go with THE MOST NOBLEST CHARACTER EVER the first time around too, so I never see the more evil stuff I actually started a new character and I'm gonna see what happens when you blow up megaton... Even though I kinda like Moira [and her quests] despite all the shit she put me through . Also, I probably missed like half the content first time around. I visited maybe 1/3rd of all the places, and never saw those trees threedog was talking about. Also, I'm glad they explained why all the Super Mutants in Fallout 3 are so goddamn retarded.
  4. Yeah personally I'm not too happy with the console I grew up with being called the LOSER. and I REALLY didn't appreciate the original CD cover.
  5. He took me to MAGFest 4 from BWI... though it was his grandma's car or something, and other than the speeding ticket it was fine, hehe.
  6. 3 cars not to ride in: Stevo DarkCecil13's creepy friend Lasombra [if he's there this year]
  7. I... can't say I remember any of the Riven music. Got any examples?
  8. Can anyone tell me though if they experience the same bug I do? That is, you get the music fine at startup, but after the battle music starts and stops you never hear any other songs again until you get into another fight? I've found a way around this is to start and stop the radio, but man that gets annoying.
  9. Hey - a Seattle guy. Finally! Let's make out! I appreciate when music fits - a point I recently emphasized with THIS: http://www.moddb.com/members/overcoat/addons/overcoats-fallout-3-music-replacement-pack I really like game music when it sounds like it comes from the world itself - for example, Arcanum was a victorian-era steampunk game, so it would naturally have a string quartet plus light percussion and a sprinkling of electronic pads. Age of Mythology is heavily traditional cultural stuff, so naturally the sound designers composed music with a lot of real-world folk instruments, which helps you to kind of "get into the groove" of the game, so to speak. Turrican just wouldn't be the same without the epic, uplifting hero music the series is famous for. Without it I think it'd just be yet more random difficult shooters from the 80s and 90s On the flip side, the lack of music can be appropriate sometimes - See S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. The game completely lacks any kind of background music, save for when a NPC whips out a guitar at a campfire and plays a tune while you pass by, or you hear a faint radio in the distance, and a woman [who surprisingly sounds like Pixietricks] is singing on it. Outside of these areas, when you're all alone, the atmosphere is so thick with the sound of nature that you really feel like you're there, and I think music would spoil those moments. STALKER is a bit of a different breed though, one that aims for ultra-realism [despite the fact that there's magic black holes and mutants walking around] and immersion, instead of these other games i mentioned where it's more a "cinematic" experience i.e. you're a total badass and you've got the hero music to back you up.
  10. It works now! Someone go test it and see if it works
  11. IT IS DONE http://www.moddb.com/members/overcoat/addons/overcoats-fallout-3-music-replacement-pack I think you might need a moddb account to download it, but you should have a moddb account if you are anything of a PC gamer It's also probably not authorised yet, so it may be a while before this link actually works, hurr :3
  12. I am on this but Bucky and I have the only chiptunes
  13. haha I got one of those books in my store. Thought about buying it.
  14. The panel definitely isn't afraid to review songs. no no no no no no no yes no no no no no no no no no no etc
  15. Get Arcanum and Fallout! I hear Baldur's Gate is great but I haven't played it yet [i will one of these days] Neverwinter Nights, perhaps?
  16. I have a strange bug where my mouse and keyboard stop responding but the game keeps going, so I'd still be walking, the music's going and everything, and then I run into a wall and get raped by Ghouls :V I hope they address that in a patch. Restarting/reloading is a bitch. So far all I can do is quick save a lot. I also replaced all of Inon Zur's shitty music. I have a lot of aphex twin music in the game directory now [Drukqs for the battles and Selected Ambient Works for everything else ]. I'm gonna work on releasing a full replacement pack of 100% free CC-licensed music that I believe would fit the game - anyone else interested? The music I selected creates an entirely different and better atmosphere.
  17. the one in the video is definitely a reversed sample
  18. I was lucky enough to kill my first Deathclaw [a little trial and error though] and made the DEATHCLAW GAUNTLET. Best melee weapon ever. Sometimes I get raiders in like 1 hit, and then I also have this perk where VATS deaths are way more gorey, so these raiders basically turn to mush when I use the thing. Fucking awesome.
  19. OK now it's over, I'll add Xaleph's song to the pack and then we will all listen ARHRC2K8.ZIP now has all the songs
  20. Ok Dhsu, I'll let you try to do something I'll extend the contest until tonight at 11:59 Eastern. Xaleph also made something, you can download it HERE: http://www.animeremix.org/Xaleph/download.php?song=Nothing_Can_Be_Explained_(Featuring_Celira).mp3 I'll add it to the zip tomorrow night, probably.
  21. You may have to hold off on that toast Download the entries here. This year we got 2 entries, a trance song from Avaris and a super creepy ambient tune from a new face to the competition, One Thousand Worlds. Yeah, sorry, I didn't enter this year and neither did Xaleph, but life's kinda slapped us on the face this month - Xaleph with yet another adorable baby, and me with a tiring, unfulfilling full time job that for some reason started giving me split days off this month, not to mention I was researching to vote on something far more important than any remix competition. Also, this is mainly my fault but I bought Fallout 3 ... so there goes a lot of my time ! I'm sure you all had your reasons as well. Anyway, enough about Matt and I, let's talk about the songs. Since there were only two submissions this year, should we even bother voting? What do you guys think?
  22. This game is great, it's like Oblivion, Stalker, and Fist of the North Star all rolled up into one. I can't wait for a Kenshiro mod ATATATATATATA
  23. I remember playing the demo for that, which I think comes on my A-10 Cuba disc. It was ok, I don't remember it being particularly bad, just weird. There's no real exposition on why you are travelling through time beating up random people, but I guess the same could be said of games like Burger Time or Joust [why are we riding an ostrich? oh well]
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