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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Well first of all, the great thing about VST plugins is that you don't necessarily have to spend any money to get a good sound out of synths. Synth1, EZPoly, SuperWave P8, etc all sound great and are the things you are looking for! Those are a good 3 to start with if you're looking for a more synthetic sound. In my personal experience I've found a ton of decent/good synths just randomly downloading shit from kvr-audio. A few useless or bad plugins exist obviously, but most of them are pretty small so it's not too much of a waste of time.
  2. Less than 60 tracks? How about Monty on the Run
  4. Albino also has a periodic "hiss" for its demo version.
  5. New Aleksi Eeben yay I am an Eeben nut, his music is so fun and strange. It's quite an acquired taste but you'll get it eventually.
  6. Sea of Memories? You mean "Aquatic Ghosts" from CompoST 36 (`・ω・´) But that's fine. All or most of the content my albums are redone compo tunes. Xerxes does the same thing. This is cool though, thanks for offering it in NSF format. Usually I don't get 8bitpeoples albums because mp3 is a gigantic waste of space. This is a very cool album, brand new but at the same time totally authentic oldschool. I never liked the NES much compared to the sound of the Genesis or C64 but it can sound very nice, like here, or some of chibi-tech's insane experimental stuff. You two are still pretty stylistically different though despite using the same 5 channels for everything (・∀・).
  7. New xerxes tracks! http://xerxes.grab.no/music/mp3/xerxes-modulating_gaia.mp3 < new original http://xerxes.grab.no/music/remixed/xerxes-cell_progression_%28twl_remix%29.mp3 < remix of "Cell progression" [one of my favorite xerxes tunes!] by thomas wicklund larsen
  8. #212a-212c Pece / Riddle of the Universe [stream] This time around we have a complete contrast to Lackluster and his works. Pece is an inspiring electro/blues/ambient/electronic style combination, and for probably the second time in kollective history, I`m breaking my own made rule to not release tracks with vocals with the superb, professional quality vocals by Zuska Grüner in `missing`. The ep consists of three tracks of sublime works - quirks, ambience, chilled and with some nice production. This may not be everybodies cup of tea but I think its a worthy addition to the kollective. Credits for this ep: Piotr 'Pece' Cieslik: composition, production, recording, mixing, mastering, keyboards; Pawel 'boHtr' Drozdz: 'The Past' (acoustic guitar, electric), 'Towards The House On The Hill' (electric guitar); Zuska 'Grino' Grüner: 'Missing' (vocals), Wojtek Szupelak: 'Stormy Night' (acoustic guitar, bass guitar, electric guitar), 'Missing' (electric guitar, lyrics) leave feedback download whole ep as ogg (.zip) download album art download whole ep as mp3 (.zip) stormy night [stream] [main download] [mirror] towards the house on the hill [stream] [main download] [mirror] missing [stream] [main download] [mirror]
  9. N64 didn't use midi. It was probably closer to a form of s3m or xm. I think there was a XM loader tool for developers but I'm not too sure about that one. Seems plausible though. There wasn't really any standard "GM kit" developers had to use. Much like the SNES, they could load their own samples, within limits. For example, your samples on the SNES had to total 64k or less per song, and on the N64... well, I'm not sure about that one. Probably something much higher. If you want samples that sound like they were used on a N64, just downsample them until they sound right. Probably 8-16 bit/22050 hz or thereabouts.
  10. I signed up for the beta a while ago. Haven't gotten my email yet.
  11. I've tried Ubuntu before. It's a fantastic OS that anyone can pick up in a matter of minutes. I'm surprised something so professional and complete is 100% free. If I wasn't such a PC gamer, I would switch to it right now.The other problem is Linux doesn't have Sonar, Cubase, FL, Reason, or even Cool Edit/Audition. It does have some free DAW software out there, but it's practically brand new, I wouldn't hold it to Cubase's standard. But let's not make this a linux vs. windows thread, this is about music apps for linux. I thought I replied in a thread like this a day or two ago, but someone already pointed out Ubuntu Studio so I have nothing to add
  12. I just noticed "Disco Dan" in the first post though... like a second ago. /mu/ mostly sucks though, 99% of it is about forgettable metal bands or some dead form of rock.
  13. UFO DISCOVERY [contains animu cleavage and pixietricks references] no I didn't post that :[
  14. DO WANT because I see hot pirate chicks how did they know my weakness?!?!
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHA Jotaro I was expecting something more obscure. You should seriously watch some of the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure anime. I think there are two OVAs. One of them has that infamous "here's a tank, lorry!" scene, and even more over-the-top gorey violence
  16. I know you're a Gentoo man, but Ubuntu 7 just came out, with the "Ubuntu Studio" package probably following shortly, "sometime this April." This version is supposed to come with "all you need" for media production, if you look at its software package you can probably get ideas about what you need personally, on your machine. Look for ChibiTracker or CheeseTracker if you're wanting a MOD tracker for linux [both are made by a compo comrade of mine :3]. I think Linux finally has some DAW-type things you can work with, you might like one. Other than this stuff I wish I had more experience in the open-source arts that I could share.
  17. You had a lot of recurring "backup" characters [like "Mustin"]. I dunno if VGF would've been as memorable without... wait, I can't remember that one dude's name. Southern accent guy, you know? SUPPORT HAS FALLEN Seriously though, fuck podcasts, those are too canned. I want LIVE RADIO ACTION again.
  18. oh shit, accordion overload... accordion over...love [except for that dissonance at 2:59 WUT]
  19. Thank god, because I think the MVSTracker project died a long time ago. edit: DIRECT TO VGM EXPORT! BRB CREAMING PANTS
  20. There is an album by "OverCoat" on my last.fm page that isn't mine, but all the plays are of my songs.
  21. Any specifics? What instrument do you normally play? How good are you at it? How do you feel about your music in general?
  22. Imus is no less accountable for his rude, insulting, and racist remark because some other guy shot up 32 students. Are you an idiot?
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