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Everything posted by Evilhead

  1. LOL, the day I get made mod the the day I snowboard in Satan's backyard. Most likely, I get banned by Bahamut for not liking the Wii. ;_;
  2. Well, I think it's a combination of an already high priced console mixed with an oversaturated market. I called it many pages back. When everyone who buys a launch PS3 sells it on eBay and Sony actually DOES send out more consoles as promised, you'll see the thing going for not much more than retail. Good!
  3. You can get 60GB PS3s on Yahoo Japan for much closer to retail now. I was thinking of buying one but I'm going to wait a bit until there are some more releases out. The VF5 being ported to the 360 is a bit of a surprise though. It's one of the titles that was really driving my desire for a PS3, so I might see how this plays out. It just cements even further my plans to get a 360, as soon as I can get my hands on a US console.
  4. Awesome, I can't wait to get this one! And congrats on the gig Gecko.
  5. Is this perhaps the buggiest Nintendo console ever? Everything up until now has been solid as hell.
  6. .....WHAT? :vomit: That's Fear Factor shit right there. A couple I could see maybe being somewhat tasty, but that last one... Jesus God, man. Well the algae wasn't as good as the others due to the slimy texture, but I like vinegar so it wasn't bad. Raw chicken was amazingly good though. Would eat again, as well as the insanely fresh sea urchins. They were yummy!
  7. What's with all the food related threads lately? Anyway, some strange foods I've eaten that were unexpectedly delicious: Raw chicken Raw chicken hearts Live sea urchins Raw squid and octopus Swallows nest soup Algae and vinegar with a raw quail's egg A few things that my friends like but haven't tried: Congealed blood and intestine soup Jellyfish
  8. Yeah, the wide screen is perfect for it. I can't wait to get the Metal Slug Collection.
  9. Acutally Theres a good website called noobz.eu they seem to have the most recent stuff. I've got a 2.80 firmware and it all runs fine on mine, you have to start up e loader, in which case it will not work sometimes and you have to turn off the psp and try again, but other than that its fine. Okay cool, I'll check that out. I've been wanting to play a lot of the newer PSP games but I haven't wanted to upgrade my firmware. I you haven't had any problems I'll give it a shot. I just don't want to accidentally upgrade my firmware somehow.
  10. Anyone have any luck emulating more recent firmware? I have a 1.5 PSP I don't really want to upgrade but I'm a little sketchy about trying to mess with the firmware too much. Don't want to brick the thing, but I love my emulation.
  11. Evilhead's Okonomiyaki One of my favorite Japanese foods in okonomiyaki. It's especially popular out here in Kansai and down in Hiroshima. It's basically a big cabbage/batter pancake filled with whatever ingredients you want. The standard is squid or pork, but you can use whatever you feel like once you make the basic batter. The great thing is that it's really easy to make, tastes great, is filling, and is very cheap! Here's how to make the okonomiyaki base batter: 1 cup of all purpose flour 1 egg 1/2 cup of water About 1/3 of a head of cabbage Mix the egg, water, and flour in a large bowl until it's smooth. Then chop the cabbage up into thin slices. And average piece should be about 1/2cm to 1cm thick and about 3cm long, but basically just chop it up. You can add more or less cabbage depending on your tastes, but I like about 1/3 to 1/2 of a head, which is kind of a lot. Mix the cabbage into the batter WELL. Now you can add whatever incredients you want to customize your 'Japanese pizza.' This is what I usually use: 1/2 onion, diced 2/3 cup of shredded white cheese 1 can of tuna, drained sliced ham or pork Mix the onion, cheese, and tuna into the cabbage/batter mix. Mix it WELL. Then add a little cooking oil to a large frying pan over med-low heat, and throw down a few thin slices of ham or pork. Then add ONE HALF of the batter you made to the pan and squash it down with a spatula into a pancake shape. It should be about and inch thick and ten inches or so across. The cabbage batter will be kind of loose at first, so pack it down, squish in the edges, pack it down, squish in the edges, until you get a nice dense circular shape. Then cover the pan and let it cook for 5 minutes or so. When the bottom is browned and the okonomiyaki holds together a bit, throw some slices of ham or pork on top and flip it over. It's a little tricky to flip, so try using two spatulas. Cook the other side for 5 minutes or so, then place it on a plate. If you are making two, repeat the process with the rest of the batter. Another aspect of customization involves the toppings. Most people put Okonomiyaki sauce on the top. It's easy to find in most supermarkets with an Asian food isle/section, and definitely if there is an Asian market in town, although it's probably the only thing that's not sitting around your house. The sauce looks like this and is very tasty: Another often used topping is mayonaise. BUT, I'd definitely recommend getting some Japanese mayo while you're at it. It's much better than American mayo in my opinion, and I couldn't imagine not using it on okonomiyaki. You won't regret buying it! It's much smoother and has a great flavor. Japanese people put it on everything, even vegetables. It kind of looks like a big tube of glue: Often people put bonito flakes and seaweed flakes on top as well, but they are completely optional. I usually sprinkle some chili power on there for a spicy kick. Your end product should look something like this:
  12. There's been some pretty good 2D PSP games like the SFA collection, Darkstalkers (despite the loading times and controls), Ghouls and Ghosts, the Gradius Collection, the upcoming Metal Slug Collection, etc. If the PSP can handle Metal Slug it can probably handle Castlevania. I'm guessing it's all politics, as the Castlevania games are huge sellers on the DS. My guess is that if they made a Castlevania game for the PSP it would be more like one of the recent 3D incarnations on the PS2, which wouldn't be bad at all.
  13. Huh, I wonder what their reasoning is, if they have it? I can think of several control schemes off the top of my head that would work well, and I'm sure the graphics would be no problem. Actually, it's probably more political than that. Okami is big hit for the PS2 that Sony wouldn't want to see on the Wii, so I wonder if that has anything to do with it. Sucks that kind of thing is keeping Okami off the Wii, if I am correct.
  14. I'm a bit late to the party, but I've been playing through Okami lately and absolutely love it. It borrows a lot from Zelda but it has enough unique about it to make it a distinctly awesome game. But I can't help thinking how much better it would be on the Wii. It would be perfect for the brush strokes obviously, but other aspects like movement and the disk on Amaterasu's back could be controlled perfectly with the Wii remote. Not to mention the graphical kick that could help the already amazing graphics. Too bad we'll probably never see a port of this.
  15. Also AAC(M4A/P, with the P implying protected files purchased through iTunes) and Apple Lossless. If you have the space, and the originals in a non-compressed format, you could go for Apple Lossless for the best quality. AAC also compresses better than MP3 with higher audio quality. Yeah, I like AAC. Smaller file sizes and better sound quality. I usually rip my CDs to 160VBR AAC files.
  16. Still, I remember seeing the PS3 display and it bragging about it's backwards compatibility. If this is truly what it does, then that is nothing to brag about. Well, I was thinking of getting a Japanese PS3 so that's a Japanese PS2 right there which is pretty cool since I have a lot of Japanese games.
  17. I assume your talking about standard support(css, html, xml, etc.) and not the number of html pages (don't limit yourself to internet webpages) that the browser will work with. Well, I meant better supported as in more updates, more add-ons, extentions, etc. You can really make your Firefox whatever you want it and there are so many extentions I can't live without now.
  18. yeah, browser flame wars are dumb... but you are dumb too ...not dumb enough to use FF. You HAVE to be trolling. PLEASE. It takes a very special kind of person to prefer IE over FF. These people tend to wear helmets so they don't injure themselves, and get on buses that are shorter than usual. I mean, I can see preferring it for whatever reason. It's familiar, it's speedy, whatever. But to say someone is DUMB to use a browser that is more fully featured, better supported, more customizable, and much much more secure is just... well, as you implied, retarded.
  19. yeah, browser flame wars are dumb... but you are dumb too ...not dumb enough to use FF. You HAVE to be trolling. PLEASE.
  20. Like everyone else is saying, a quick port/launch title will look a lot worse than a game designed from the ground up for the PS3 with a year or so of programming experience by developers. Lauch titles rarely show off the system's full power.
  21. I've assumed that's how it's been. Employees never tell you when they're gonna get any in even if they do know when they are. For the most part, if I'm at a store I just look where they would be and don't even bother asking or calling ahead for that matter. Heh...although, I did try to bribe a Target employee to call me the second he knew they got some in. He shot me down though. Of course, I wouldn't have had to gone through any of this had the Sam Goody here gotten their shipment OR notified me at some point that my reservation wouldn't be fulfilled until at least n-n-n-next ye-ye-year. Fuck! Ass! Yeah, the same thing happened with the PS2 came out. There were no PS2s in stores and they were going for insane prices on eBay. I gave up wishing for one for my bithday/Christmas, but my mom just walked into Best Buy and they happened to have one. It's not like the stores are going to put out huge signs that say, HEY WE GOT A PS3 IN!!, and sometimes people just don't ask because they assume there is no chance.
  22. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6162566.html?tag=latestnews;title;0 A game that was said to be close to 80% complete during E3 and was supposed to hit the launch window, then pushed back to december of next year, being reduced to just a demo with 1 track and 10 cars. I almost feel sorry for Sony. GT HD was going to be the game that sold a PS3 to a friend of mine who isn't interested at all in the FF or MGS series. So he's not interested in GT5? How does this even make sense? Maybe Sony listened to all the people bitching about GT HD.
  23. I do too. I mean, when are we going to get rid of the fucking annoying load times if shitheads like this guys never do something about it? I've read of X360 games actually loading faster and working smoother than the ps3 counterpart, what the hell? I thought this generation load times could get lessened because the companies would include faster and more efficient reading devices. Alas, we are getting worse loads than in our old ps2's. This makes me sad. Unfortunately for your argument, Blu-ray actually has a much higher read speed than DVD, so a 4x BD drive is far greater than a 2x DVD player. Look it up on Wikipedia if you want (I'm too lazy), or just trust me. Still, even if it is faster the load times are going to be pretty high. Ps3 = Blu-Ray Drive 2x xbox360 = 12x dvd drive Blu-Ray Transfer speed = 36 Mbps DVD Transfer speed = 10 Mps Total: ps3's BR = 72 Mbps xbox 360 DVD = 120 Mbps Sorry, I was focused on the lines in bold, which should only be true if developers are lazy with their coding. If the PS2 had a 2x DVD drive, then it would have a transfer speed of 20Mbps, which is less than 1/3 that of the PS3: 2x BD = 7x DVD. Yes, but you have to take in consideration that now they have to load graphics, textures and information 3 and 4 times the size the resolution of ps2 graphics. So what you have there is a bottleneck, and no advance in speed whatsoever. Just check the load times in say, call of duty 3. About the same as in CoD3 for Ps2. Even when loaded on the HD?
  24. You say "zippy", but I think it's more along the lines of "normal". I think it was something like 2-4 second loading times for Genji. If that's not zippy I don't know what is. Putting a 7400 rpm drive in there should also decrease loading times. edit: whoops, decrease, not increase. Thx Bahamut.
  25. ...except when you load from the HD. I know I jacked you, but I'm wondering what people think the HD will be used for? I mean, even with a virtual arcade and a few PS1 games that won't mean more than a gig or two of space. That leaves many gigs just sitting there. The whole point of the HD is that you can load whole games onto it for zippy loading times.
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