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Everything posted by Siamey

  1. Id like to form a duo with anyone who loves and writes anthem trance and is pretty good with Reason (please to have used it for well over a year), to work on some tracks, and maybe send some stuff to record labels after we polish it. If anyone is game, please drop a line. These would be original songs we would be writing. Leave a message here or preferably gimme a shout - djsiamey@hotmail.com on msn. Keep in mind, anthem trance, really melodic, uplifting older style stuff, no newer ambient trance or weird breaktrance, and preferably nothing that tiesto, armin and ferry try to pass off as trance these days. When I first got into Reason, i used to write more of this style stuff. Here are 3 of my fav's from 2002. http://www.siamey.com/music/original/Siamey%20-%20Summer%20Dreams%20(Orange).mp3 http://www.siamey.com/music/original/Siamey%20-%20The%20Sound%20Of%20Kaliyuga.mp3 http://www.siamey.com/music/original/Siamey%20-%20Rift%20Watcher.mp3 If I can get more into this style of melody, Id work really hard on perfecting the production (which was lacking back then) and be motivated to send some to record labels. Peace!
  2. are the d-latch songs up for grabs?
  3. Im in! just give me a nudge on msn when you get time, and hopefully ill have a song picked out. djsiamey@hotmail.com thanks bro
  4. http://www.siamey.com/temp/01_Illusion.mp3 found the song on youtube and liked it so i decided to do a speed run on it. i started this about 4 hours ago, i dont know if ill finish it. if anyone has interest in finishing it i can post the files. not processed very well so plz listen loud for nice bassness peace
  5. constructive criticism much appreciated
  6. zircon is the new deep forest
  7. jesus shitting christ, the processing on this is madness the synth is awesome but its just one of the many ridiculous things this song has going for it. rayza you should call your next album "canada's timbaland" or something, but then put a side note about how you're not a thief or a conceited asshole, as anything associated with timbaland implies. awesome work
  8. nice patterns, sounding good. but if thats the first day you've played drums, then im a fucking astronaut
  9. You were an asshole to them and got into their business about what program they used to make music, so they fucking abandoned you.
  10. wip updated in first post
  11. mainly a remake with a couple added things. this is about 50% done www.siamey.com/temp/flame_192.mp3
  12. Hey guys, I decided to work for 1 hour on a mix and then post it. I actually got pretty far, and Im proud of the drum processing I did. There are 2 parts in the file, cause i didnt write the transition yet, so dont think its gonna be like that in the finished version. http://www.siamey.com/music/doodle/siamey_castle.mp3 EDIT: New version with some more drum processing and crud: http://www.siamey.com/music/doodle/siamey_castlev2.mp3
  13. Detective Siam is on the case. msn me to grab wips, akago EDIT: oh snap, i missed "creepy, ambient gothic vibe, preferably with a piano tune" sorry, nevermind, mine will probly just be some catchy instruments with some beats, or something odd.
  14. haha yea, at 40 seconds its just some weird drums that are supposed to sound mucky like running in a swamp or something.
  15. Im almost to the point where ill pay a grand or more to get a tb303 with a midi input mod off of ebay. i cant make a true sounding 303 patch on subtractor, obviously, and entering notes in rebirth is rediculous. How exactly does one use the rebirth input machine for good rather than evil? can you send notes to it from reason as like a midi synth?
  16. First off, i just want to say that i love the energy you have here. There are production issues and parts where things could be changed, but whats really cool is that you just go for it, you aren't timid about it. there is alot going and and it seems very compressed, and you could bring it down a tad in some places, but i just really like the fact that you just dive in in go for it. i like the chopped strings in the begining melody, thats tight shit. keep on truckin man btw what program are you using?
  17. nice loop i like the offbeat synth that comes in early on and the phasing of the loop
  18. LOL SHIT! i mean to say eek_02.spc its the trancy one, i hate eek_03.spc i was thinking "the 3rd spc in the rar" and i fucked up when i told rexy cause i didnt know that the naming scheme started at eek!_00.spc rats ill be more careful next time
  19. Why was Greg Eagles (aka George Byrd) not the voice actor of Grey Fox in Twin Snakes? He reprised his role as the DARPA chief, so why not Grey Fox? He sounds alot better than rob paulsen.
  20. i dont see where else this should be posted... also, why are you such a fucking asshole in every situation possible
  21. Was I the only one blessed enough to hear this batshit insane WIP of sigma's first stage from mmx1 http://www.siamey.com/ocr/Sigma1.ogg EDIT: where is that old bastard these days, and where is binnie too?
  22. http://www.siamey.com/ocrtemp/tdo.mp3
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