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Everything posted by Effector

  1. So I got the new EGM in today. Rumor Mill column says, and I quote: So greet this with the normal skepticism that accompanies rumors, especially SSBB rumors, but keep in mind that Sakurai has touted the improved physics and that EGM's Rumor Mill is fairly selective and usually right. Not to say they don't make mistakes, but they've got a pretty good column.
  2. Play Separate Ways if you can get your hands on the PS2 or Wii version. Saddler as a human... pretty awesome. Too bad Ada didn't really get a final boss - just another silly timed sequence.
  3. I agree with pretty much everything. For one who raped the content out of the original GCN game, this is way easy. I don't think I'll have much trouble even up to Professional mode. Mercenaries might be a little difficult, but still easier than the original. The shooting range is actually laughable if you do rapid-fire (TMP). Yeah, it does take a little while to get used to, especially for those of us who invested so many hours into RE4. Once you realize that most of the buttons are just remaps of their Cube counterparts, you can kind of wrap your head around it. The bad part is that you have to unlock all the content by playing through the game on normal. I'm all excited about seeing the new stuff, but I have to replay a game I've beaten so many times. Still, I find new stuff every time I play through, so it's not a really raw deal. I mean, this game is fucking amazing, end of story. EDIT: Oh, but a downside of the Wii version is that (it being so easy to aim) I'm running low on ammo most of the time. Unlike running Professional on 'cube, where the main strategy for single villagers is to shoot them once in head to make them stumble, then run forward, kick, and slash them as they get up (1 bullet used), I've been just happily blasting everyone I can see (a billion bullets). I was always really careful about my ammo consumption before, but it being so fun to shoot, I can't help it this time around. So figure out for yourself if that's a plus or minus for the game.
  4. Yeah, definitely MAME32. Been using it for years now. If you want something nicer to say, go on an upright cabinet, I used to use Ultrastyle. Didn't like it very much, though. Anyone have any nice-looking frontends that I might be able to put on a little cabinet someday?
  5. Great essay, AP. I think you actually touched me with your nerdy emotionalism. But I know what you're talking about with wanting only the desire of the goal - not desiring the goal itself. It's plagued me for too long and it's still a problem of mine. Luckily, it's only affected my wallet so far (as in your SMB3 story). Nice to see the internet isn't just for lulz? Hope your marriage is a long and happy one.
  6. Wow, I actually agree with atma for once. I hope not - Wario has so many awesome things to pull from I'd find it kind of dull for two of this attacks to be wasted on farting.
  7. I lawled at new title. But good to hear he's up and about and feeling better.
  8. That's what I remember too. The only problem is arguing over who gets to play lead guitar. No one in my little group wants to play drums. D: I dropped by Best Buy today (to pick up RE4 Wii Edition) and impressed some people with my GH2 skillz. Even with a missing strap, a broken whammy bar, and no sound, I didn't do too bad for myself.
  9. I'm not too worried about it - my friends and I already collectively one GH guitar, and maybe another soon. IIRC, those will be compatible with Rock Band? So, just the drumset and the mic (which should be semi-cheap), in addition to the game itself - shouldn't be too painful split between four people. Don't forget that you don't have to buy all the components to play the game, if you just have two people playing. Thought the Ending Bonus is a neat concept, but could get annoying. Oh well.
  10. As for my real name ("Duncan Staggs" through Google): I live an alternate life as a lonely inmate, who wants to know about making meth. (Pretty sure those are the same guy.) Also, I spend some time as a spam bot in Japan. Most of the results are me, mostly in relation to robotics, so I clearly win the contest to own my name.
  11. Now I feel silly. D:
  12. I think he was running King Bahamut through? Just a guess.
  13. Yeah, they wanted everyone to do all the name changing before the switch. If I had a brain, I would've done it, but I'm pretty much stuck with this one now. I don't want to turn this thread into a MODS, GET RID OF TEN CHARACTER LIMIT AND NAME CHANGE RESTRICTIONS, KTHX kind of thing.
  14. I get a lot of non-username results when I stick my current in Google, seeing as it's really generic Latin that got stuck into a bunch of technical applications - biochem, CS, etc. Older user name - mostly just me, but I don't play PSO or FFXI, as far as I know. (Especially not as one of those ugly things.)
  15. What is the difference, exactly? I understand the intestine one, how is this one similar?
  16. Broken records around here - needs less (or better) dialogue. Stick to fights, Proxicide. Akuma got some sissy lines - guy needs to get his writing in order. wangless, couldn't kill this man in a flash battle? (I thought so, but what do I know... Your site makes me cry every time I visit.)
  17. This is the best evidence that WDing is still in the game. Everything else you two found is really neat too. Nice finds. EDIT: Ehhhh, rewatched it, hi-res original movie. Doesn't look like it does anything special moving along that platform, just running. But I agree, it does look like his tumbling down to that lower section, but I can't tell if he techs to confirm that, his landing little flash is enormous and obscures what's going on. Count me out on WDing until I get my hands on the game or Sakurai tells us directly.
  18. Don't know why we couldn't make the old FO3 thread into just the one for all FO3 discussion, but whatever. Yeah, all that info is about two/three weeks old. It's all recycled info from the interview done by Game Informer. I don't even see what "footage" you're talking about, it's all just old stills mixed with the interview. Wake me up in a few months when Beth decides to actually give us more info. EDIT: Post sounded a bit harsh. I am really, really excited about this game, but for every time someone proclaims NEW INFORMATION, it's a false alarm - same old stuff covered by a new site or magazine. Boo.
  19. Nice to see it was (relatively) painless, Andrew. Sounds like a scary, close call on the tests/scans. Glad you turned out safe and healthy. Here's to your continued health, zircon.
  20. What, like Brinstar Depths? I don't get what you're trying to say. But I won't miss star ko's either.
  21. I really had never thought about most of those people on that list... But really, wouldn't that be a plus for Mello and whoever? I mean, they don't end up in hell. Surely Mu is better than that? Also, what were the exact circumstances of Sachiko Yagami doing the deal? I don't remember much of that.
  22. Farts? The motorcycle is damn amazing. I kind of expect the Waft to be approximately about the level of PK Flash, maybe a bit more powerful. Agreed.
  23. I don't think it's Dark Samus or a new character - Metroid has been rather stuck on doppelgängers lately (SA-X, Dark Samus) there's not much room for another look-alike. But instead, I think it's the "corrupted" version of Samus. As per wiki:
  24. Gonna go with "not wavedash". My best guess is that it's Wario bouncing really low to the ground off of that sloped platform. I watched both of those sections again, and I'm still up in the air. It's not either a dodge or a wavedash going by what we know from Melee. Either one of both of those things have been changed. (And I guess changing dodging would affect the animations for wavedashing)
  25. Yeah, that's why I said theory. I never actually read the manga, but I've been looking stuff up about it after I finished the anime. It would give me a lot more appreciation for Near and let me enjoy the finale some.
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