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Everything posted by jordex

  1. 50 bucks (Canadian) for a year at Rogers video. That's better than extending your subscription
  2. Guys, I'm going to play right now, who's coming with? Eh? Eh? Who's coming with?!
  3. Haar I likey! But why the hell isn't Shael busting out his crazy freestyle? When that snare came in I was waiting for the song to break out into some insane Shael rap buuut it never happened. However the vocals that are in the song are just fuckin sweet, make em louder! and make the song longer!! ARgh
  4. Omg Awesome Disco Dan! I can always count on you for one thing, getting me dancing! This is one sweet-ass song monkey, keep em coming!
  5. It's all smooooth sailing, I'm digging this vibe, love that ep! I could fall asleep to this stuff, awesome stuff mp, you gotta bring me more!
  6. Shit son... This is one tight song you threw together, I'm loving it dood! I'm feeling it, diggin' it! Fucking awesome song you got here! I love sonic music! Agh!
  7. No... I'm afraid this was a terrible song, far too repetive and the drumloop and all those effects the artist tried putting in just got annoying. The guy's probally producing some quality stuff now but this older song is just awful
  8. I shouldn't be supporting P2P programs but they're probally the best at supplying drum samples
  9. Ah wow, really cool ambience and the percussion is just sweet! Nada lot else to say about this, just that CotMM has done some pretty obscure, trippy songs, this is probally his most calm one and it's pretty good. Very sweet ambience and percussion which is about the whole song
  10. http://www.projectsam.com Free demos can be found there. Listen to some of my latest stuff if you want to hear them in use. Ah wow there's tons of stuff on this site! I'll go try em out, thanks!
  11. Can I find some orchestral, realistic sounding trumpets anywhere?
  12. Wow this was made in FL?! That's 'effin amazing then! Unknown always impresses me. I love WindWaker music and this song only makes me appreciate it more! There's one sound in the begging of the song that sounds like some trance sound effect but that's cool. Awesome job on this Unknown!
  13. Oh I just love this song, I just can't appreciate Mustin anymore than I already do This song feels so romantic and thoughtful and reminds me of all those depressing RPGs I used to play What a beautiful song! Awesome job on this one Mustin and Kassie! Oh how this song makes me want to cry
  14. tag: SmokeAlarm39 What happened to the old clan?
  15. This hasn't happened to me before I don't think but when I'm in FL and I turn down the Winamp volume, the FL volume goes down as well. Maybe all I need to do is restart my comp but still, what would cause this to happen?
  16. Definatly very cheerful and encouraging Awesome guitar work! Alot like your DKC remix When the guitar first comes its very lifting and upbeat There are only two problems I had with this mix. The drum fills sound a bit awhkward, they need to be quantized better and in the middle of the guitar solo around 1:52, I say you could have chosen some better notes, they seem to be outta key there. But this is still an upbeat, rockin', ass kickin song! Kudos Darangen
  17. ah cool, I never knew darkesword used fl Heres what my playlist looks like when I'm not so lazy And heres what my playlist looks like when I just don't care, I end up memorizing what all 52 patterns are somehow I just always have problems when I want to add a pickup note
  18. Ah.. Sounds like a perfect symphony for a movie Very dramatic the whole way through, the strings continue to show emotion through out the whole song I felt that the drums were too repetitive for the first four minutes or so but you can't do much about that, everything on top of the percussion however was amazing I liked the faster paced feel from around 5-6 minutes to the end but A very impressive mix here Prot, too bad you're not around any more He was quite helpful around the remixing forums
  19. Haha old school drum beats but it's still got me dancing! Actually if this song didn't have those retro drums it probally would have passed as just "another song" for me. If you stop hardcore dancing to those drums and listen, you'll find that there's actually a song behind them and it's not too bad either! amIevil gives us quite a good laugh here so listen to the song! It's worth the download
  20. w000t! I just love beatdrop and mp for this one That kick really gets you listening, wondering what'll happen next, cool bassline behind the kick too! *waiting, waiting* WHOA! Fucking bad-ass percussion! Highlight of the song! This next part is hard to tap my foot too seeing how everythings on the off beat but once the main part comes in it all kicks ass again I'm surprised this is the only mystic quest remix here, the game did have quite the cool music Anyways thaank ye beatdrop, mp
  21. It seems alot of people like this mix, it's no doubt why. Extremely catchy, tons of excellent mixing effects and an extremely sexy synth! It may sound a little warehouse and short but still awesome! Some cool little effects and parts at 0:18, 0:34, 0:51 and at 1:00 to 1:20, the best part in the song! I don't what beej did there but he just makes the synth feel like its reaching out fuckin eh.. too bad this is the only song by beej here
  22. Ah wow! Groovy! Definatly groovy! Outstanding solos giving the song a sort of funky, laid-back feel. I dig those piano solos! And then jumping back into the funky feel. I can't wait to see what djp's working on next
  23. What would be the best way going about arranging your patterns? Say for every istrument, leave about 3-5 empty patterns until the next instrument? My playlist always ends up a big mess, I end up memorizing roughly what each pattern is. So yeah, my question, how should I arrange my patterns?
  24. I'm looking for a nice distorted guitar sound, but wet distortion. Very ambient, and relaxing kind of distortion, not metal. I tried changing around the FL Slayer samples but they're not really what I'm looking for. A guitar with wet distortion which will work well in ambience
  25. Out of all the Space Harrier mixes I couldn't really find one that stuck out but I'ld have to say DJP's is the best one. Space Harrier has one of the best theme's, it's a shame the remixes aren't good. It's great when djp layers the synths in this song and there are some great solos. One cool parts at 1:23 and then there's that crazy solo somewhere near the middle. My favourite part is near the end at 3:10 where that new synth is added Overall this isn't a bad song. I'm still looking for that extremely kick ass Space Harrier mix
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