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  1. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/yndi I really don't even know where I'm going with this, but yeah. Strings need to be cleaned up.
  2. Still working on April Rain from a year ago. It's a sonic remix in the usual cynic project style. Hope there's enough green hill zone in this mix Any feedback is appreciated! http://tcpmusic.com/music/GHZ_mix3.mp3 Alex / The Cynic Project old sonic remixes here http://sonic.tcpmusic.com/
  3. VERSION 3: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=739 Alright so, I changed a bunch. Still not mixed/mastered and whatnot. Some drums are different, the beginning is different, and the breakdown got a bunch of stuff added to it. I'm not sure what to do after the breakdown. There is some stuff there.. but I dont know What do you guys think? ----------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=718 I changed up the structure *so its longer and doesnt switch so quickly*. Also changed up the drums a bit and added some layering. ----------------------------------------------------- http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=717 Really really rough work in progress. Let me know what you think (im just trying to get some ideas down. Also what should I call it? I was thinking "A Chilly Day in Winnipeg" (if you dont know about how cold winnipeg is,the place that I live, go look it up )
  4. I've been making music for about....2(?) years now, some stuff good, some stuff abominable(It all revolves around techno.) These are probably my best(?) ones, but I'm never satisfied with ANY of my work, 'cause I never think I'm finished. Just asking for some tips and comments. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/325769 Twisted Spring and http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/317799 Heart's Wings I post my stuff on newgrounds right now, 'cause I know of nowhere else to put 'em. These are for a game I'm trying to make....dunno where I'm gonna put 'em though. Have listen fun plz!
  5. Did this for my Digital Art "Sound Art" Project. When my Prof compared it to Phillip Glass, I thought I should refine it more. Hence, it is here. I took the base theme's midi, synthesized some sounds and put them into Audacity. The structure is my own brand of chaos. Note: The Decay of the Distorted Guitar at the end sounds tinny as crap, but I don't know how to fix it atm. I also don't own a guitar, know how to play one or know anyone who does for the simple solution. I call it, "Riding The Lightning" for no reason whatsoever.
  6. Hi there, new to the site, just wanted to say that I'm working on something new and orchestral for the first time (was inspired by the Mass Effect 2 guy after finding out he did everything in FL Studio) and I've used it for various projects before since 2002 but nothing orchestral. Check it out let me know what you think, I'm having a little trouble with the drums and accents and where to place them but hopefully I will get better at that For this I used Edirol Orchestral and Miroslav Philharmonic... Click here for the link Cheers, WiKiD
  7. Here's a fun little version of treetop tumble I have in the works... My other posted remixes are flops, because, well, you've got to hear them to know why. Hopefully this is a little better. http://Mirror.Electrolisystem.com/dropboxmirror/mirror1/treetop_terror.mp3 http://Mirror.Electrolisystem.com/dropboxmirror/mirror1/treetop_terror.wav I hope that these sound a bit more quantized for... peoples tastes. all the best, Electrolisystem
  8. So this was one of my originals. i like most of it cuz its pretty solid. obviously, the piano solo part inst completely final, as no background is there most of the time. and, btw, i know there will be a lot of comments on the sax volume (you'll know where) but i did it on purpose to make it very pronounced and predominant. anyways, please comment and enjoy LINK:
  9. Ok so just to let you guys know. I'm still workin on the Lucky Number Show Remix. I'm leanin more towards no vocals so I'll have that decision by tomorrow. If I don't add vocals then it'll be done much faster. But anyways on to my Zelda Remix. I'm sure you've all heard tefnek's 'the end' remix for FFVII, well this remix is inspired by that remix. And I'm using Zircons shreddage for the guitar part. First - Now bear with me, I've never officially mixed guitars into my music so I don't know anything about humanization or mixing guitars so I need some pointers with that. Second - The hip hop/electronic section the beginning isn't 100% finished, nor is the guitar section and that transition isn't final either I just threw that in there to let you guys know that I suck with transitions and I need some help with that lol. Third - I know production may not be there so if you guys have any production critiques I could use those as well. Fourth - I'm goin for a dark sound so if there are any other elements that you guys think would sound good or pre exisiting sounds that could be tweaked to help with the dark sound, let me know. Anyways please help a brotha out lol, hope you guys at least enjoy it xD. Remix
  10. Here's a quick song i did using ezDrummer. Specifically its the drumkit from hell expansion that goes along with ezdrummer. I'm really hoping these drums some more realistic than what i was getting out of beatcraft. Beatcraft is a good program, but not for metal. I can hear the difference already and i think it sounds so much better. Let me know what ya think? Thanks guys.
  11. Hey all! Been a while since I check into OCR, glad to see everyone is still cruising. This is a section of a housey mix of Search Man's Theme from megaman 8, with some electro elements in it too. I hope this produces smiles! www.siamey.com/ocrtemp/heath_morris_-_search_man_shuffle_megaman_8.mp3
  12. Newest Version(v3): http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=741 I changed the backbeat into proper key and made it quieter, as well as making a few minor timing adjustments, also changed ending synth into something more like original game audio, not that messed up sounding thing before. Not much of a change, but it sounds better(although still could be better in my opinion). Please leave feedback. New revision: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=736 By the way, I want to know if this seems like a good length for this song and if I should add anything else and if so what as I really don't know what else to add, and I need to swing the piano a little more as it isn't noticeable at all, but aside from that I feel that this is essentially done. The old post is underneath so you can still hear original, ignore text aside from the Name section as I need one. although I may call it the "Attitudes of a Golden town," does this seem like a good name? I also think I need to make the guitar drop out more naturally as opposed to this abruptness. I may not use the vibes, they don't seem to fit in with everything else, which stinks because I wanted to use them. Does the Backbeat(the short repetitive synth'ed rythym) fit, or do I need a different one(cause now it kind of seems like a replacement theme for lavender town)? and is said backbeat loud enough? I apologize about all these questions but I really need feedback, and do I need a louder sax, or a lighter(acoustic maybe) guitar? And with the almost done listed in original post, I was talking about the actual general song, not the other additions. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=733 I am not done yet as I still need to add a Drum beat(unless you people like it the way it is now and feel the drum would ruin the song). I also feel i need to make the song a little longer. I am also lacking a name for my song, If anyone has a good idea please pass it out. I feel that this has come far enough to upload this now and get some feedback on this. So, tell me what you think. And also, how long should I make this now that I have it mostly done? Sorry, the image link thing died so now I just have a link.
  13. By the way, yes, if I ever submit this, I will replace the cheesy piano soundfont with a real recording. Remix V1 Just a rough cut of a little over a minute. Source music: Peaceful Days, Chrono Trigger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uODZVIkuqlI
  14. Original My version http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/326957 i'm a really n00b on creating solos, i worked hard trying to fit this on a hearable quality, i need to know more things to pu in or take out here
  15. Wow. This place looks different! It's been a long, long, long time since I last logged in here. Anyhow, I was pumped when I heard about the Alice sequal on McGee's site. Some of us over there are throwing together a little remix project of the original score by Chris Vrenna. I love this soundtrack and figured I'd take a picklestab at my favorite track from it. I'd say it's about 90-95% done. I'm pleased with the layout and flow, but I'm horrendous at mixing/fine tuning my pieces, so I thought I'd head back to my old stomping grounds and put it through the OC community gauntlet to see what some true talents think of it. The thing about Vrenna's style on this whole soundtrack is that it's so unique, achieving variation from it through my own sound should be a slam dunk. The original is slow and ambient, but powerful. I picked the speed up a bit and tried to give it some bite in an electronia-esque (I guess it would be called, I don't really put much stock in labels and genres) type of sound. 2 sources to grab it from, take your pick: Click here to download Pandemonium (Hexane Migraine remix).mp3 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2TISWQY2 EDIT: BTW, I go mostly by the handle GrimmHatter now. Thought I should stress that so no one thinks I'm stealing this.
  16. Very much still a work in progress, but i'd like to hear what people think of it so far. www.soundcloud.com/anti-syne Thanks Anti-Syne
  17. http://tindeck.com/listen/dirm So, this is the product of about 3 minutes of work (1 spent EQing and 2 spent recording) but I thought despite the amount of time I put into it, I thought it was worth sharing It was all played live on my keyboard (yeah, sampled guitar FTL) without any editing or quantization. Any adherence to actual music theory guidelines is entirely coincidental because I don't know any theory, but ehh Hopefully you all enjoy this. It's the first thing I've ever recorded in my life that I think is good enough to share publicly (keep in mind that I first started playing an instrument only a year and some change ago, so I'm still really new at this.)
  18. Alright, i wrote this song after Total Disaster, but i still need to work on the drums more. The arrangement is mostly finished. Although i'm thinking of adding a lead of some kind to the "verse" section. I say that cause its the part where its just the fast drums and guitars playing the 16th notes. I think some kind of keyboard/synth solo would be cool but i think i wanna do a collab for that cause after a while my keyboard solos all sound the same,
  19. That may not be the title of the piece, and I may change it constantly in the coming days. But anyway, here it is.Stilt attitude. Please scream in rage and horror at the terrible form it has taken so far. Or, if you wish, you can alternatively comment (unbiased - or biased, if you wish) so I can improve it based on how you respond. Basically, listen and comment.
  20. An incomplete version of Nuts And Bolts. CHA0S Room enjoy, or not, if you wish.
  21. This track started off as a straightforward arrangement of the Special Zone theme from Sonic the Hedgehog, but eventually morphed into a cover of analoq's "sonik special".
  22. This is pretty much an electric guitar arrangement of Megaman Zero 2's ed song (which i'll link here for reference ).I'd like to receive constructive feedback regarding pretty much every aspect such as intrumentality, playing, tone, mix, general feel of the song,etc, in a way this is finished, but i'm looking into ways to improve it.
  23. Hey, guys. I'm new to the OCR community, but I've been listening for years now, and thought I'd take a shot at my own submission. I've only been doing electronic music for about three months now, so I've still got a lot to learn, but I figured I'd just post this up here and see what kind of critique I could get from people. Original Source Tune: Megaman Battle Network 4 - Battle Pressure Didn't see even one submission accepted for the Megaman Battle Network series, so I decided to take a stab at one of my favorite songs from the games. Sadly, this song didn't leave me with much to work with melodically, so I kind of had to run with it. My take on it: Program Advanced http://tindeck.com/listen/xfwx Again, I'm still pretty new to music production in general - mixing and mastering, especially - so all constructive critique would be appreciated. Despite having so little to work with, I think I'm off to a decent start, so whatever ideas you guys might have, don't hesitate to make a suggestion. Thanks a bunch!
  24. Something in a bit of a softer style than i've done before, so i'd like to hear if you lot think i can pull it off, or give up on it. it should be the second one down on www.soundcloud.com/anti-syne And yes i think this is my 3rd FF8 mix posted in 2 weeks...
  25. Here's a remix that I did a long time ago. Flying Battery from Sonic 3. I wanted to upload this here because this was my first remix in wich I edited the arrangement and composition of the song. Link: http://soundcloud.com/thecoolguy2010/flying-battery-remix-wip
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