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  1. I reharmonized the main theme from Chrono Trigger and recorded a version with my friend who plays electric violin. Haven't recorded electric violin, so I'm looking for tips there. I'm also wondering how y'all feel about the EQing. Let me know. Link to my version.
  2. What's up? I haven't posted new tracks here in a while. Here's a complete overhaul of one of my old tracks. Drum & Bass with a lil dubstep and ambience here and there. A little Pop-ish towards the middle, and inspired by zircon and Lindsey Stirling. By the way, turn the Box.com volume up to 100%, since by default it isn't. ReMix: https://app.box.com/s/663y2pg9zpoc4e9e0jzk Source: Feedback is welcome. I'll submit this soon.
  3. Hi guys. I've just finished one of my first remixes, and it's the Luigi's Mansion main theme (The Mansion). I hope you like it EDIT: Version #2: https://soundcloud.com/lightningalex/luigis-mansion-theme-remix
  4. Not much to say, just an idea I fleshed out. I feel like it's done, but I don't know if it's ready for submission. Anything is helpful. ReMix: https://soundcloud.com/touchsoundmusic-1/he-who-turns-his-back-on-god-bloody-tears Source:
  5. Hey =) I'd like to present you my arrangement of Poison Mind or in other words - Boss Battle Theme from Castlevania (NES). I've chosen classical instruments and a fine kick drum in the background. Also added some FX Effects =) I hope you enjoy, just follow the link below: http://www.mike-sparrow.ch/poison_mind.mp3 Kind regards, your Mike Sparrow
  6. https://soundcloud.com/chernabogue/thunder-shooter-returns For those who don't remember, or didn't know, I did a "VS Kanden" remix for the Harmony of a Hunter album, and VikingGuitar helped me with mixing/mastering. I decided a few weeks ago to test new samples and improve my mixing/mastering skills, so here's the new version. Kanden is metulz! Source: (MPH)
  7. https://soundcloud.com/bitlegs/shining-force-ii-shrine-bitlegs-vision-questing zeon says hi
  8. Hello fellow musicians and videogame lovers. We are Nestunes from Sweden and we are releasing new recordings this autumn. I'll post some songs here to see if you like our remixes/rearrangements. Here's Vampire Thriller from Castlevania https://soundcloud.com/nestunes/castlevania
  9. https://soundcloud.com/daniel-lesuer/get-back-to-work ( I didn't know using playthroughs was causing that much of a problem, but under protest here's the link) Thank you Timaeus222! So this is more soundscape( bear with me on this one) I just feel with all the interpretive sounds it really is more of an opera with no singing( pretty sure if that's not possible...) :05 The hammering beat :21 the sound of rhythmic push broom :24 the jackhammer chipping away to the beat, 1:05 the steam escaping from the cymbals 1:12 the friendly company reminders as cheerful bleeps "Thank you for shopping with (insert mole pun store name) and remember…A Hard Working Mole is a Happy Mole” 2:10 Oh an the Basson, next to the human voice, might be one of the most expressive instruments out there, it complains, asks "why do I have to work so HAAAAARRRRRD?" "but I'm SOOOOOOO tired " Next question Seriously need help with this one, so a while back there was request for a Remix of "Hard Working Moles are Happy Moles" for a Super Mario RPG album project. It's from a year ago. How do I submit this for consideration on that album? Not sure whats happing with that, any help is appreciated, Thank You For Your time!!
  10. Hi people This time I decided to make a rock arrangement of this great song. I hope you like it. Greetings from México
  11. Herro everyone, here's a cover song I did a while back. It's not my normal work (electronic) but all acoustic. Hope someone out there enjoys it. http://www.soundcloud.com/theartinme/the-art-in-me-breakeven-cover
  12. In addition to the Rising Sun remix, I also remixed Baihu's theme from Shenmue II, which I've titled White Tiger:
  13. So... here's a song I did for the finale of Remixing with the Stars. It's the song Rim Elm from the PSX RPG Legend of Legaia. I wanted to do something entirely different from my usual repetoire and chose (oldskool) reggae as a style. I think it turned out pretty well, given the 2 week deadline that I had, but I'd appreciate some feedback so I can really finish it. So... any opinions and suggestions for improvement? Here it is: https://soundcloud.com/jorito/da-legend-of-da-regg-aelm-ya Source: http://youtu.be/W2TSDlXy7EQ
  14. I recently completed this mix of the track Dawn from Shenmue. Thought I would share.
  15. A new song of mine. I'm practicing working on dynamics more in my songs. I'll take any tips on the production or musical sides of things! https://soundcloud.com/brad-charles/a-shadow-in-the-forest
  16. One of my personal favourite songs I've written this year. It's the last track on my recent album 'The Wire.' It has a really U2-meets-Coldplay feeling to it, which is what I was aiming for as a closing track. https://soundcloud.com/vanityangelfixx/love-song
  17. So for the past few weeks, I've been working on and off on a Chillout sort of tune I call "Club Osiris". Uses middle eastern instruments and scales. Goal here was to create a hypnotic track that could work in an Egyptian themed nightclub or something. Here is the tune. Get ready to make some serpents dance. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/club-osiris Thanks for checkin' it out!
  18. Hi everyone. Well this time I decided to make a Rock Medley based on Boss Fight themes. The theme selection is not a big deal, but every song put my skills to the test, they have a high technical level. Chrono trigger was really demanding, along with Zelda a link to the past, ninja gaiden, every song was a challenge. Well here it is hope you enjoy it.
  19. Hey everyone, I just finished another cover on the EWI - the main theme from Bubble Bobble. I'd love for you to have a listen! Any feedback always appreciated.
  20. Hi, Here's a meditation ambient music that i made : https://soundcloud.com/xouman/feed-your-mind What do you think?
  21. Hey Everyone, First time ever posting a remix. I feel like there's something that's really lacking and wanted some feedback. I'm going to a studio to mix and master on saturday so I'm trying to finish it up before then. Any feedback good or bad is appreciated. I know the mix is kind of sub par and I threw a master on it, but I'm looking more for arrangement comments. Maybe there's some atmosphere that can fill the gap that I'm missing. Source - Remix - https://soundcloud.com/cidfox/sparkman-bj-master
  22. http://youtu.be/j6xr312N8Ck Wrote this around a month ago. Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!
  23. After touching up Careless Stories a bit, I've started work on what I hope will be a better album overall - Careless Stories was more of a learning experience than anything, so that should be easy to accomplish. Here's the first track of my new WIP album, Atlantic Memories. Once again, it's an entirely acoustic album. While the song still needs a few touch ups I'm happy with how it's turned out so far. https://soundcloud.com/katherine-allen-12/1-a-tale-of-obstacles
  24. So here's a funky, groovy remix of the song "Ripple Field" from the SNES game Kirby's Dream Land 3 that I originally did for MnP20. Never played the game myself but the source tune was very catchy, and it turned out to be a cool and fun track to work on. Still debating if this is fresh enough to submit to the judges or not, so let's hear it Remix: https://soundcloud.com/jorito/kirbys-dream-land-3-dreamin-of-them-funky-ripples Source:
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