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  1. Ok so ill admit i wont probably update this one. but, i definitely could use some critiques on how to mix it better. i think this one has a lot of mixing errors, particularly in the low end that could use some proper direction so that i can handle bass ( and juicy taiko samples) better in the future. ive come to realize Low end is a huge weakness in my mixes. anywho https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/last-stand-of-dollet-dollet edit: its a remix of Dollet landing from final fantasy 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Leog1FnIO98
  2. WIP 1 - http://tindeck.com/listen/ripz WIP 2 - https://soundcloud.com/emunator/phendrana-drifts-wip WIP 3 - https://soundcloud.com/emunator/metroid-prime-phendrana-drifts WIP 4 - https://soundcloud.com/emunator/sub-zero-phendrana-drifts I'm kind of at a loss with this mix but I thought the soundscape was turning out pretty solid and I'm really proud of the improv piano take I did so far. Any thoughts on this?
  3. Just joined recently and hoping to get some feedback on a RPG style random battle theme I've been working on. It's essentially done, but I'll take any comments/criticism and hopefully use that to improve it. http://www.reverbnation.com/bradcharles/song/18190976-rpg-battle-theme
  4. A few months ago, I heard this song and immediately fell in love with it. I started writing the remix off and on for a couple of weeks, and I feel like it's about 50% complete right now. Please forgive the low quality of the arrangement, I haven't bothered with any production, or even mixing all of the sounds properly. I'm interested in getting some thoughts on the arrangement so far, and any suggestions on how to improve it. Source: Remix: https://soundcloud.com/arceace/team-plasma-battle
  5. Hey there, guys. Haven't visited the site in a really long time, so I thought I'd throw together a remix. This one is from Final Fantasy VIII: 'Compression of Time.' It's been given a heavy sort of hip hop vibe, I just haven't laid any vocals over it. http://tindeck.com/listen/vzoa I'd love to hear what you guys think. Edit: A new version with vocals is now available. https://soundcloud.com/casey-dio-venn/temporal-convulsion-vocal-mix Thanks, ~CV
  6. Very much a work in progress. Well, the whole bloody *game* is a work in progress. (I'm laboring through the entire game on piano -- not exactly "remix'y", but it's what I'm doin' y'all.) Also, I apologize but it's a YouTube video, 'cause I...don't actually know what a WIP is. Also also, I filled up my Soundcloud account with a narration of a documentary that apparently isn't going to get off of the ground. Anywho, link: Delightful Spekkio
  7. Hey guys. In desperate need of feedback, concrit, etc. Click for the remix.
  8. Chiptune I made in the past week, take a listen and criticize to fullest scrutiny https://soundcloud.com/ajshoop/el-juego
  9. Not sure what else I need to do with the EQing besides taking out peaks, but this is the structure I think I'm going with right now. Any ideas?
  10. Despite the fact that I'm broke and all I have is Cubase 5 until school starts again, I got an inspiration. My partner and his friends are working on a game and although I can't say if it's ever going to be finished, I'm composing some music for it. This is the first version of a dungeon/exploring theme: https://soundcloud.com/napket/exploring-the-world I've only added some basic EQ, reverb, dynamics etc. I'm still going to adjust levels and add some automation for instance. Please enjoy and feel free to give feedback!
  11. After a long time of silence, here I am, back on ocr forums! I'm the guy who attempted production a couple of years ago by writing two Final Fantasy arrangements as a start, but they really weren't so good... (You can find them here [FFVIII] and here [FFX]) I eventually left production behind for a while, but lately I started studying and applying it very seriously. The following is a little sketch of a Zelda rearrangrment I wrote in the last two days. It's much higher level from my previous productions, but there's still much job to do... So I'd love to hear what you guys think about this sketch! You can find it here: http://soundcloud.com/im-limit-break/deus-ex-machina-song-of-storms
  12. https://soundcloud.com/derajium/never-be-the-one This is my original song Never Be The One The original name that i had just tagged to the first WIP was Kyoto, due to the initial japanese instrument in the beginning of the song, that goes throughout the piece, but then on addition of vocals, changed the title to Never Be The One. I hope you enjoy, comments and feedback greatly appreciated.
  13. Hey guise, just got this rough demo of a piano cover of the Veniccio theme from Dark Cloud 2/Dark Chronicle. Its a piano bar/restaurant rendition. Its still in its "idea" stage, so this track was done nearly fully improv. The form hasn't yet been figured out, it will go something like this. Any criticism would be great, especially regarding form and composition. Also, I know the track isn't very loud. The finally version will be louder. Here is the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY2Nqrlxcn0 Here is my version: http://tindeck.com/listen/oeav -Pallet Town Conservatorium of the Arts
  14. I've just got selected to possibly be composing for a Machinima Minecraft build series (through a friend who happens to be a director of a project) and I've been tasked with producing a 'demo reel' kind of thing to show off what I can do. The style for my brief has essentially been 'generic film music', and I've recently started working on said project. Problem is, I'm going through a bit of a musical slump and am rapidly losing inspiration and ideas for this project. Luckily, I've managed to power on a bit and I've mocked up just over a minute of (mostly filler) a composition and would love to get some feedback. Right now it's definitely more about the general feel of the music and possibly the general overall sound quality. So as not to completely melt my computer, I haven't rendered on highest quality settings, but this is about as close as I can get without taking hours and hours for each update. It'd also be great if people could possibly suggest some nice 'epic' orchestral chord progressions that aren't overused. I keep on coming across ones that I want to use but don't because film music is already saturated with them. Thanks in advance!
  15. I'm relatively new to remixing and music production, but I welcome all constructive criticism! Let me know your thoughts people! Lumi www.soundcloud.com/luminairemusic/encapsulated Thanks for listening!
  16. So I've decided to take a shot at arranging one of my favorite video game themes: Ryu's Stage from SF2. I went full out orchestral from this arrangement (a risky choice since I'm using mostly default Mixcraft instruments), and took it a lot more slowly and somberly than most other takes on OCR. The structure of the arrangement is a bit wacky mostly because I was trying to throw down ideas while I still had them and get something listenable before bed. Comments and criticism very much welcome. Edit: I'm smart. Totally forgot my link to the track: https://soundcloud.com/skyline-drop/shotokan-brotherhood-ryu-stage
  17. Hey everyone! I've been working on this snazzy remix (really a Re-Orchestration, with some added pieces), and thought I'd share what I have so far! Right now, the only truly 'remixed' part is the original lair theme, the rest has only been Re-Orchestrated. I'm slowly working on it, and I'll definitely post updates here as they happen! What do you think? http://snd.sc/1ci40lt
  18. Most definitively unfinished, but right up to the end i think it keeps things interesting, so its mostly a matter of finishing it. the intro feels weak but im not sure what to change to keep the sound design smooth. any mixing gripes? https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/groove-dimension-chrono-cross
  19. This is my attempt at remixing this awesome track, it's still similar to the source track since I used a version of the track to guide me and then expand from there. I've got this 90s vibe all over my music so you should be able to hear some of that in how I made this track. ANYWAY! This is my first remix in here and I THINK It's going well, apart from it being similar to the source (At least at the beginning). I KNOW it does not have the best sound, I'll work on it when suggestions are made, because there is a time in production in which I hit some kind of dead end and need outside help . Also, it could be that it strays too far from the melody and stuff but I'm not sure, I like it the way it is. Finally, I am lazy when it comes to bass programming so yeah, there you go. Remix: https://soundcloud.com/joe-the-lion-1/living-machine Source: Feel free to listen and criticize. sorry my english is awful
  20. Never even attempted a remix before, but I had an idea of taking Castlevania's Heart of fire and applying a ragtime(ish) feel to it. This is only brief clip, I just wanna know if this track might have something going for it. As for the part at the end. I wasn't sure if it sounded better with octaves or chords when I made it. In hindsight, I think the chords sound better. No need to sugarcoat anything.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDYBbY05bXM Hey guys this is a remix that I actually haven't submitted to the judges so I'm going to call this a work in progress. It's a remix of one of my favorite melodies to Link's Awakening, the town theme. Please give me your criticisms. I would like to start being able to release successful remixes lol. Well most people would lol. Thanks, Zachary
  22. Hey guys, been working on a Mega Man Maverick Hunter X2 OST. So far it's coming along really good I think. I plan to release the OST free to download when we finish all the tracks up. Here's some of them you can take a look at. MHX2 BOSS THEME http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV_hFNlhqk4 MHX2 INTRO STAGE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjZJM4FRZJQ MMX2 BUBBLE CRAB http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBtv9s4ZNl8&list=PLHQmUWZ2dCOjahx2SCjPXdsjV_TebACrx&index=7 MMX2 ZERO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6ahCH7Lh_M You can find the entire play list here.
  23. Hello all! I've begun to make my own electronic songs of a genre I can't really identify under the alias Degree 0, and so I'm posting one of my songs here in the hopes that I can improve it. So here it is, https://soundcloud.com/degree0/metro-station. Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.
  24. I have this goal, that I can finish this, thundercats and my remix for VV2 before the end of August and make all three not suck. Source: Remix thus far: https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/storms-theme-wip-2 Is it heading in the right direction?
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