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  1. I think I may have shared this one before, but I can't find it on the forums so maybe I'm just imagining things. Anyway, I managed to salvage this old chiptune sounding thing I had been working on months and months ago. I should really finish it one day. What do you think? https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/memory-lane-cps2-style-song
  2. This original composition is supposed to be an ending credits theme that plays at the end of an old 16-bit game. http://tindeck.com/listen/ckew Feedback is appreciated.
  3. Update 2: Version 0.3! I think this is something like what the final version should sound like. I've tweaked a lot of little things and it's sounding a lot better. Still sounding a bit shoddy in some places, but I fixed up the Potential For Anything section quite a lot and the ending actually feels fairly dynamic as opposed to the static feel it had before. No problems are that large any more and everything is sounding fairly nice. Update 1: Version 0.2! I added Potential for Anything at the end of all of the others as well as making tweaks to different parts of the mix. Overall I'm happy with everything up to the point Potential for Anything comes in. I actually sort of dislike what I did with that, and I'll remove it if anyone thinks it doesn't fit at all. Gonna show this to Souleye tomorrow if I get it ready for that tomorrow. I contacted him and he's already expressed an interest to hear a semi-finished version. Started working on this earlier today and it started to expand a bit so I thought I'd make it into a little something. Listening to the VVVVVV soundtrack through again, I'm definitely going to be finishing this up (hopefully for submission ). In this I've included 'Presenting VVVVVV', 'Pushing Onwards' and 'Pressure Cooker'. I'm also planning to include 'Potential For Anything', 'Predestined Fate', and probably 'Positive Force'.
  4. Well, this is the first serious remix I've done. It's from one of my favorite games ever - Mega Man 4 for NES. I've made it to be a bit gloomy and dark in the beggining, and progressively get out of that mood the more it gets closer to the end. I've made it in Ableton Live 8. Don't know what else to add... I hope you like it. All suggestions how to make the track better will be highly appreciated. Here is the remix: This is the original: Thanks for listening!
  5. Here's an early work-in-progress of a SaGa Frontier 2 arrangement I'm doing for my final project in Brad Fuller's Digital Orchestration class. For this assignment, I'm basing the arrangement off the piano version, but I'd like to add parts from the OST/game version afterwards. I have about 75% of the track covered in Sibelius right now, but I also have to stack up more brass and make other tweaks. After that's done, I plan to take it into Logic Pro and use the Kontakt Factory Orchestral samples with automation, and possibly some Vienna Symphony stuff too if I have enough free time to get into Studio B at school. Again, this is unfinished, and it's using somewhat mediocre samples right now (Sibelius 7 Sound Set), but any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks! Game: SaGa FRONTIER II Song: Einsamkeit / Loneliness / Composer: Masashi Hamauzu Link: https://soundcloud.com/kalebgrace/saga-frontier-ii-einsamkeit/s-Hul4F (UPDATED Dec 07)
  6. https://soundcloud.com/aires/sonic-the-hedgehog-stage will continue this later. so far I like exactly how its going so far.
  7. Hey guys, I just got Komplete and Shreddage and wanted to play with it...I got word of a XMas song contest of sorts, and this is what I came up with this afternoon. Any thoughts? This is my first attempt at 100% synthetic music - I almost always have live performances in my mixes, and I've never used any of these patches before...or Kontakt, now that I think about it. Tips would be great. https://soundcloud.com/xprtnovice/rest-in-pieces-merry-gentlemen
  8. This is my first attempt at remixing https://soundcloud.com/guy-de-random/metal-harbor-classical-remix I have some more things to add & change, and I still have to give it a name. Any comments, suggestions, or improvements I could make are appreciated.
  9. Hello Everyone - Long time listener, first time poster . NEWS - December 7th - I talked with the sound tech guy at my church and he said that any resources needed for microphones and recording are at my disposal, so that's one more step to getting this recorded live! Remix Link: Divisio Ecclesiam et Chivitatem in C Minor (Division of Church and State) Source Track: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: (For the second part I will be using , from ALttP as the source track, along with Church/Sanctuary)This is one half of a work in progress for an organ piece. I do know that the rules say to post only one remix per thread, but I also know that in Baroque organ music, two pieces are often group together as one (like with Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, which this was inspired by), so I really would like to consider the final product (if/when I finish it) as one piece, although it technically could be considered two by some. Anyways, I really just want initial thoughts on this section. My main goal is to have the entire thing played and recorded on an actual pipe organ, so I'm not too concerned with production, mastering, equalizing, and the like, if all goes smoothly. So please let me know what you think and I'll take it under consideration.
  10. Huhu I haven't posted a new remix in the workshop for a couple of months, but I promise this one was worth the wait Source: Remix: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/93696675/clarity.mp3 I first heard this source yesterday and it was stuck in my head, so couple of hours ago I came up with an idea to remix it! Percussion is a bit repetitive, but will be improved when I complete the rest. The guitar playing has some mistakes (well, I did record this in 2 hours ), but I'll probably record everything again. I'm planning on expanding this to some 4 minutes in length. Feedback appreciated, as always!
  11. Haha, made you look! Air on the G String - J. S. Bach So I bought Session Strings Pro from the recent NI sale and I thought I would give it a tough challenge. It still sounds quite samply in the faster passages... I've been fighting with this... trying several different solutions... this may be as good as it gets, but overall I think the strings have a nice intimate sound. I will most likely be using them as backing elements, not exposed as they are here. Anyone have a suggestion on how to make it more realistic? Or is this just the nature of working with samples? This song represents several "firsts" for me. First time with SSP. First time using keyswitching. First time automating CC11 expression. And mainly, first time transcribing something like this from sheet music. I don't read sheet music and have never done that before. It was a wonderful exercise, and this is a lovely song. Thanks for reading/listening, and thanks in advance if you have any improvement suggestions!
  12. Old version: http://www.soundcloud.com/vincevolpyne/among-the-stars-spyro-remix UPDATE 10/5/12: http://soundcloud.com/vincevolpyne/wip-spyro-among-the-stars Source: Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning "End Credits (with Choir)" by Rebecca Knuebuhl and The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon "Valley of Avalar" by Rebecca Knuebuhl and Gabriel Mann I made this well over a year ago, and had it rejected by the judges' panel on the grounds of poor production and repetition. I want to update it now that I've improved a hundredfold in production, but frankly, I don't know what to do with it... can haz feedback? :3c UPDATE 10/5/12: I've made a lot of adjustments to the mix and master, tweaked some sounds and added a couple new elements to make it a little more interesting. Feedback please? ^^;
  13. http://soundcloud.com/shawnhughes91/ffx-battle-theme-metal So I did this here metal interpretation of Final Fantasy 10’s battle theme. I think it sounds pretty cool. Could definitely be mixed better. And I think the drums sound gay.. I’ll probably update a better mix in a few weeks or something..But I was honestly tired of working on it. I don’t know how I have a girlfriend doing shit like this. Seriously.. Anyway. Enjoy dudes. <3 <3
  14. Still working on improving my digital saxophone-ing. I figured I'd take a break from making jazz/orchestral renditions of songs from a game where you go fast, and make a jazz/orchestral rendition of a song from another game where you go fast. Here's a remix of "Silence" from F-Zero, on Soundcloud And if you're not sure what silence sounds like here's the (fantastic) original I'm always just experimenting at this point, so don't hold back with the criticism.
  15. hey everyone, i have been lurking around this site for about 4 years now and decided i wanted to take part in the awesomeness of remixing. anyways... i dont have any gear for recording live sounds and right now all i have is garageband since my finale is glitching out saying its no longer registered after 3 years. but heres an arrangement of MP2:E's sanctuary fortress in a bit of a dnb style Digital Haven im calling it done for the moment due to lack of gear and such, but i will continue to work on it when i have time.
  16. http://soundcloud.com/jeremiahford/rock-n-rolla let me know what u think.
  17. Working on this project with a couple of other Nerdcore Rappers The aim is to finish in under 2 weeks - Recording tonight. We probably would have gotten farther if we didn't spend so much time playing Super Mario Kart
  18. Hi guys!!! I hope you guys enjoy it!!! Sounds like a christmas theme HOHOHOHO https://soundcloud.com/matheus-cardoso/prelude-acustico
  19. Yeah, I know, cliche. It's for a scoring and arranging class and I wanted to do something cool yet failsafe unlike my peers who are all doing dinky arrangements of christmas tunes. Sigh.... So, here it is. I had a 2 minute time cap. I've quickly excelled to the top of my class and it has been hard to get criticism from any of my professors. Where better place to get criticism then on an internet forum? Isn't that what they're made for? Here's a MIDI rendition. Here is the finale file. Here is a PDF Please let me know what you think!
  20. Well, today I was ill and had nothing else to do and if you try to make music when you're feverish something like this comes out of it https://soundcloud.com/yaminokeshin/xs-feverish-nightmare
  21. Oh my gosh, this place hasn't changed one bit I have had the opportunity to work in school on some music, and that just so happened to result in me remixing the Red Brinstar theme from Super Metroid, which has always been one of my favorites. Please critique harshly--although I've been playing with FL for a long time, I'm still a beginner and would love to know what I could fix to make it better. (also Rozovian if you still frequent here I'd love to hear your criticism ) Remix: Silt Disposal Source: Red Soil
  22. It's got harmonica, singing, and piano. I am no good at piano. D: I'm trying though. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=1023300&songID=10417632 This is from before I got a new mic and a better keyboard. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=1023300&songID=12022806 This is the latest iteration.
  23. http://soundcloud.com/imspidermen/angel-island-act-2 I think I'm almost done with this one, but I feel like I'm missing some opportunities. I was wondering if I could get some tips on what I should add and how the mix is?
  24. I'm working on a remix/recomposition of the requiem of spirit warp song from Ocarina of Time. This is my third warp song remix and this time I'm going in a little bit different direction.It's still a work in progress and so far there's no ending. I'm open to any comments/suggestions. I'm using cakewalk 6 with synths. If you want to hear my previous remixes, you can find them on YouTube by searching "The Toader." My song is on sound cloud at http://soundcloud.com/thetoader/thats-the-sprit-demo-zelda Thanks, The Toader
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