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  1. This is my first remix for OCR. I love Zelda games/music and decided to make a concept-based remix of the Windmill Hut song from Ocarina of Time. Here's the concept (I know it may be cheesy, but this is just how I write a lot of my music): An adolescent boy feels useless and outcast from society. He meets a girl who gives him the power to control the weather. The two fall in love. They get married and are dancing at their wedding when a man comes and takes the (now) woman away. Our hero conjures a massive storm to slow his opponent. As the woman is slowing him down, the villain drops the woman and begins to run away. The hero chases down the man who eventually gets struck by a bolt of lightning. Our hero returns to reunite with his love but, to his dismay, the woman is nowhere to be found. The years pass, and our hero remains alone. Every so often, however, he hears the song of his lover from the sea. It is the very song that gave him his gift. Anyways, enough rambling, here's the link: http://soundcloud.com/theorgangrinder/as-the-windmill-turns-1 or http://snd.sc/HDh3Pm Source:
  2. So I've been working on a remix from the game Elseword. The source track is "Banthus Attacks." Had to transcribe the track by ear since I couldn't find a midi. Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/zvox Any and all feedback appreciated.
  3. Hey OCRemix i'm just starting out. This is my first remix and want everybody's comments or criticism on how its coming along. Here's the mix:http://zackblog.yolasite.com/remixes.php The remix is the only audio player. Thanks,Enjoy
  4. Hi OCRemix Community! I always loved the Highwind Theme of FF7 and a year ago ive started working on this trance remix and worked on it from time to time. Now i decided to register and post it here. Please tell me what you think. (new) http://www.indiedb.com/members/crystan/videos/ff7-highwind-takes-to-the-trance-revised#imagebox (old) http://www.indiedb.com/members/crystan/videos/ff7-highwind-takes-to-the-skies-remix#imagebox
  5. been doing some dark/evil atmospheric themes for fun of the upcoming game 'Lucius' by Shiver Games http://soundcloud.com/toilet-goat/lucius-6-6-66-d-wippz http://soundcloud.com/toilet-goat/lucius-death-theme-wip http://soundcloud.com/toilet-goat/lucius-detective-theme-d-wip game is about satan's son who kills people in a big mansion, and detective tries to solve who is killing the people they're all WIP, so I'd like to get some opinions bout them thanks
  6. This is my second ever remix, so I hope it's not THAT bad. The actual remixed section starts at about 1:28. Suggestions and criticisms would be great!
  7. Another View - Soundcloud Another View - Youtube Just a mix I thought I'd share - hope it's somewhat enjoyable.
  8. Hey all, I decided to enter the PRC competition this week (first time I do this) because I really liked the source chosen from Phoenix Wright. I like orchestral music mostly so I thought I'd have some fun arranging it like that. I haven't remixed before so please bear with me if things don't sound good. I'm looking for advice on production and mastering as well as any other advice you might have. One thing that irritates me a bit is the brass section. It doesn't sound very brassy to me. I'm using FLstudio the fruity edition so I am somewhat limited in things I can or can't do with this particular DAW. http://soundcloud.com/darren-schwinghamer/reminder-of-a-requiem-ver1-5 Thanks for taking the time to give it a listen. Edits: http://soundcloud.com/darren-schwinghamer/reminder-of-a-requiem-2-0 I added some new sections and decided to include Police Cell-Jailer's Elegy in it as well for the variety. It might be hard to spot though... I'm pretty happy with the arrangement now, but I want it to sound better so that's where I need criticism (while if there is any criticism in other areas, don't be shy to let me know because I want to know! ) Latest version here, tried to make the instruments sound less fake. And I changed the name to Crazed Reminiscence in Jail. http://soundcloud.com/darren-schwinghamer/crazed-reminiscence-in-jail
  9. http://soundcloud.com/treydieterich/super-fighter-guy Most people on OCR love 8bit tracks so.... I made this for shiggles.
  10. So I found a pretty awesome backing track which has the original drums, vocals and bass from the song and so I thought, "I may as well supply the guitar as it is the closest I will ever come to actually playing with Megadeth." I want to play my own guitar solo over it rather than the original but I still haven't come up with one I really like so the solo section is empty.
  11. A years long in-the-making track:)(but finally finished) Source Latest Version (13th april 2014) https://www.dropbox.com/s/owyveega1eoxzny/Holding_M_13.4_v3.mp3 Reviewed N°2: https://soundcloud.com/blindzoom/holding-my-thoughts-in-my Reviewed N°1 http://youtu.be/bo_gE_9B76g
  12. This is the 1st track of my 1st EP. It's being remixed by myself in the electro house style using the same synth. http://soundcloud.com/rockos-1/rockos-8-bit-pixels-electro-1
  13. How is it that we only have one remix of this source here on OCRemix? It's like the most awesome video game song ever! Even here on the WIP forums. I don't think I've ever seen a WIP of this song. Anyway, here's my take on the theme. I think this could be considered D'n'B, but as I have no experience with that genre, I don't know whether this would count as that. I tried to make it very bass and drum heavy, with a basic hypersaw lead. So, go listen and enjoy! http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/pokemon-red-gym-battle-dnb
  14. Ok, so, was playing around with reason today and started working on a remix of Dreamer from SOR 2. I've been wanting to remix this track for ages now, but knew that I lacked the skills to do it exactly how I envisioned it. But I think now I am close to doing this great source tune justice. It is still just the first minute and a half, and it has a "club mix" style intro, but I think it is something that I can already share. Eventually, it would be great to get a female vocalist for this one. Anyhow, here it is: http://soundcloud.com/ambientonline/sor2-dreamer-v6 EDIT: Updated version is now up. 1:33 is where vocals or lead would come in. EDIT 2: Posted version 5. This is a substantially reworked version of the remix. EDIT 3: Version 6 now linked.
  15. This is a mini album that has been in the works since last August (2011). I plan to complete it this time this summer when I'm not in school. So I'll update it here as I get new material. I plan to get some guest performers from school to hopefully do to single instrument parts or solos. I posted one song from the project last August, but to make things simpler I'll also post it here. Project Info The project is being based on a Final Fantasy 8 fanfiction I read when I was 14-17, which was over 10 years ago. I will be including some appearances of the FF8 OST in some of the pieces, but most of the material will be original music. I do plan to do one full on arrangement that I will post in the arrangement forum, as well as in this post. Music Propagator's March (Complete) -features part of the Residents from the FF8 OST This has been a popular track among the people that have heard it. http://soundcloud.com/freedomlionheart/propagators-theme-invasion Erasure/Guardian Forces Defeated (Needs to be mastered) -features part of Dead End from the FF8 OST http://soundcloud.com/freedomlionheart/the-erasure-guardian-forces First Contact (WIP) http://soundcloud.com/freedomlionheart/first-contact-invasion-project Invasion of Deling/Ragnarock Fleet Mobilizes (WIP) http://soundcloud.com/freedomlionheart/invasion-of-deling-ragnarok The Whelg's Sting (WIP) -Features part of Love Grows from the FF8 OST http://soundcloud.com/freedomlionheart/the-whelgs-sting-invasion More to Come This Summer... Links My Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/BrettSmithComposer The Original FF8 Fanfiction Invasion By Pulsar that this project is based on. http://www.ffwa.org/boards/showthread.php?t=2861
  16. just made this one, what do you of think? http://soundcloud.com/toilet-goat/bravelandermando-native some opinions and advice of changing the song are appreciated edit: newer version > http://soundcloud.com/toilet-goat/bravelandermando-native
  17. Hey guys! So, ummm, hey again after like 2-3 years of being gone from OCR lol. I don't know what the inclination was to suddenly work on this ancient WIP, but I've added a few measures, cleaned up the project file (my project management was complete crap back then and still is a bit), and done some overall levelling with EQing. It was really weird using Squidfont soundfonts again since I haven't touched those in ages. The time I spent away from this site was primarily because I moved to Montreal for university, and I wanted to put a more official foot into the music world. But enough of myself, to the music: Link: Final Fantasy VI - Searching For Friends (Robotaki Remix) I hope nothing's changed too much around here! I really missed this community. I'm not sure who's still around from when I used to post to these forums but it'd be great to catch up with those people who helped me continue producing : ) Shoot me a msg! Ah, I just remembered the guy I worked will was Jeff Ball who provided me with a violin line of the main melody - sounded amazing back then and it still sounds amazing today. Anyway, hope you enjoy the oldie. EDIT: HAHA I just noticed I still have my old ass sig made in MSPaint. Too good and lame.
  18. Not really a remix, more of a remastering I guess? Bah, anywho, I'm more after tips on mastering; reverb and trebel, I feel like I'm having issues with these and tips would be AMAZING! Not looking to get this past the judges, I know it's not nearly good enough, and it's far too much like the source. Sooo, advice, tips? Thanks peeps TOC X
  19. This is actually an older remix of mine, roughly about 2 years now I think. Hitherto, I hadn't really thrown it on the WIP forum. Unless I had a different thread with a totally different name...to which I apologize if that is the case. -*ahem*- anyways, this is a remix of the track: Kyrie, Parasite Eve 1. Source tune: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9YlshCRwxM Remix: http://www.mediafire.com/?7dq85m3ickagz5o As the title suggests, I'm looking for a collaboration with someone who has a real mean sound library and a working knowledge of orchestral percussion :3 (never was my strong suit) - I'm also painfully aware that I need an opera/choiral synth to replace the awful Irana Brochin SF that I have in there presently. Anyways, if you guys want to give feedback on the compositional element of my remix, feel free to give your 2 cents. Thanks all for your time and consideration ^^
  20. Here's a recent remix I've been working on. I think the original Starfox SNES soundtrack is by far the best in the series! Source - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AcQzzK6PWY&feature=related Remix http://soundcloud.com/vicviper99/remix-starfox-macbeth
  21. Version 1: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/teknut-deku-nut-palace Version 2: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/teknut-deku-nut-palace-version -Fixed the muddy bass -Made the lead louder -Changed the parts for a more cohesive (A-B-Bridge-A-B-AA-C) structure -Added a better ending Version 3: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/teknut-deku-nut-palace-1 -MOAR BASS -Less lead instrument variation for an even more cohesive structure Version 4: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/teknut-deku-nut-palace-2 -Brought out the nearly inaudible drums to an audible level -Changed the structure to: Intro-Verse-Chorus-Verse-Chorus-Bridge-Chorus-Chorus-Coda
  22. Hello, guys! Now, I'm working on a new project, and I want your feedback to make it a nice new version (I don't like to say "remix", 'cuz it remind me eletro things.. heheh) of this song! This is a tiny part of the music, I have a lot to do, but so far I've recorded the guitars and make some crazy-Irish intro. Please, give me your opinion to this, and what you guys expect! Ps.: Sorry for the timing errors, I'll fix as soon as possible! Soundcloud link (as recommended in my last post, thanks, man!): http://soundcloud.com/klausterfullbya/wip-v1-klausterfullbya-another
  23. I'm trying to make this work for the SoA Remix project as a Town of Ice remix. Where it cuts off, I want to take the sequences from 0:45 in the and play through those next. Seems like the obvious thing I was building up to.Thanks for any tips. Track: Birth of Rhaknam WIP Source:
  24. HAHAHA I know that this song is over remixed. I wanted to share you this anyway because it was a fun side project to do. You can tell me what's wrong and not. I'm not sure If I'll finish this. So enjoy in any way. http://soundcloud.com/rockos-1/rockos-schala-theme-dnb-2
  25. Opening some of my pieces up to critique, again, starting with this. http://soundcloud.com/sgtyayap404/the-underworld Originally meant for an alternate Minecraft soundtrack, but I now doubt the atmosphere suits the game at all. NOTE: Any constructive criticism relating to the composition (i.e. the melody) and the mastering will be accepted and, in some cases, even welcomed. However, what sounds I used, for the most part, is who I am as a musician.
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