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Found 12 results

  1. https://youtu.be/8aodQM1D2rc One saturday evening my three kids and wife sat down and watched a movie (we do not often succeed on doing this) and the kids wanted to watch Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (they wanted it because it is named Monster Vacation here in Sweden). The inspiration came from the song that was played during Dracula's dance scene - "I See Love" by Jonas Blue. I liked the idea of combining my retro synth style with a more modern style, I think this is the first time I consciously do that. This also resulted in a more or less complete makeover of the Flying Battery theme, I hope you all appreciate what became of it As I wrote in my teaser post for this, the vibes coming from this kind of resembles or reminds me of the end of summer vacation and that life goes back to work and labor. With that in mind I hope you all have the courage to pursue your dreams and never give up getting to that work position you want. Start small, take a small step outside you comfort zone, take a step back, and then again a bigger step outside just to feel that change for something better. And remember - you DESERVE it. Now, GO AND GET IT!
  2. Finally able to put out some new music I hope you enjoy my new remix of the Sonic 3 final boss. for evaluation purposes
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SuY8PDqJ8sp9N0M6pAArJIPVs-8D00wR/view?usp=sharing So I haven't tried making a remix in a loooong while, and I thought this would be a good track to try out. Ice Cap is a pretty simple tune, and it's been covered a lot, so finding ways to make it unique and interesting seemed like a good challenge. At the moment the track is relatively short (<3 min.) but I don't know if it necessarily needs anything else.. I'd love feedback on whether or not this track is worth pursuing for possible submission to the site. Thanks! Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYxlqTpZ-24 Edits made since first mod review: Added 1 1/2 minutes of audio - 2:07-3:46 is all new Removed drums from last 20 seconds to give it a more outro feel Added reverb to percussion More conservative panning, melodic instruments mostly centered, no hard rights/lefts Added flute to 3:48-4:06 to differentiate the section from opening Didn't switch out the snare because I like it but if it's really problematic I'll change it
  4. Simple EDMish/electronic? arrangement of Sky Sanctuary Zone I made! Trying to learn to mix better. Hope you enjoy!
  5. For now, I call it "High Voltage" You see what I did there? I just wanted everyone to get a listen and maybe let me know what they think of this mix. I worked for almost 14 hours on it. And yes, I still upload on Newgrounds. It's still a thing and still alive.
  6. The track is 65% there just need an ending and some EQing issues but let me know what you guys think!
  7. I am not sure what genre this would be to be completely honest but screw it. One of my least favorite Sonic levels of all time...Carnival *******Night Zone. The music is cool but that STUPID BARREL I SWEAR TO GOD..... sorry. Just remember ...UP and DOWN....UP and Down.
  8. Hey all, Got a remix here that I would love any and all input on. I plan on speeding it up a little, adding some more drum/synth variations and well as contemplating completely replacing the last part to help eliminate repetition. I've been working on this on and off for about a year now and sounds pretty different than how I originally had it. Though I kind of dig it:) Thanks
  9. Check Out "Ice Cap Zone (Dance Remix)", which is a dance remix of Ice Cap Zone from Sonic 3...bring this to any party! Enjoy! Hope you like! https://youtu.be/GvzQE-5mmVM
  10. I'm new, but I do video game remixes and glad to be apart of this community...here is my most recent one, has great reviews so far Angel Island (Modern Remix) https://youtu.be/xvvQinZBXck
  11. its always amazed me how this little beauty hasnt been remixed yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T89V6XJ0as and this more full piece... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBTAGVnfXAw the beat so so epic (very michael jackson) Common! make it happen!!!
  12. Hey everybody! We just finished a video of our newest cover from Sonic and would love to hear your guys thoughts! This is an arrangement I made that was heavily influenced by this very strange album from MACINTOSH PLUS (here: https://beerontherug.bandcamp.com/album/floral-shoppe), as well as some timba music I was listening to at the time. Enjoy!
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