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  1. Hey everyone! hope everyone is doing good! I wanted to share with you guys my metal cover of the Stormwind City Theme from World of Warcraft. I hope you guys enjoy
  2. The People's Remix Competition 352 PRCv14-14 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to round 352 of PRC. OneUp, the person who has won the most PRC's of everyone managed to get another win, leaving Trism behind with the last place wooden spoon. Since OneUp already picked 22 sources before he was out of ideas so he decided to look in the request forum to find a source. Source: Warsong - Player Phase 1 (GEN) MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit This selection is based on the following request: To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Wednesday July 19th 2017 at 10:59 pm ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. Note that this is one week longer as usual. I'll be on vacation between 9 and 24 July so I don't know if I'm able to check the status of the round. If no songs are submitted, there will be a five day extension (new deadline will be Monday July 24th). I might not be able to edit it on ThaSauce so please post a song in this thread with a download link in that case. If one song is submitted, that song is the winner (even if it's a bonus). If two or more songs are submitted voting starts as planned. If there are only multiple bonus mixes started, there will be a voting stage, or the mixers may decide who gets to pick a source. PRC353 will start directly after the end of the remixing stage of this round (on July 19th). This is even the case when PRC352 has an extension. I'll schedule this round on ThaSauce already and I will also open an Ocremix thread at the end of this week (without revealing the source already). You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC354. The winner of PRC350, OneUp, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. This time, @Estrang will also have a double vote since Estrang made the request. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. Note that the rules for deadlines and extensions are a bit different this time. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  3. Hi Everyone! I'm a music composer and did my first tracks for video game for Game Jam's video games. Here you can listen to my two OST! https://cyrilperon-dehghan.bandcamp.com/ Enjoy!
  4. Hello all and welcome to the second edition of Spin the Wheel! A fun way to showcase appreciation of soundtrack based music in Video Games! Today's video game to remix is here! Be sure to read the rules here! This is to help brush your knowledge about the compo! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mob5N8UXluhNAUol5mZVyX5yAwUYuAY6KDaPpFzh5Oo/edit?usp=sharing Current games in the wheel: Last weeks winners was a tie from Hoboka, and Ronald Poe! The ones Highlighted in Red are Hoboka's choices that he sent me. The ones Highlighted in Green are Ronald Poe's entries that he sent me. Sadly Ronald only sent me 4 games from 4 systems, so i had to fill in the rest, which are highlighted in Blue. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mob5N8UXluhNAUol5mZVyX5yAwUYuAY6KDaPpFzh5Oo/edit?usp=sharing The Wheel in Action! https://imgur.com/a/yctFa0t Lets SPIN THE WHEEL! It landed on PS1! The random game that was chosen is....... Driver 2! Download available MIDI files here! https://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sony/ps1/ Look under Driver 2. Ctrl + F is a great way to search for things you need. Listen to the Soundtrack: Information about the Game and Soundtrack:  Driver 2: Back on the Streets (Or if you are from America. It's called Driver 2: The Wheelman is Back) Is a video game released in 2000 by Reflections Interactive, published by Infogrames. It is a sequal to the first game released in 1999 The game involves you driving in cars and completing missions to progress within the story. This involves running from the police, and mobs, doing damage to other cars, and looking for suspects and witnesses. The plot involves searching a dead man after 2 men shot him during a shootout in a bar. They believe this leads to more clues and they recruit 2 officers to help with the investigation. The music was done by 2 guys. Allistair Brimble (Who at this point was an already established composer from the UK) and Richard Narco. The soundtrack follows in the vein of Funk, particularly from the 70's, like Car Movies. The music at times can be energetic, or slow and....er...funky. There isn't much difference in some tracks, and more or less most follow this style. Some tracks though take a more modern approach, especially within the drum programming. It's not the most innovative soundtrack, but there are some gems to be found on here. Compo starts Today at 6th January 2019! and finishes at 20th January 2019! Voting begins on the 20th January 2019 and finishes on the 27th January 2019. I will inform you who has won on the thread! Please submit a valid mp3 file, in decent quality that is less than 20mb. It must be easy to access and download. A ThaSauce page will be set up soon, so if you can then submissions. It's been an on/off situation with ThaSauce, so SoundCloud is a good choice if ThaSauce isn't working for you. Right now nothing is set up, so submissions will have to be external from this thread, via download links, or streaming services. I recommend using SoundCloud as a choice of service! Add a link here on this thread, if you can. You have 2 weeks to mix! Let's see what you have come up with! Good Luck! Since Ronald Poe and Hoboka already won last time, and contributed some games, they can only participate with a Bonus Mix! You cannot vote for Bonus Mix's, but for the people who won, they get a vote that Counts Twice!
  5. I'm new at this, if this is a success, i will continue it. I would love for someone to tell me how i can add this to ThaSauce! So i can have flexibility in 2 platforms! Spin The Wheel - A great way to flex out your remix skills and showcase your love and appreciation for Video Game Soundtracks! What is Spin The Wheel? Spin The Wheel is hosted every 3 weeks and consists of selecting VGM music to remix! The way it works is really simple. We have a choice of 6 consoles. NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, PS1, Arcade and PC. All these games are put into a tombola, and then a console is selected a random, by the process of spinning the wheel. I utilise an appropriate system, that works, so don't think I am deliberately selecting a game. Once a game system is selected, we then approach Ten Games of that system, which are then also put into the tombola and chosen at random. In the end we will have a working game from a working console. Once that is done, you pick a track from the game, and get remixing! This process takes up to 2 weeks, the time spent working on your mix. After the 2 weeks are up, we then use all the entries we have, and begin voting. Voting takes a week, and works in the format of First, Second and Third. Once you have voted, you cannot vote again. The winner with the most votes, wins the competition and can select 6 games, one for each console. 6 games already in the tombola, will be replaced with the chosen games. For a full extensive manual to how this is run, look below! The first official game will be display here! The rules are at the bottom. Current games in the wheel are in this document. It will change as we progress in each competition: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xxoGX4bS2_q_URpN35K8b9oGn1zogHiRxLarik38IZU/edit?usp=sharing Lets SPIN THE WHEEL! It landed on SEGA GENESIS! The random game that was chosen is....... X-Men 2! Information about the Game and Soundtrack: X-Men 2 was a game developed by Headgames Inc and at the time was fairly successful. It involves the X-Men trying to stop a virus out-break. The game was met with somewhat decent reviews, but wasn't considered a fantastic game. The music was scored by Kurt Harland who was an active member and founder of the electro band, Information Society. The music follows in the vain of Electro, with some techno elements, ambient influences and industrial textures. Some contributions from Mark Miller, (The infamous GEMS creator) are also present in the score, who also helped convert the music to the system. What's interesting to note is how it used a mailbox system. You essentially had a different character, and for each character a different melody would play, but of course still keeping the harmony. So it was different music, almost everytime. Compo starts Today at 8th December 2018! and finishes at 22nd December 2018! Voting begins on the 22nd December 2018 and finishes on the 29th December 2018. I will inform you who has won on the thread! Please submit a valid mp3 file, in decent quality that is less than 20mb. It must be easy to access and download. I recommend using SoundCloud as a choice of service! Add a link here on this thread, if you can. You have 2 weeks to mix! Let's see what you have come up with! Selecting the Source The 6 video game systems are as follows: NES SNES Sega Genesis PS1 Arcade PC I can only use these 6 video systems, otherwise the process becomes complicated. It's much easier dealing with 6 consoles, than 10 or 20. All you need to do, is to sit back and relax while the tombola selects the system and the game. This process is completely random, even I don't know what it will pick. Don't judge the system, I worked hard to make sure it's fair. Each system I've picked combines popular systems from the 80's, 90's. and 2000's onwards. I didn't focus much on the modern systems because the classic systems deserve the love, often going ignored in some areas. Picking the Game When we begin with the first round, there is already 10 games in each console. After a person has won, they can replace 1 game from each console with their own, (6 in total). This allows for completely new games, that could either be classics, or more obscure ones. I do recommend you go for the more obscure ones, I don't want a ton of say...Final Fantasy or Mario taking up most of the system, they already have a huge quantity or remixes. The game will also be picked at random, and could be anything, get your hopes up, it might even be one you like. Selecting the Track When the game is picked (One out of Ten in total) you then must select a track from the game. This track must be longer than 30 seconds (At least), and must not be any form of Jingle, or short theme. I recommend selecting the stage themes and the boss themes, as they tend to go for longer than 1 minute. Once the track has been selected, you may begin remixing. When submitting state which track you have picked clearly. If it's Sonic for example. Put it as Green Hill Zone, or in the case of Sonic 3, put it as Marble Garden Act 1 or Act 2, depending on your choice. Anything additional you want to add, just type below. Make sure the track you select is different than the other entries. It's not that you can't remix it, it's just I don't want 10 entries of the same source, because then it might as well be a PRC competition. However though, if there are only 8 tracks in the soundtrack of the video game, but 10 of you, then I can make an exception to have multiple choices, yet again, that doesn't mean I should expect 10 of the same source. I'm ok with 2 people doing Green Hill, 2 people doing Scrap Brain and the rest is various, I’m not that strict, but like I said I don't want 10 people doing Green Hill and the rest of the soundtrack to be ignored. Use this to try remixing sources that often don't get remixed! Uploading your Track The track you submit must come from a reliable source, easy to access and less than 20mb, in a MP3 format. Make sure it's in good quality, so the judging process is easier. If you are having problems submitting, then message me the file. An easy streaming service, like SoundCloud is ideal. Once you have submitted, message me with the link to access it. Only one submission per person please, give everyone a chance. Once submitted you simply wait until the remixing stage is over. Voting When the uploading stage is done, we move onto voting. The voting is a simple process, just simply decide who should win, who should get 2nd place and who should get 3rd. When writing down your votes, be sure to organise it by name. It doesn't matter how you vote, but do give a clear indication to who wins, and who is runner up etc. We want it to be clearly identified. Be sure to be honest with your votes, don't think that they will turn on you for your honest opinion, but saying that, do try and not be a d**k. This is a competition, so we aren't trying to produce something from a high-end studio. Just picking tracks we think are the best. When Voting Follow These Guidelines: Make sure you vote for the person you think is the best. Do not vote for your friends, because they are your friends. Please be fair with your choosing. Be nice. Actually give legit reasons to why they should win, and definitely watch your language. This isn't the kind of place for bullying or swearing. Do not vote for yourself. It's not fair for you to forge the results so you can always gain a win. How sad would that be huh? Make sure you pick a first, second place and a third-place winner, having it in the order of the winner then the rest. You can comment on all tracks, of course. If there is a tie for the winner, then you will both submit 6 games from each system, making sure it's all different games that aren't already in the system, we haven't used before, and don't conflict with any other choices a person will probably have. Try and have fun. Just because you didn't win doesn't mean you should be upset. Remember it's just a fun way to showcase your music. The Winner! Winners are determined by the most number of votes. If there is a tie see Bullet Point Number 5 in the above title. Once a winner has been announced, they then must decide 6 games from the list of systems above. It must be 1 game for each system, not 6 games for one system. Each game must contain a minimum of 5+ tracks, excluding very short themes. Majority of the tracks must be over 30 seconds long, so they can be remixed easily. The list of video game consoles is above. When you have decided on 6 games for each system, we will replace a current game on the list with yours. It's ideal you go for games that don't have a lot of remixes. Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger will probably be loaded with mixes, and as such I recommend you go for something with a little less. The choice of game is really up to you, but I will check to see if it's eligible. When I have reviewed your games, and they are accepted I will start the tombola again and pick a game. Now this is randomly generated so the chances are of getting your game won't be high, but it is very likely your game is selected, so don't think there's a problem, because I can assure there shouldn't be one. If there is a problem, drop me a message and I can try to resolve things. After the sources have been selected and the next game is chosen for the round. Simply repeat the process. When you have won the round, and the next round is currently in play, you can only submit a bonus mix. So, you can still remix, but you can't vote for the bonus mix. The winner of whatever round was last on, gets a vote that counts twice in the next round. We aim for this to be a fun a fair way to remix video game music! If there is problem with anything, drop me a message or reply to this thread. To Simplify: 1. We have 6 game systems. NES, SNES Sega Genesis, PS1, Arcade and PC 2. A system is chosen at random through our tombola. The same process is repeated for the games, in the list. There are 10 games, per system. 3. Once the game is selected, choose your track. Must be longer than 30 seconds and must be from the game. Try and be different, don’t go for the same track as everyone else. Nice to have 10 different tracks, than 10, that are all the same. Please state the choice of track in the description when you upload. 4. After you have selected the track, begin remixing. This takes 2 weeks. 5. Once remixing has been done, it’s voting time. Only one vote per person, don’t vote for yourself, and make sure you give honest answers. No voting because he/she is your friend. Label it as first and second and third, but you can comment on all tracks. 6. When voting is over, a winner is announced. Winners get to input 6 games, one for each system into the tombola. 6 games that already exist will be replaced. If there is a tie, both of you will put in 6 games, be sure we haven’t covered these games before, they don’t have as much remixes, and they don’t conflict with and of the other people who have submitted. Also make sure that the games have more than 5 tracks at least over 30 seconds each. 7. When that’s done, the next compo will start! Do Note: This is a 3-week process. 2 weeks to remix, 1 week to vote. I cannot extend deadlines, unless we aren't getting any participants. This is only in the extreme places. I only pick the game, through a random process. Don't think I’m fixing the results. Participate as a fun way to remix. Please don't take this seriously. Try and follow the rules, it will make this so much easier. Be respectful of other people, but that's really a standard. Have fun. It looks daunting, but if you submit the right way, we can get along just fine.
  6. Here's an original song I'm making - not sure that I'm finished with it yet, but it's close, just gotta edit some things! It's kind of a fusion between jazz, disco, and electronic music. And that bass sounds pretty smooth. Just good feels all around! Electronic Jazz Definitely an improvement overall in production and arrangement from my past stuff.
  7. A little remix I did of the intro of a Super Nintendo video game called Top Gear 3000. I loved playing this game and I think everyone that also enjoyed it can agree, the music was pretty awesome. I just had fun with remixing it since music is a hobby of mine. I was hoping to give it a darker feel to try to hype up the listener and put you in the seat of an alien death race. Haha. Well I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!
  8. The People's Remix Competition 355 PRCv14-17 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to PRC355. In PRC353 it was GCJ who got the win by default. HoboKa also contributed to the round by posting a bonus mix. Source: Sonic CD - Cosmic Eternity (SEGA) MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Wednesday August 23rd 2017 at 10:59 pm ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC357. The winner of PRC353, GCJ, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  9. The People's Remix Competition 354 PRCv14-14 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to PRC354. In PRC352 it was Dex who got another win. With 5 songs the turnout was nice, the long wait of Estrang has been rewarded. Time for a new round. Source: Zelda II The Adventure of Link - Battle Stage (NES) MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Friday August 11th 2017 at 10:59 pm ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. Two more days!! You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC356. The winner of PRC352, Dex, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  10. The People's Remix Competition 353 PRCv14-15 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! GCJ was the winner of PRC351. HoboKa got a second place. Sggod89 returned after a long time without posting songs. It was a nice song but it was too short to not get the last place woorden spoon. Unfortunately GCJ wasn't able to submit a song to me before I left on vacation so HoboKa picked a source. GCJ still may pick a source which I will use for a later round (don't know which one yet). Source: Remembrance - Vagrant Story (PS1) MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Tuesday August 1st 2017 at 10:59 pm ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. Two days extra. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC355. The winner of PRC351, GCJ, can participate in this round since he didn't select the source. HoboKa is also allowed to enter the round in a regular way. They also may post the song as a bonus. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. Note that the rules for deadlines are a bit different this time. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  11. The People's Remix Competition 351 PRCv14-13 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to PRC351. PRC349 was won by Dex, the source was not Toad from Super Mario, but Battletoads. He picked the source for this round. Source: Crystalis - Pyramid (NES) MIDI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3smq-69RTk Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Saturday July 1st 2017 at 10:59 pm ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. Three days extra. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC353. The winner of PRC349, Dex, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  12. The People's Remix Competition 350 PRCv14-12 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to PRC350. PRC348 was won by Dex, the source was Kirby related. He picked the source for this round. Source: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft – Pull Up A Chair (PC) MIDI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN2ioal3qjk Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Friday June 16th 2017 at 10:59 pm ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. Two days extra. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC352. The winner of PRC348, Dex, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  13. The People's Remix Competition 349 PRCv14-11 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to round 349 of PRC. Two rounds ago, Esperado selected the source and Dewey Newt was the winner. PlanarianHugger and RonaldPoe couldn't stop him. Not Dewey Newt, but his brother selected the source for this round: Source: Battletoads – Turbo Tunnel Part 2 (NES) MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Wednesday May 31st 2017 at 10:59 pm ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC351. The winner of PRC347, Dewey Newt, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  14. The People's Remix Competition 348 PRCv14-10 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to round 348 of PRC. Two rounds ago, PRC was Zora's Domain. it was PlanarianHugger who scored the best so he picked the source for this round. Source: Kirby Super Star Ultra – Masked Dedede's Theme (NDS) MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Friday May 19th 2017 at 10:59 pm ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. +2 Days. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC350. The winner of PRC346, PlanarianHugger, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  15. The People's Remix Competition 347 PRCv14-09 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to round 347 of PRC. Two rounds ago, PRC was Zora's Domain. it was Esperado who claimed the win. 4 Mixers entered the round. Source: Might and Magic: Darkside of Xeen – Cave 2 Theme (Win) MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Wednesday May 3rd 2017 at 10:59 pm ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC349. The winner of PRC345, Esperado, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  16. The People's Remix Competition 346 PRCv14-08 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to round 346 of PRC. Two rounds ago, it was Mega Man and it was Mega GCJ who won. He picked the source for this round. Source: Sonic Colours – Aquarium Park Act 1(WII) MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Sunday April 23rd 2017 at 10:59 pm ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. Note: don't forget daylight saving so it might not be correct. I'll check that later. Extended since ThaSauce was down. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC348. The winner of PRC344, GCJ, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  17. The People's Remix Competition 345 PRCv14-07 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to round 345 of PRC. Two rounds ago, I totally didn't understand what was going on. But at the end it was Dewey Newt who got the golden spoon, and he was the one who picked the source for the upcoming round. For some reason, I'm sure that at least 1 song will be submitted to the ThaSauce page. I've accepted the request, all 3 versions of the source are fine. Source: Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess / Breath of the Wild / Ocarina of Time – Zora's Domain (WII) MIDI Source Information Note: this song already has an Ocremix, it is a very recent one (december 2016), Hylian Lemon (Benjamin Hoffman) used the source in a multi source remix. Check the link: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03463 ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Wednesday April 5th 2017 at 10:59 pm ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. Note: don't forget daylight saving so it might not be correct. I'll check that later. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC347. The winner of PRC343, Dewey Newt, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  18. The People's Remix Competition 344 PRCv14-06 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! The sixth round of this season already. PRC343 just ended. Before that, PlanarianHugger was the winner of PRC342. By default; when his song was uploaded everyone else though 'there's no way that I can beat this song so there's no use to enter anymore'. So it was PlanarianHugger who got the right to select the source for this round, PRC344. Source: Mega Man Battle & Chase – Duel (PS1) MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Wednesday March 22nd 2017 at 4:59 am ThaSauce time (12:00 UTC, 13:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC346. The winner of PRC342, PlanarianHugger, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. I edited this page with the new schedule and rules. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  19. The People's Remix Competition 343 PRCv14-03 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to another PRC Round. Two rounds ago, GCJ claimed victory by making the most popular remix of Secret of Mana - The Legend. He selected the source for this round. Source: Jet Set Radio – Sneakman (SEGA) MIDI MP3 Additional Samples Source Information Page of the Guy Who Found Samples Note: this song already has an Ocremix, it was in 2004 when HappyBivouac did a remix. He used 'Let Mom Sleep' and this source in the song. Check the link: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01146 ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Friday March 10th 2017 at 10:59 pm ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread (two additional days). You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC345. The winner of PRC341, GCJ, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. I edited this page with the new schedule and rules. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  20. The People's Remix Competition 341 PRCv14-03 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to round 3 of PRC season 14. The second round, PRC340 is now in the voting stage. Check the link: PRC339 was won by Popoi, it was a close call but a well deserved win. It was a good start of the season. He selected the source for this round, 341. Source: Secret of Mana – The Legend (SNES) MIDI Source Information Note: this song already has an Ocremix, it was in 2009 when Ziwtra did a remix. He used 'Into the Thick of It' and this source in his song. Check the link: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01955 ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Wednesday February 8th 2017 at 0:59 pm ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC343. The winner of PRC339, Popoi, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. I edited this page with the new schedule and rules. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  21. The People's Remix Competition 340 PRCv14-02 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to a the second round of the season. The first round is now in the voting stage. I will again mention the changes of the contest and the new schedule: 1. It is no longer necessary to use ThaSauce to submit. Participants are allowed to enter by posting a download link at the Ocremix Topic as well. I’ll upload the songs to ThaSauce myself to have the songs centered at one place (to avoid download problems). It is also not necessary to vote @ThaSauce, it can also be done by sending me a PM. 2. I’ll try to make sure that deadlines of PRC and MnP are not at the same date. However, a PRC round will always be two weeks. I don’t know how I’m going to do this yet and I won’t guarantee anything; this also depends on the MnP schedule. 3. The winner of round X will not select a source for round X+1 but for round X + 2. So the one who wins this round may pick a source for PRC341 and not PRC340. So the winner of last round (338) selects a source for PRC340. No difference if there’s a tie, both pick a source for round X+2. The PRC schedule will change as follows: The winner still may not enter the round if he/she selected the source but the winner is allowed to post a bonus mix (he/she has two weeks more to make a song). The regular schedule of PRC will be as follows: - Monday week 1: start of the remixing stage. - Wednesday week 2: end of the remixing stage, start of the voting stage. - Monday week 3: end of the voting stage. The winner(s) must send the source for the next round before Monday week 4. So if PRC X starts at Monday January 2nd, the round ends at Wednesday January 11th. Voting ends Monday January 16th, I need the source before Monday January 23th. PRC X+1 Starts Monday January 16th (or a couple of days earlier if it fits better in my schedule), remixing stage ends Wednesday January 25th, voting ends Monday January 30th and the winner must send the source to me before Monday February 6th. And so on… If it is different I’ll mention it in the post. When extensions are necessary, the winner(s) are given less time to pick a source. Time to start the round. PRC339 isn’t finished yet, check the Thread to vote: PRC338 was won by Zorrakh, nine people entered the round. It was a close call, but he was the winner of the 13th anniversary round. Source: Zombies Ate My Neighbors – Evening of the Undead (GEN / SNES) MIDI Note: there are two youtube videos from both the Genesis and SNES version. The MIDI is from the Genesis version. Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Wednesday January 25th 2017 at 10:59 am ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC342. The winner of PRC338, Zorrakh, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. I edited this page with the new schedule and rules. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  22. The People's Remix Competition 339 PRCv14-01 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to a brand new season of PRC. After some discussion as a result of the low amount of songs I got several nice reactions. I introduced some polls and as a result, three parts of the contest will change. 1. It is no longer necessary to use ThaSauce to submit. Participants are allowed to enter by posting a download link at the Ocremix Topic as well. I’ll upload the songs to ThaSauce myself to have the songs centered at one place (to avoid download problems). It is also not necessary to vote @ThaSauce, it can also be done by sending me a PM. 2. I’ll try to make sure that deadlines of PRC and MnP are not at the same date. However, a PRC round will always be two weeks. I don’t know how I’m going to do this yet and I won’t guarantee anything; this also depends on the MnP schedule. 3. The winner of round X will not select a source for round X+1 but for round X + 2. So the one who wins this round may pick a source for PRC341 and not PRC340. So the winner of last round (338) selects a source for PRC340. No difference if there’s a tie, both pick a source for round X+2. The PRC schedule will change as follows: The winner still may not enter the round if he/she selected the source but the winner is allowed to post a bonus mix (he/she has two weeks more to make a song). The regular schedule of PRC will be as follows: - Monday week 1: start of the remixing stage. - Wednesday week 2: end of the remixing stage, start of the voting stage. - Monday week 3: end of the voting stage. The winner(s) must send the source for the next round before Monday week 4. So if PRC X starts at Monday January 2nd, the round ends at Wednesday January 11th. Voting ends Monday January 16th, I need the source before Monday January 23th. PRC X+1 Starts Monday January 16th (or a couple of days earlier if it fits better in my schedule), remixing stage ends Wednesday January 25th, voting ends Monday January 30th and the winner must send the source to me before Monday February 6th. And so on… If it is different I’ll mention it in the post. When extensions are necessary, the winner(s) are given less time to pick a source. Time to start the round. PRC338 isn’t finish yet, check the Thread to vote: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/44874-prc338-the-13th-anniversary-free-round/ his source was selected by Hoboka after winning PRC337. He was challenged by Overkillius, who submitted a short remix. Hoboka claimed the win, leaving Overkillius behind with the wooden spoon. Source: Legend of Dragoon – Rose’s Theme (PSX) MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Wednesday January 11th 2017 at 10:59 am ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC341. The winner of PRC337, Hoboka, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. I edited this page with the new schedule and rules. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  23. The People's Remix Competition 338 PRCv13-26 Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to the last round of this season. Again this is a free round: no restriction, everything is allowed, also remixing multiple sources in one song. It is even allowed to continue working on a WIP, as long as most of the work is done during this round. It is not allowed to post a song which you did in the past. The only restriction is that most of the time (> 50%) spend on the song is during the upcoming two weeks. Even MIDI rips are allowed, but probably you won't get a first place with that. Based on the poll of the last round, I decided to drop the rule that you have to post the song to ThaSauce. You can upload the song anywhere you want, but I must have a download link. So if you use SoundCloud, don't forget to allow downloads, otherwise your song does not count as an entry or bonus mix. I will still use ThaSauce as a possible place to submit songs. I've made another poll about the setup of the contest for this round. Source: Free Round - (Anything you like) ThaSauce link: Click here to submit It's not necessary to use ThaSauce to participate in this contest. To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploadeding your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Tuesday January 3rd 2017 at 10:59 am ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that a download link is posted in this thread. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix. You can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC340. The winner of last round, (unknown yet) can participate without restrictions. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  24. The People's Remix Competition 337 PRCv13-25 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! This is almost the last round of this season. PlanarianHugger was the only one who submitted a source before the first deadline. However, after extending it, both Supercoolmike and DJ Mokram managed to get a song in and it was DJ Mokram who submitted the most popular song. 8 People voted for this round, a very good number of voters. Before we move to the next round, first please pay attention to the poll that I added. Please give your opinion about how this contest could be improved. I will take the results of this poll into account and might make some changes in the future of this contest based on these outcomes. Source: Front Mission 3 - Front Line Base (PS1) MIDI MP3 Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page a ThaSauce account is required. To register and submit, do the following. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploadeding your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. If anyone has problems with registering or uploading the song to ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in the thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. PRC instructions Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 20 MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed (only as Bonus Mixes). Entries must be posted at the ThaSauce Link by Wednesday December 14th 2016 at 10:59 am ThaSauce time, check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Two extra days. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix. You can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC339. PRC338 will be the traditional anniversary edition. The winner of PRC336, DJ Mokram, can only take part by submitting a bonus mix. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  25. The People's Remix Competition 336 PRCv13-24 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Last round PlanarianHugger was the only one who submitted something in time. Since he was the winner of PRC334, that was a bonus mix. To keep the contest moving, Bundeslang promised to do a short remix of that source to end the round and continue to the next round. Source: Super Mario Land 1 - Ruins Theme (GB) MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page a ThaSauce account is required. To register and submit, do the following. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploadeding your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. If anyone has problems with registering or uploading the song to ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in the thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. PRC instructions Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 20 MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed (only as Bonus Mixes). Entries must be posted at the ThaSauce Link by Wednesday November 30th 2016 at 8:59 am ThaSauce time, check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix. You can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC337. PlanarianHugger may enter as well. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
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