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I believe you with the ironmode thing. S'ok. At remod we changed it to any elite mode allowed. You may want to recheck the standings for this song, however. ^_^ Feel free to get #1 again, but I refuse to use Ironmode. Btw, can Ironmode alone help you top my score? What's the general gain in points? If it's over 50k that's just unfair.

I don't believe Ironmode offers a higher score at all. The tooltip for it says 'merely for bragging rights and a challenge'. I THINK the ironmode offers a different track than the non-ironmode for each song so there's a possibility for more points, or not. But the point values for combos and per block is the same. The real difference in ninja mono is that in ironmode, you can't use the fins or the clearing button.

But yeah, I'll give up for this competition! : ) Ninja mono is too high stakes for me to want to go through it again, lol!


So. Come on. You've probably all bought it or obtained it through illicit means by now. That means we need a thread to post about crappy video game music that we think creates good tracks.

Or just crappy real music if you prefer. I'm game.

Ice Cap is pretty hectic. As in the original Ice Cap from the game, not one of the thousand remixes of it. It's not that fast. but there are GREY BLOCKS EVERYWHERE. I mean, if you're playing as Ninja Mono there are grey blocks everywhere. If you're one of those mutant freaks with the superhuman mental coordination you need to use one of the other elite characters effectively then I suppose there would not be.

It seems to me that when a track has a lot of steep dips it tends to be more forgiving with the number of blocks, because it's a lot harder to see them coming. Supporters?


Quartet SummerTrance OCReMix. Seriously. That's gotta be about the most loaded track I've found so far.

EDIT: Top Gear "Las Vegas." Don't believe me?



SoundTeMP - Supercooled Girl: Double Vision Elite

Nowhere near my best run but the only one I have on video. I've been trying to get a new high score for me (which would be the new global #1) on video, but it's too difficult. Fraps lowers my frame rate, forces me to play on a much lower resolution, and tends to "skip" which really screws me over.

abg - Finale: Eraser Elite

Current top global score. Still a bad run due to regular fraps issues. This one had an extra bonus that screwed me over! Limit of file size on .avi is 4GB so this had to be split into two avi files while recording which made a huge spike in the middle of the song! Yay! (Not really, it pissed me off so much.)

Anything by Rush seems to work really well, I've tried Subdivisions, Tom Sawyer, and YYZ; they are all pretty sweet.

Also, I usually play Mono mode but techno songs like Sandstorm get way more "available" points in Mono versus other songs, does anyone know how the "traffic congestion" is calculated?

If you look at a song's equalizer bars as it is playing you tend to notice spikes in different frequencies. I think this has something to do with determining when you get blocks.

Your videos are REALLY quiet. I can barely hear the music at all.

Yes I noticed. I'm afraid I had the setting on low when I recorded and it's not exactly easy to replicate runs like those. Maybe this one will be better. Please tell me if it isn't, I'm still trying to find just the right setting for this game.


I took a little time out to do some ninja-monoing! Both of these are ironmode and stealth! One is Pendulum's 'Granite' and one is Dragonforce's 'Through the Fire and Flames'.

BhGNdpzB4zc p4pmkrLHClM [

Next I'm trying to stealth bLind's Zelda 2 Temple Trance. Friggin' thing has 343 traffic.


Few tips here that might improve your playing performance:

- Assuming you're using the mouse, move your arm and not your wrist. The game is a lot more receptive if the mouse is moved in a perfectly straight line. I've found that, quite often, the slight curve introduced by moving the mouse from left to right with your wrist alone causes the ship to "grind", which can really screw you over when you need to make a split-second sweep from the far left to the far right.

- Turn down the graphics. Yes, I know the game is very pretty on the Premium setting, but unless you're on a really good computer it's probably going to strain it a bit, and even the slightest instant of slowdown can mean the difference between a 30% bonus at the end of the track and nothing. This, of course, doesn't apply if you're just playing more for the experience rather than for getting a high score.

- The eye tends to take notice of the blocks only once they get within a certain distance. You need to try to overcome this and look ahead as well as directly in front of you, because if you don't then you'll end up getting overwhelmed by a sudden onslaught of blocks that you weren't expecting. Reflexes can only take you so far.

Those worked for me, anyway. I'm not sucking quite so badly now!

- Turn down the graphics. Yes, I know the game is very pretty on the Premium setting, but unless you're on a really good computer it's probably going to strain it a bit, and even the slightest instant of slowdown can mean the difference between a 30% bonus at the end of the track and nothing. This, of course, doesn't apply if you're just playing more for the experience rather than for getting a high score.

Even if you have a really good computer, turn them down anyways. Dual 8800GT's and I still run standard simply because the less complex the game is, the faster it runs and the less laggy my FRAPS recordings are.

One other tip, if you're playing casual mono, go ahead and turn on ironmode. It's easier. I'm not kidding, taking away the shoulder lanes allows you to make fast moves without overshooting and ending up in a shoulder lane.

  • 5 weeks later...
Does anyone here play with a 360 controller? I've found that I'm better with that than the mouse for some reason.

You do realise you can use the keyboard?

Since my comp. is having problems right now, it probably can't run Audiosurf, so I'm stuck playing OCR mixes on Beats for PSP, same very basic concept, different style though.

It'd need to be having some serious problems; I've seldom seen a game that was so good have such simple specs.

Heh, I got an email just then telling me I'd lost the #1 position for one of the songs. If I wasn't busy rebuilding my parents computer, I'd be trying to beat it now :P

  • 2 weeks later...

I picked up Audiosurf today and I'm having a lot of fun with it, though I'm still only playing on Casual. It's a great experience and was totally worth the money. It's so simple it's addicting.

For the record, some of the music from like, Mega Man games are really fun to play on this. The ZX games in particular tend to be quite fun to play on because of their fast paced nature.

  • 2 months later...

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