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I don't know if this was posted in this thread:


I've tried this out and it works like a charm. The file size of these custom stages are so small (around 6KB) so you can download these away and put them on your SD card. Check out the n64 level "remakes". Kind of nostalgic.

Also, I've been trying for the past 4 days to connect with players in "Brawl with Anyone" on NWFC. It just keeps seeking. Spectator mode works perfectly. Nintendo better improve their servers soon. I'm yearning for some online play.


I added my friend code to the database but I'm probably not gonna stand a chance against any of you guys. But I'm not saying I suck either so I don't know where I'm going with any of this...


SilentMike, Diabloshadow and I had great, lag free online matches.


I wish every time I'd played someone would be lag free, make the experience so much better.

Also please less whining/excuses about why any of you lost in #clanocr. It's getting annoying.

A win is a win and a loss is a loss. Don't mix whining into it.

I admit I did whine a lil, I wont do it again.

But theres also the people that shove it in your face and tell you that you suck and that you are not good with any player.

That pisses me off.

Sorry for the double post

I admit I did whine a lil, I wont do it again.

But theres also the people that shove it in your face and tell you that you suck and that you are not good with any player.

That pisses me off.

Sorry for the double post

The only person that has done it on #clanocr is Eu, and he only does it to atma and me. If anyone seriously bothers you, pm me on IRC and I will handle the issue.

The only person that has done it on #clanocr is Eu, and he only does it to atma and me. If anyone seriously bothers you, pm me on IRC and I will handle the issue.

Also for future reference, don't take Eulogic's downtalk seriously. He's just like that and it's funny.

I pretty much had to bow out after the Link quartet match. Weird...

That was a RL friend playing at her house, I called her up and told her we should all play the same character. XD We were trying to get to your head. :P


if you guys are waiting for me to magically add you i dont add anyone until i play them

ill play anyone but you gotta either im me or find me on irc


(2:48:25 AM) wuhoo2: you are so annoying

(2:48:40 AM) wuhoo2: you're seriously the most annoying Smasher

(2:48:59 AM) ff3atmaweapon: you do realize

(2:49:02 AM) ff3atmaweapon: that I aim for that

(2:49:03 AM) ff3atmaweapon: right?

(2:49:11 AM) wuhoo2: you're dead



Sweet. I guess I'm blind. I looked in people's sigs for links but I guess I didn't see Atma's.

Anyway, I'm gonna add almost everyone so please add me, I'm in the DB now.

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