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OC ReMix Announces Voices of the Lifestream Music Video Contest Results!

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OC ReMix Announces Voices of the Lifestream Music Video Contest Results!

For Immediate Release

February 24, 2008

Contact: David W. Lloyd, dlloyd@ocremix.org

FAIRFAX,VA--OverClocked ReMix announced results from its music video competition for Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream (ff7.ocremix.org) today. This was the first official competition held by OC ReMix, with 17 entries in three categories: "FF7", "Anime", and "Original." OC ReMix partnered with Piano Squall (www.pianosquall.com), and eStarland (www.estarland.com), to offer prizes including signed limited edition promotional copies of Voices of the Lifestream, signed copies of Piano Squall's album GAME: Game & Anime Music Emotions, Final Fantasy VII merchandise, and OverClocked ReMix shirts & hoodies.

A complete, streamable listing of all music video entries is available at:

Voices of the Lifestream Director Andrew Aversa expressed his enthusiasm at the fan-made music videos this fan-made album has elicited: "The average level of quality and creativity among the videos was really outstanding. I'm glad that the entrants were so inspired by the music of VotL! Congratulations to all entrants on amazing work!"

Winners in each category are as follows:

- Final Fantasy VII Category -

- Anime Category -

- Original Category -

Videos are available online at http://ff7.ocremix.org/videos/ and will later be distributed via bittorrent in higher quality. Entrants will be contacted shortly with details regarding prize distribution.

Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation, preservation, and interpretation of video game music. Its primary focus is www.ocremix.org, a website featuring hundreds of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans.


Thanks for posting up the videos, I think the competition went really well, we have some spectacular entries. Congratulations to everyone who won!

I was talking to DJPretzel about the competition and he asked me how I created my video. He thought it'd be a good idea to post the info in here. Here's some back story on the technical/and some of the creative process. So for my video I primarily used the adobe suite of programs. After researching some Native American Art for ideas and Red XIII's markings I started to sketch some things up, working in both Illustrator and Photoshop. I used Adobe Premiere Pro to cut out the clips that I wanted from the fullsize originals. At this point I created a rough storyboard of what I wanted for the project. The final really doesn't look anything like it though, but whatever, the project went through a lot of changes and revisions as I was working.

The most important thing for me was to keep everything in sync with the music, since that was the whole point of the music video. So after that I moved into After Effects and started putting clips together. Once I had what I thought was a cohesive set of clips I started to animate over it with what I was creating in illustrator and photoshop. I kept doing this (jumping back and forth between illustrator/photoshop and after effects) until I reached the end, the whole time going back and revising sections. I hope that gives you some idea of my process for this.


Nifty =P

props to everyone!

@ Saša: I haven't watched a good EVA vid like that in a while. You totally deserved to win in 'anime' :thumbsup: The moment I saw it, I knew my quicky vid was beat.

On another note, I've always wanted to submit to ocremix, but I'm not a musician-- I just like to make AMVs, so this was something I simply had to do. Thanks for holding the contest guys :DD


Totally wish I could have entered. I had an awesome idea for Trigun with Collision. I may do it anyway for the hell of it. But please aim for contests like these to happen during the summer, since school age fans are a large percentage of the community.

But my question is this: where do you get the original high-quality vids to work with? Particularly the Crisis Core cutscenes (since I don't want to be spoiled, I actually held off on watching the winning entry), but also the anime. I know of no reliable program to convert from DVD to mpeg, so if anyone can point me to one that'd be grand.

Congrats, everyone! I was totally not satisfied with how mine turned out, but it ended up winning anyway. :tomatoface: Looking forward to the prizes.

Well, you may not have been satisfied, but I certainly was! The other judges weren't too familiar with Eva or even anime in general, but loved it anyway. I of course have seen half a million Evangelion AMVs, so I was VERY skeptical at first, but this was definitely a quality piece of work. It won me over and pays excellent homage to both the source material AND Evangelion, a series I hugely respect and would not lightly compliment music videos from. Awesome stuff!

Lunatic Hero was totally the best entry. :D

Nah not quite. If you factor in the game performance (it was awesome but not perfect) Its not. If it had been a perfect run THEN we would be calling it the best :D Still that was badass!

@ Saša: I haven't watched a good EVA vid like that in a while. You totally deserved to win in 'anime' :thumbsup: The moment I saw it, I knew my quicky vid was beat.

Thank you, both!

Phantasmagoriat: Your AMV contains some really intense editing work. It's a bit short though, I wish you used Lunatic Moon in its entirety.


So these are pretty rad... But man they totally goof up the front page. Is there way to change it in my personal settings or am I just going to have to wait it out...

And major kudos to everyone of you who put forth the effort.


Guys, I watched the winning entry, and didn't recognise half the footage, even though it seemed to be from FFAC.. Could someone enlighten me? Slightly intriguing ^^ Please?


A lot of the footage used comes from the unreleased (in the US) Crisis Core game for the PSP, while the rest is from AC and Dirge of Cerberus. As an example, my submission uses footage entirely from Crisis Core (since it would not make sense with the setting of my story to use anything else).


Man these vids turned out pretty cool....

I kinda shot myself in the foot with makin' mine because I didn't want to use a lot of footage from crisis core simply because I haven't even played it yet and I didn't want to see every scene in it b4 I got to. So I just made do with what I had at the time...

Anyway, Congrats to the winners, their vids are indeed excellent, indeed.


The winner video looked really awesome, I saw a few scenes flying by from Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus, those I've never seen before, making me wanna play those even more 0_o

I don't have sound on this comp though, but I will try to watch it again later when I have tunes!

Congratulations to all! :D

Congrats, everyone! I was totally not satisfied with how mine turned out, but it ended up winning anyway. :tomatoface: Looking forward to the prizes.

I loved it; excellent song choice. I was thinking about using that one as well, but decided against it. But yeah, great job!

I'm loving the stuff I've seen so far, excellent work everyone :)

Oh, and I don't know if anyone else wants to do this, but would you peops be up for a feedback thread? I've been noticing a lot of things in mine that I could have done better, but I think feedback would help me see the things I need to work on for next time.

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