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Donkey Kong Country 2: Serious Monkey Business - History

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No more previews, guys. It's like Christmas when one of these babies drop.

Well here's your Christmas anyway: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~wcho6/DKC2ProjectPreviewEnhanced1.mp3 :razz: .

Two tracks that I originally wanted to put into this somehow didn't get the waveform clips I wanted pasted copied, so apologies to Anso and Nutritious for that, but this has most of the tracks from the project. We have almost all final wavs at this point, so we should be ready to release soon, although we'll probably end up deferring to the FF4 project first.

Well here's your Christmas anyway: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~wcho6/DKC2ProjectPreviewEnhanced1.mp3 :razz: .

Two tracks that I originally wanted to put into this somehow didn't get the waveform clips I wanted pasted copied, so apologies to Anso and Nutritious for that, but this has most of the tracks from the project. We have almost all final wavs at this point, so we should be ready to release soon, although we'll probably end up deferring to the FF4 project first.

I feel neglected BUT thankful to be part of the surprise :3

Well here's your Christmas anyway: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~wcho6/DKC2ProjectPreviewEnhanced1.mp3 :razz: .

Two tracks that I originally wanted to put into this somehow didn't get the waveform clips I wanted pasted copied, so apologies to Anso and Nutritious for that, but this has most of the tracks from the project. We have almost all final wavs at this point, so we should be ready to release soon, although we'll probably end up deferring to the FF4 project first.

I'd say from what I'm hearing that this preview is better than Christmas in the sense of gift-giving.

Well here's your Christmas anyway: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~wcho6/DKC2ProjectPreviewEnhanced1.mp3 :razz: .

Two tracks that I originally wanted to put into this somehow didn't get the waveform clips I wanted pasted copied, so apologies to Anso and Nutritious for that, but this has most of the tracks from the project. We have almost all final wavs at this point, so we should be ready to release soon, although we'll probably end up deferring to the FF4 project first.

So we won't have to wait the half of a year? Now that's a Christmas. :nicework:

Well here's your Christmas anyway: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~wcho6/DKC2ProjectPreviewEnhanced1.mp3 :razz: .

Two tracks that I originally wanted to put into this somehow didn't get the waveform clips I wanted pasted copied, so apologies to Anso and Nutritious for that, but this has most of the tracks from the project. We have almost all final wavs at this point, so we should be ready to release soon, although we'll probably end up deferring to the FF4 project first.


So close, guys! Hopefilly djp will have his tracks done before the year's out.

Well here's your Christmas anyway: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~wcho6/DKC2ProjectPreviewEnhanced1.mp3 :razz: .

Two tracks that I originally wanted to put into this somehow didn't get the waveform clips I wanted pasted copied, so apologies to Anso and Nutritious for that, but this has most of the tracks from the project. We have almost all final wavs at this point, so we should be ready to release soon, although we'll probably end up deferring to the FF4 project first.

Alright, so I know I was the one who said it should be a surprise, but I listened anyway, and HOOOOOOLY SHIT did Sixto rock the hell out of Swanky's Swing. zyko on Boss Bossanova is badass too. This will be some quality stuff when it hits.


Echoing the post above; this is unbelievable. You guys are infinitely better than I could have imagined. Thanks so much for the effort, it is certainly showing, even in such an abridged format.

Also, blame my ignorance if need be, but is there a tracklist somewhere for the new preview? There are two or three tracks that I am having difficulties pinpointing (although they are obviously still excellent, and I am sure it will be obvious once that information comes to light). Thanks again!


There were some odd places picked...I wasn't quite sure what to pick for some of the songs, as they're done in such a way that you would need to listen to the whole song to appreciate it. That is also partially why I didn't mind doing such a preview track - I know zircon did something like this for the FF7 project, and listening to small clips of the actual songs don't often accurately represent them.

Also there were a few mistakes in piecing together this clip, but I figured it probably wouldn't bother people too much.


I have a feeling that Fishy's Forest Interlude is going to be one of, if not the best song I've ever heard in my life. It didn't really hit me the first time I listened to the preview, but the second time was a practically euphoric experience. Well done man.

I am so psyched for this project I can't even begin to express it. Patrick Burns, Audix, and Joshua Morse all have some absolutely stellar tracks too, I can't wait. The collab on Mining Melancholy is also quite impressive, I didn't think I would enjoy a rap version of it but the lyrics are pretty tight.

Color me impressed guys, I can't wait to hear the full versions of all this!!

@Hobocop: With a few exceptions towards the beginning, these tracks pretty much go in order of the tracks in the original post.

Well here's your Christmas anyway: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~wcho6/DKC2ProjectPreviewEnhanced1.mp3 :razz: .

Two tracks that I originally wanted to put into this somehow didn't get the waveform clips I wanted pasted copied, so apologies to Anso and Nutritious for that, but this has most of the tracks from the project. We have almost all final wavs at this point, so we should be ready to release soon, although we'll probably end up deferring to the FF4 project first.


Ohh man, I can't help but feel this will be one of my favorite OCR Albums, since it is paying homage to one of my favorite childhood games. Frick, listening to this new preview brings so much nostalgia that I feel like buying some Wiipoints just to download it for good 'ol times. I defintely concur that Boss Bossanova is sounding badass, and I'm all the more itching to listen to Audix's Krook's March (Since I've been listening to One Day Millinium). Heck, there's a lot that I can say about all the tracks here, but to some it all up: AWESOME.

Here's me waiting for the release. Hell, I just can't express how much I'm looking foward to hearing all the full tracks. No, "Times 9000!" still doesn't do. It's over 9000!


Yeah, that was one preview that caught me because I couldn't quite identify which track it was remixing; but it sounded so much like DK Island Swing in the original DKC. I can't remember if Cranky's Conga sounded like that or not.

EDIT: Yeah, I just listened to that preview track again, and I can definitely identify it as Token Tango. I must say, you guys really kept me guessing in what track was a remix of what. That's a complement BTW, considering that I pretty much figured almost all of them out.

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