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OCR TF2 Team: Gametime 9 PM EST on OCR server MWF + some weekends

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Well if people want it earlier, that'd be fine too - what're the thoughts on the time?

Also, tonight might be my last night on TF2 for 2 months or so, so I'm going to need someone to volunteer for server administration and stuff. If any of the admins need to use the admin commands in game, remember just type @menu to all or type it in the developer console.

It's looking like my desktop is too big for any of my luggages, so that's why it'll probably be my last night for a while.

It's looking like my desktop is too big for any of my luggages, so that's why it'll probably be my last night for a while.

Ship it to yourself.

Also, I'm coming back (to the server) next week. This weekend is reserved for watching seasons 1-3 of House.

Man, I said no sentries in small groups, AND especially not for uneven teams...I haven't banned anyone yet for this, but next time I do see that from anyone, it's a ban.

i certainly hope you wouldn't do that, don't blame the engy, blame yourself or whoever else is not smart enough to know how to take out a sentry. i won't go engineer in very small groups, because yes i do think it is lame.

i certainly hope you wouldn't do that, don't blame the engy, blame yourself or whoever else is not smart enough to know how to take out a sentry. i won't go engineer in very small groups, because yes i do think it is lame.

I've said it before though that I would enforce it after some people have abused it. I know how to take out a sentry, but every single time tonight, after killing everyone, I'd have to spend time taking out the sentry, and by the time it was gone, the demos respawned again and beat me with numbers. It's total bullshit for a 3v4, and there's absolutely no excuse for an engineer with that and unbalanced teams.

Man, I said no sentries in small groups, AND especially not for uneven teams...I haven't banned anyone yet for this, but next time I do see that from anyone, it's a ban.

Consider it good practice for when real games are going on. And stop whining, it's a good strategy. You shouldn't have gone spy, you should have demo-stickied it. You wouldn't even have to get in its sites to do it, because of where I was putting it. Don't hate on me for using a good strategy.


To be fair, it's not really good practice for a "real game" so to speak. 3v3 or 4v4 is tiny, and maps aren't even designed for matches that small. 6v6 or 8v8 are the tournament standards, AFAIK, and some people even complain about 6v6 being too small - the battle able to go either way if someone gets a lucky crit rocket. I don't buy that, but I can see the PoV that the game dynamics change drastically with smaller teams. I don't think we should ban people that build sentries in tiny matches but it's just a silly thing to do IMO since that strategy is less effective in bigger games, and it forces an already small team to change their strategy entirely to get past it - that wouldn't happen in a larger game.


Like I said in IRC, I don't mind not going engie if it bothers people, but the fact is if I hadn't been an engineer, I would've been something else (like a Heavy) and you would've had to spend that time dealing with me anyway.

Consider it good practice for when real games are going on. And stop whining, it's a good strategy. You shouldn't have gone spy, you should have demo-stickied it. You wouldn't even have to get in its sites to do it, because of where I was putting it. Don't hate on me for using a good strategy.

Are you dense? Some locations make it tough to kill sentries fast with most classes unless you kill a game by just doing an uber, which makes it impossible to defend in a small game - I'm not that much of an asshole. In addition, I was mainly complaining about dhsu doing it in 3v4 on a team of 4, not your usage. I was just fooling around as spy, as I'm a terrible spy.


My sentries were always taken out after 2 or 3 kills, except for the last one, and that was just because people didn't expect one there, or else they could've just as easily accessed the cap from the back instead of the stairs. The element of surprise is just as important as defensibility when it comes to sentries IMO.

Also, you never said anything the whole time so I didn't even know you had a problem with it. I would've stopped if you'd just asked.

Are you dense? Some locations make it tough to kill sentries fast with most classes unless you kill a game by just doing an uber, which makes it impossible to defend in a small game - I'm not that much of an asshole. In addition, I was mainly complaining about dhsu doing it in 3v4 on a team of 4, not your usage. I was just fooling around as spy, as I'm a terrible spy.

Oh, okay. And don't feel bad, Spy is my worst class easily. D:

But keep in mind it's possible to destroy the sentry where I was building it as a demoman - you can shoot your stickies right in front of it without it seeing you at all.


The problem with engis with small numbers started with me when I started getting obsessed with being an assault engineer on dustbowl. Trust me, with anything below 5v5 (or 6v6), a really good engi can be pretty cheap. However, IMO, that rule should really only apply for offense, because on defense, you really need the extra turret a lot, regardless of the numbers.

If you're wondering how I did things, I'd typically come around from behind and kill someone with a shotgun or a wrench when the enemy was preoccupied with the turret. Even if the turret dies, I've already killed them and am building another one. No, I'm not a master wtih engi, but I'm good enough to get Bahamut to set a ban on small numbers.

My sentries were always taken out after 2 or 3 kills, except for the last one, and that was just because people didn't expect one there, or else they could've just as easily accessed the cap from the back instead of the stairs. The element of surprise is just as important as defensibility when it comes to sentries IMO.

Also, you never said anything the whole time so I didn't even know you had a problem with it. I would've stopped if you'd just asked.

The location was the standard sentry location - the problem was, the demos stickied the upper left (from your vantage), so the only way for me to have taken it out was to go through the far right (from your vantage again) by the rocks, but I had to take on the 2 demos in a face to face battle, which made it tough since they knew how to live as long as possible.


I don't remember the class loadout of your team, but I don't see a reason you would have to take them on by yourself. But yeah, they did seem pretty impossible to kill, though I see that as more a problem with good demos than my sentry. You might feel that ubering on small teams is cheap, but that's exactly the type of situation where it would be called for, especially if you have no good spies or demos (or snipers if you're Rambo :P ).


Man, now I'm really afraid to play Engy next time. I do that a lot, and I'm surprised Bahamut hasn't banned me yet. If I'm being an Engy ass, please remind me to switch classes because I forget sometimes.

especially if you have no good spies or demos (or snipers if you're Rambo :P ).

Yarr, I be snipe'n yer sentries. It's far more effective than most people believe. Give it a chance folks!

I still find that scouts are the most imbalanced characters in small matches. Being able to traverse the entire map in seconds is deadly when the respawn time is so much more significant in small numbers. On top of that they cap double fast... which is sometimes half the team or more. And if one happens to get by a hold point... no class is gonna be able to catch them before they cap the last. The only way to safely defend against it is... *dramatic sound* an ENGINEER'S sentry facing the point.

Man, now I'm really afraid to play Engy next time. I do that a lot, and I'm surprised Bahamut hasn't banned me yet. If I'm being an Engy ass, please remind me to switch classes because I forget sometimes.

I wouldn't worry about it. If you you do worry, just ask if it's okay, and if Bahamut puts the stopper on it, go with your next best class. *Shrugs*

And hell, you're a damn good engineer to have around when the games ARE big. ...I remember cursing your name quite a bit when I was on BLU and you had a well placed sentry on Dustbowl. XD

But for the record, I do whole-heartedly agree with Bahamut and Zircon that in small, small games the Engineer's sentry can really prove to be *too* powerful. It ends up being extremely difficult to deal with.

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