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OCR TF2 Team: Gametime 9 PM EST on OCR server MWF + some weekends

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How is that ironic? Your name is Brushfire and you like playing as a pyro. that's not ironic. That's appropriate, or coincidental.

Not ironic.

There are two kinds of irony - literary irony, like in a book, and situational irony, which is very similar to coincidence.

It is ironic, in this case.


I just looked up situational irony, and I still fail to see how that is so.

For it to be situationally ironic, it would have to be someone named "FrostMaster" that likes playing as a Pyro.

I will agree with you and retract my previous statment and say coincedence instead.

I still can't get a better than 400 ping around here.

I thought it was wrong too, but hey, I'm a metalhead for irony.

(for those who don't know what that was, it was two things.

1. a pun.

2. Terrible :tomatoface:

I love puns)

I was surprised that I could actually play on American servers with my lame internet. Not that I'm complaining :<

So, a bunch of us were talking, and wondering, how many people would love to get in on an OCR tf2 server? It'd probably involve splitting the costs monthly.

I'd put in some proverbial fat cash for that. I wouldn't even mind if my ping was high (which it will be, cause my ISP sucks hardcore).


Heh, I would offer, but I severely doubt my crappy internet (thank you Australian internet /sarcasm) would enable me to really play on it. Well, I could, but I'd have a ping of OVER 9000?! :<


So, I did a little google search, and one of the first few results gave me this: http://www.gameservers.com/game_servers/team_fortress_2.php

I got an excellent ping with their Atlanta location of 25, which strangely is better than what I got from Chicago, despite Chicago being a mere 2 1/2 hours away from me.

First question - do we want a public server or private? The max pricing for each (meaning max # of slots available) from this particular company is $39 per month for public with 26 players and $26 per month for 26 players for private.

I'm guessing other companies are fairly similar in pricing, although I'm sure not all are equal connection-wise. If anyone has a better suggestion, chime in, but with the number of people we have on OCR that plays tf2, the monthly fee should be nominal.


The thing about making it private is that while we have a fair amount of people on OCR that play TF2, the most I've ever seen in ONE GAME was only like 5 or 6. And TF2 isn't really that fun if you have small teams, in my opinion... I think ~12 players is a good number. So, if we were to do a private server, I would want to know that people from OCR would play on it regularly and not elsewhere. Otherwise, make it public with a bunch of admins so we can kick out pubs if we are trying to do an OCR game.

The thing about making it private is that while we have a fair amount of people on OCR that play TF2, the most I've ever seen in ONE GAME was only like 5 or 6. And TF2 isn't really that fun if you have small teams, in my opinion... I think ~12 players is a good number. So, if we were to do a private server, I would want to know that people from OCR would play on it regularly and not elsewhere. Otherwise, make it public with a bunch of admins so we can kick out pubs if we are trying to do an OCR game.

i think that this would be the best way to really get it to work...else, it'd be going the way of Disciples of the Mix for guild wars, ClanOCR for halo, etc.


i could possibly be in support of this.

my two cents:

-public please...there isn't enough ocr interest to keep games going often enough or with enough people. you don't have to worry about it getting full either...we can have reserved slots for those of us who support (in payment or those of us just from ocr).

-22 or 24 man server only...probably save money and make games actually possible to win when on offense.

-STATS...i'll only play this if there are stats, this also makes it more interesting for everyone. to me playing gets boring after a while, i like working against myself/others to bring my ranking up. heck this also makes place for "awards" as well.

just a couple quick thoughts.


So, is this "team" just around for pubbing/pickup groups or are you guys seriously considering joining a ladder or league?

Cuz that'd be hilarious, if a bit of a pain to organize, as some of us are already in clans.

Finding me on Steam isn't that hard; AFAIK, I'm the only "Pyrion". But I rarely pub anymore, as my clan has a scrim or match every evening it seems.

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