DarkeSword Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 If the MK vs DC game becomes a big hit we'll we be seeing a Marvel vs Capcom 3 game to rival it? I would so love a MvC3 game. No. Capcom hasn't had the Marvel license in years. Quote
Ninja-san Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 No. Capcom hasn't had the Marvel license in years. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo That crushes my day ): Quote
Broken Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 Mugen users do create their own characters. I collected my own MUGEN roster a year ago. It was so friggen' epic. Then it killed my lappy! My question is "will this new game be of a higher quality than someone's home made MUGEN?" Quote
jayc4life Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 Probably not. I can see this game totally bombing. As much as I like DC Comics and MK in their own seperate respects, putting them together should never have happened. How and ever, if the teaser site, http://www.worldscollide.com is anything to go by, by clicking Sub-Zero's eye, 16 "?" blocks show up. Chances are, Batman's eye will have 16 as well. So the big question is: who'll make it, if it's 16 per side? Here's my dream teams: Team MK: Shao Kahn Shang Tsung Johnny Cage Liu Kang Kano Scorpion Sub-Zero Goro Rayden Jax Sonya Kung Lao Reptile Quan Chi Noob/Smoke Stryker (just so you can annihilate him in the first stage) Team DC: Batman Superman Green Lantern Wonder Woman The Flash Aquaman (as hilarious as it sounds) Green Arrow Metamorpho Booster Gold Black Canary V for Vendetta Rorshach (with The Question and Mr. A as alternate costumes ) Atom Hawkman Captain Marvel Martian Manhunter Although they'll want to probably balance out DC with good/bad so more than likely, the likes of Lex Luthor (in a power suit) and the Joker as well as some other recurring baddies like maybe Superboy/Prime from Infinite Crisis. Quote
Eulogic Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 V for VendettaRorshach (with The Question and Mr. A as alternate costumes ) I kinda doubt they would go outside of the canonical DC universe. Also, I don't really know how The Atom would work. As awesome as Booster Gold is, I don't know that I would see them putting him in (I'd probably give him less of a shot than Blue Beetle, although they'd probably put Jaime in before Ted). I'd guess Hawkgirl before Hawkman, given the current incarnation of the JLA and the popularity of the animated universe. They'll probably also put more of the younger generation in than you've listed, though it really depends on how rooted it will be in the current events of the DC universe. Quote
DarkeSword Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 Aquaman (as hilarious as it sounds) Sorry, but seriously, what is hilarious about Aquaman? He's the fucking King of Atlantis and he's a goddamn badass fighter. He's got a hook for a hand, a trident, and a sword. I'm really tired of people crapping on Aquaman just because they watched Superfriends on Cartoon Network and think his super-power is talking to fish. And that's not an orange shirt he's wearing, it's orange SCALE MAIL armor. Aquaman will kick your ass. (I'd probably give him less of a shot than Blue Beetle, although they'd probably put Jaime in before Ted). They would. DC is really trying to push Jaime's incarnation of the Blue Beetle. He's got his own title (which does well in trades), he's a regular in Teen Titans (though not as an official member), and he's showing up in Tiny Titans in July. He's also the version of Blue Beetle that's going to be in "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" animated series next year. Not that I'm complaining; I'm a huge Beetle fan. Quote
FR Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 As long as they include Darkseid I'm happy (and his voice actor must be Michael Ironside). Quote
jayc4life Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 Aquaman's just the guy everyone takes the piss out of really, although I'll give it to him that he's quite cool and all that, he'll probably make it based on popularity rather than the fact that he's got a high standing in the DC universe. Although if you take things that way, I forgot to mention Nightwing. He'd probably make it before Booster Gold would. Still, you have to admit, canonical or not, Rorschach and V would fit the dark MK setting more than the majority of the mainstream heroes or the Justice League/Teen Titans. Quote
Eulogic Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 Wally will likely be in over Barry, and I could even see them putting in Kyle instead of Hal and Roy instead of Ollie. Okay, maybe not, though in a lot of ways, they are getting a lot more exposure than their older counterparts these days. Quote
DarkeSword Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 Wally will likely be in over Barry, and I could even see them putting in Kyle instead of Hal and Roy instead of Ollie. Okay, maybe not, though in a lot of ways, they are getting a lot more exposure than their older counterparts these days. Eh, not so sure about that. Hal's the number one GL these days considering it's him that the GL main series focuses on. Kyle's not really a solo/focal character anymore; I mean he's a main player in GLC, but that's really an ensemble book. If any GL is going to show up in MKvDC, it'll be either Hal Jordan or John Stewart. Hal because he's the main GL right now; John because he's more well known to non-comics DC fans who only really know the cartoons. I doubt they'd pick Roy over Ollie. Green Arrow is a classic hero; Speedy/Arsenal/Red Arrow isn't as well known. Wally over Barry I could definitely see. Quote
Eulogic Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 Eh, not so sure about that. Hal's the number one GL these days considering it's him that the GL main series focuses on. Kyle's not really a solo/focal character anymore; I mean he's a main player in GLC, but that's really an ensemble book.If any GL is going to show up in MKvDC, it'll be either Hal Jordan or John Stewart. Hal because he's the main GL right now; John because he's more well known to non-comics DC fans who only really know the cartoons. I doubt they'd pick Roy over Ollie. Green Arrow is a classic hero; Speedy/Arsenal/Red Arrow isn't as well known. Wally over Barry I could definitely see. Again, I think it depends on how much they're going with current events. Kyle is a main character in Countdown, and Roy is in the JLA. I'm not saying it's likely (in fact, I would say it's fairly unlikely), but it is possible. Hell, look at Justice League Task Force for the SNES. Green Lantern wasn't even in it because Hal was busy being Parallax at the time. Quote
DarkeSword Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 Again, I think it depends on how much they're going with current events. Kyle is a main character in Countdown, and Roy is in the JLA. I'm not saying it's likely (in fact, I would say it's fairly unlikely), but it is possible. Hell, look at Justice League Task Force for the SNES. Green Lantern wasn't even in it because Hal was busy being Parallax at the time. Countdown pretty much over and it was a terrible comic to the point where it's hilarious. DC has essentially acknowledged that Countdown did not accomplish what it set out to do (be the "spine" of the DCU). And even so, Countdown is an ensemble book; to be honest, Kyle was just along for the ride and not really one of the movers or shakers. That honor ( ) goes to Jason, Holly and Harley, Mary, Solomon, Darkseid, Jimmy, and near the end, Ray. GL is one of DC's strongest, most important titles right now, and Hal is the focus of that. Hell the current storyline is a retelling of Hal's origin story. If we're talking about going with current events, Hal Jordan is definitely the GL to go with. Quote
The Coop Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 Well, if this game were somehow get through everything that one might feel is against it, and turn out to be a decent fighter, here'd be a line up of 16 I'd like to see... DC MK-------------------------------------------------1. Raven Scorpion2. Starfire Quan Chi3. Batman Shang Tsung4. Green Lantern Jade5. Solomon Grundy Mileena6. Superman Sonya7. Wonder Woman Johnny Cage8. Hawkgirl Raiden9. Martian Manhuter Nitara10. Green Arrow Sheeva11. The Joker Kitana12. Huntress Kabal13. Mr. Freeze Li Mei14. Catwoman Mavado15. Deathstroke Liu Kang16. Poison Ivy FrostSub Boss17. Darkseid BlazeBoss18. Brainiac Shao Khan Quote
Eulogic Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 No Sub-Zero? A bold move, given that he is, along with Batman, one of two confirmed characters. Also, there are some headscratchers in there, like the absence of Reptile and The Flash, the presence of Raven, Starfire, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, and the Huntress, and Brainiac as a final boss. Quote
The Coop Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 No Sub-Zero? A bold move, given that he is, along with Batman, one of two confirmed characters.Also, there are some headscratchers in there, like the absence of Reptile and The Flash, the presence of Raven, Starfire, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, and the Huntress, and Brainiac as a final boss. Yeah, I know he's in there, but I thought Frost would be a better choice, since she hasn't gotten much screen time, but plays a lot like him. Plus, the remaining female characters to choose from in the MK universe weren't as interesting. But I figured unlike past fighting games, it would be cool to have the deck stacked differently. Some ground, some flying, half and half in terms of men/women, and a good mix of heroes and villains to boot. You know, spice things up from the given norms. As for some of my choices... I thought it would be interesting to have a female DC character who don't have special powers (the Huntress) to go along with the men who don't. Plus, in my mind, the possibilities for characters like Poison Ivy and Mr. Freeze could be quite cool. For Raven and Starfire, since the ol' WB Teen Titans show is still garnering some attention, putting those two in (looking like their comic selves of course) seemed fitting. They're well known to begin with, but thanks to that cartoon, they're in the public eye a bit more. As for Flash and Reptile, they're cool and all, but unless you do some handicapping to Flash, he's going to be way too fast to fight with/against. And well, then he wouldn't be Flash (doesn't seem right to have his speed bursts be kept down in only special moves, or something like that). Reptile's alright, but I thought it would make the line up more interesting on the male side if the ninja clones weren't all used... again. There's not much that can be done for the female side, as their ninja clones are more interesting than a number of the other female characters in MK: Armageddon (IMHO of course). But with a more diverse male side, it seemed a good idea to choose some of the other less cloney-types. And well, Brainiac and his (its?) abilities, traits and forms over the years could make for some pretty wild final battle ideas. People expect the big bad guy at the end, but Brainiac could offer up something pretty different. tl;dr or tl;dc I know, but there are my reasons. Quote
DarkeSword Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 My problem with your roster, Coop, is that it's Bat-heavy. There's a wealth of characters to draw from beyond Batman villains and heroes. Something more balanced is JLA oriented roster; Supes, Bats, Wondy, GL, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, and Flash. That's your original 7 right there. Then throw in some villains, maybe some JLI folks (Beetle, Booster, Fire, Ice). But having 5/16 of the characters Bat characters is just too much. Quote
Eulogic Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 I would love if they just made it a Giffen/DeMatteisfest and put all the Super Buddies in. Quote
The Coop Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 My problem with your roster, Coop, is that it's Bat-heavy. There's a wealth of characters to draw from beyond Batman villains and heroes. Something more balanced is JLA oriented roster; Supes, Bats, Wondy, GL, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, and Flash. That's your original 7 right there. Then throw in some villains, maybe some JLI folks (Beetle, Booster, Fire, Ice). But having 5/16 of the characters Bat characters is just too much. Perhaps it is, but I don't see that as I problem... which is why it's my list Quote
Poke'G Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 No Goro, Coop? I think he and Doomsday would make an awesome sub boss pair. I'd also love to see Steel in this too, but I don't think that's very likely. It's going to be interesting to see how the real roster pans out on this game. Quote
relyanCe Posted July 19, 2008 Posted July 19, 2008 Ok so I was watchin the E3 on G4 today, and I saw previews and such for a Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe game. Um... What?? I mean it looks cool, but how could it actually work? Since MK is all about gory deaths and mangled bodies, how do you throw Superman and the like in? I was watching Supes beat the tar out of subzero and Scorpion fillaying the Flash and thinking, how far does the imagination have to fly to grasp this??? Anyone have some explanation or thoughts? Quote
The Pezman Posted July 19, 2008 Posted July 19, 2008 You've obviously never seen Frank Miller's Batman. Quote
atmuh Posted July 19, 2008 Posted July 19, 2008 http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15777 Quote
jayc4life Posted July 19, 2008 Posted July 19, 2008 What Atma said. www.noob.com (it actually is an MK viral website, not a joke) Quote
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