Brushfire Posted January 11, 2009 Author Posted January 11, 2009 So this afternoon I had an unscheduled power outage while finalizing the first episode, and ALL of my video files for the episode were either deleted or corrupted. SO cast will be delayed a few days while I reshoot and remake the entire thing. Why didn't I just copy from my camera as opposed to moving the files. More news as it comes. And since I have to reshoot, I will include the two newest mixes as they came out about an hour after I finished shooting. I'll blame that on the judges.
Brushfire Posted January 11, 2009 Author Posted January 11, 2009 Yup all kinda balls. I blame my cat for stepping on my power strip under my desk. Sigh. Now I gotta film when I am on my lunch breaks.
anosou Posted January 11, 2009 Posted January 11, 2009 Looking forward to this, be sure to mention.. well, me! *thread subscribed*
Brushfire Posted January 12, 2009 Author Posted January 12, 2009 I will mention you then. Make sure to listen for it, for it will be epic.
Brushfire Posted April 8, 2009 Author Posted April 8, 2009 OK, I am writing the script for Pilot #1 of... POCRCast!! That is the Podcast for Overclocked Remix podCast!! Redundant yes, not as elegant as VGDJ, yes, but it took months of procrastination to come up with. When the script is finished I will send it to the judges panel, and they can edit out anything they don't or deem "inappropriate." I will be keeping this a PG Podcast, so swearing will be kept to a minimum for the kids. Here is the flow for each episode. It will follow a format of intro, highlights from the two weeks, new songs, OCRtist Spotlight, Outside the Game Box, Game Reviews (usually one per week), and outro. If there aren't any more questions, that is all I got for now. I am shooting for a Sunday Afternoon/Saturday Night for ya'll release date.
Brushfire Posted August 14, 2009 Author Posted August 14, 2009 OK! This time I have no destractions, no moving, and no cohosts!! I have made a few changes to the format I purposed back in April. The biggest change in it is the involvement of the OCRtists that are featured on the cast. I am asking them to provide soundbites, giving listeners a better understanding of how the track they are about to listen to came into exsistance. I am going to ask the evaluators to do the same thing in regards to what they said when the track was posted. I feel that this will let the listener here the decision straight from the horses mouth as it were. Another change that isn't as big, but could be considered, is that Zirc said he is fine with me carrying on the VGDJ name. After I can get confirmation from the previous hosts as well, I will carry the torch. As for the rest of it, the format will remain unchanged, in a hopes that the success that VGDJ had almost 3 years ago will live on. I am shooting for episode 1 to be finished Sunday night and up on Monday. I am still working out the kinks for an RSS feed, but at the very least you will be able to hear something.
Ferret Posted August 14, 2009 Posted August 14, 2009 OCRcast? Well, good luck, and you'd better sacrifice a router to the internet gods just to be safe. A Netgear should be enough to appease them.
Darklink42 Posted August 14, 2009 Posted August 14, 2009 Look forward to hearing it when it gets off the ground. I'll send some prayers to the internet gods as well.
EdgeCrusher Posted August 14, 2009 Posted August 14, 2009 I normally hate podcasts with a passion, but if Brush is doing it, I'd so listen to it. As long as he does the Soldier voice.....
Brushfire Posted August 18, 2009 Author Posted August 18, 2009 OK after fighting with Soundbooth for a while, I have gotten the majority of episode 1 down. I am taking a break now and will finish it up tomorrow, and everyone will be happy. For the first few weeks, the cast will not have an RSS feed. I will be working on that this weekend, though I am hopeful I can have it up and running by the end of the week, that way folks can get it via iTunes. I will post again when it is finished tomorrow. So stay tuned.
atmuh Posted August 18, 2009 Posted August 18, 2009 do you have that thing i recorded for you like 7 months ago rofl no one would get it but that would be kinda funny
Brushfire Posted August 18, 2009 Author Posted August 18, 2009 PREVIEW~! Sorta. Credits are in order anyway. Theme Song VGDJ Happy Mix - Xerol Music Featured Final Fantasy XI: Battling Despair at Dawn - Tweek F-Zero GX: Beyond Velocity - Rozovian Sonic the Hedgehog 3: Snowboadin' Sonic - Willrock Mega Man 2: Dr. Wily Symphonic - Blue.Nocturne Metroid: Metroid Begins - aJiLe Mega Man X: Dreams Come True - Star Salzman Final Fantasy X: The Twilight Ivory - Palpable Background Music Donkey Kong Country: Flying with the Funk - Tweek Phantasy Star: Wanta Phanta - analoq Beyond Good and Evil: Frame of Mind - Aurora, Distructo, SGX Shadow of the Ninja: Two Shadows Appear - Braincells The Adventures of Bayou Billy: Trippin' on Alligators - Mazedude Bumpers Level 99 Dyne Oinkness Epitaph Editor Ashamee Special thanks goto Ashamee, Garian, Another Soundscape, Tweek, Willrock, Dyne, Epitaph, Level 99, Oinkness, Larry Oji, David Lloyd, and all the listeners and feedback d00ds. ANYWAY! It is almost done. There are some bugs with this one to look out for, but these problems should be tied to this pilot episode, and not make an appearence after this podcast. Set to be out tonight at 2100 (9 PM EDT). Stay Tuned.
Liontamer Posted August 18, 2009 Posted August 18, 2009 Don't renumber the series, IMO. It has a history and hosting changes haven't meant renumbering the shows. Looking forward to hearing what you got!
Brushfire Posted August 18, 2009 Author Posted August 18, 2009 Don't renumber the series, IMO. It has a history and hosting changes haven't meant renumbering the shows. Looking forward to hearing what you got! Actually that is a good call Larry. My bad. TO ALL READING, THE NAME IS STILL TENTATIVE.
zircon Posted August 18, 2009 Posted August 18, 2009 I'm really excited for this podcast and I hope Brush continues it! Especially now that VGFrequency is more or less out of the picture too, the community could use something like this. On a quick aside, Brush did misunderstand me (or maybe I miscommunicated, I've been kinda overwhelmed with post-honeymoon stuff) about the name of the podcast; my suggestion was that he change it from VGDJ to something else. A few reasons; one is that this is a completely different format, it's a solo host, and it has video. So, it makes sense to set it apart on that level. But also, it's really *Brush* behind this. None of the VGDJ folks had anything to do with it and so I think he deserves a fresh title, since this is really a from-scratch effort. Lastly - and this is just on a logistics level - it would be better to have a new website w/ a new name as opposed to the old site, which at this point is really outdated with a massive gap in updates, not to mention that again the format is completely changing so there's really not any continuity per se like there was with the old VGDJ host changes. (Additionally, we haven't been able to access the old site for years... it might be uneditable.) Only question that remains is really what the new name should be! My vote is for something like "OCRCast", but somewhat less bland.
KyleJCrb Posted August 18, 2009 Posted August 18, 2009 I'm really excited for this podcast and I hope Brush continues it! Especially now that VGFrequency is more or less out of the picture too, the community could use something like this. *ahem* Although Larry and I need to get back on it. I'm looking forward to checking out what you put together, Brush!
zircon Posted August 18, 2009 Posted August 18, 2009 Haha, touché, Kyle. NGI is good times, of course, but like VGF and VGDJ when they ran concurrently, one focused on the broader community and one was more OCR-specific. I think that kind of coverage is good. When you throw in ThaSauce Radio, we've got a good variety of entertainment (IMO.)
Nekofrog Posted August 18, 2009 Posted August 18, 2009 I vote keep the VGDJ name if there are no plans by its original creators to continue it. Why not?
Arek the Absolute Posted August 18, 2009 Posted August 18, 2009 I also think it should keep the name. It did when it originally shifted hosts, so why shouldn't it now?
Brushfire Posted August 18, 2009 Author Posted August 18, 2009 The only problem is that I accidentally numbered this #1. If I keep the same name, the numbering is all messed up. So I'd have to bleep all mentions of Episode one, after the next episode comes out. I will figure something out.
zircon Posted August 18, 2009 Posted August 18, 2009 Guys - Using a different name than VGDJ makes a lot more sense for a bunch of reasons. Brush and I talked about it over PM and he agrees. The first is pure logistics. We don't have any access to the old site ( and the blogger connection is completely severed. So, he would have to create a whole new website for a videocast of the same name. Huh? That would be confusing. Also, it really is a completely different show unrelated to VGDJ. Different format, different host (single as opposed to two), video instead of just audio (so it's not even a podcast, technically)... so that's a second good reason. Another reason is that this is BRUSHFIRE's show. Jill and I ran VGDJ using the same format (with some tweaks) created by hosts before us. But Brush is doing this all himself, from scratch. We don't take any credit for that, and I think he deserves his own name. I know Brush has been working hard on this thing for weeks, if not months. Can we focus on his videocast, not the name?
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