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So I was seeing the previews for Iron Man (late I know) and I see the trailer for the Incredible Hulk.

I thought to myself , thats nice, theyre making a Hulk movie. But something kept nagging at me throughout Iron Man, and at the end credits (not the actual end of the movie incidentally, I missed the last part that pissed me off). Oh yeah, I said, as I left the theater, early, they had already made a hulk movie, and this one clearly wasnt a sequel. I really should have figured that out , having seen the movie before.

So why didnt I remember it?

Heres what I believe happened: my brain being traumatized by the collossal, macabre magnitude of failure that the first movie had attained, forced itself to forget my having ever seen the movie to protect me from future damage.

That said, Im glad theyre remaking it. There is no possible way for it to suck if it has Edward Norton in it.


The comic book-like presentation in the movie was distracting and unnecessary. The only thing that saved that movie from total retardation was the "Puny human" and "Running in the desert" scenes.

the problem is that banner really WAS an emo little shit a lot of the time.

Yeah I mean how dare they portray someone with a traumatic upbringing as being shy and introverted I mean it's not like that's how he is in the comics or anything

and the scene where hulk grabs onto the jet, goes out of atmosphere and magically lands in the exact spot where he left a couple miles above.

Except I dunno give or a few thousand feet

The comic book-like presentation in the movie was distracting and unnecessary.

Yeah anything that is like comic books should definitely not be in comic book movies no sirree

First one was good, kids got all butthurt 'cause there was as much talkin' as smashin'

I do think it was a slightly too serious and dour for its own good though. Otherwise, I thought it was a good enough foundation. I really don't see a need for them to drop it and re-do it so soon. It's been 5 years, but it didn't feel that long. And then there's the talk of re-doing Superman because apparently some creative heads in DC weren't satisfied with how it came out. And then there's the whole conspiracy with people saying Captain America + Thor = Avengers movie. And Spiderman 4 and 5 and Hellboy 3... way too many superhero movies.

That said, Im glad theyre remaking it. There is no possible way for it to suck if it has Edward Norton in it.

Did you watch the trailer? Aside from some of the worst CG in recent memory, it featured terrible acting and dialogue from everyone who wasn't William Hurt. It already looks like the worst comic book movie since Elektra if you ask me.

uh-oh, as soon as I click to the forums the Hulk is the character in the top right corner of ocremix! But he's not a videogame character!

Except he's been in plenty of video games.

Yeah anything that is like comic books should definitely not be in comic book movies no sirree

You know who thought like you? The director. Do you know who met much criticism for overusing the comic book-style scene splits? The director. The fans and critics mostly agree that it just doesn't work.

The fans and critics mostly agree that it just doesn't work.

Actually the fans and critics were mostly critical about the pacing of the movie and the design of the character

Aside from some of the worst CG in recent memory, it featured terrible acting and dialogue from everyone who wasn't William Hurt. It already looks like the worst comic book movie since Elektra if you ask me.

ITT Vivi is an expert on CG and acting

I do think it was a slightly too serious and dour for its own good though.

Just kidding, I agree with this.

It was nowhere near as good as it should have been, but it wasn't 'the worst superhero movie ever' like many little boys seem to like to claim.

Is this a pantry? Because I see a lot of pots and kettles.


Also, The Hulk was absolute garbage. Why is this shit even a topic for debate? It's not possible to construct a meaningful argument that defends this movie that doesn't revolve around calling detractors "little boys" with "butthurt".

uh-oh, as soon as I click to the forums the Hulk is the character in the top right corner of ocremix! But he's not a videogame character!

I think Ive seen him to. He was a character in some SNES Mavel fighting game

ITT Vivi is an expert on CG and acting

I don't claim to be an expert, but I don't have to be to see that the acting was pretty stiff and the CG doesn't look good. I'd swear the actors were reading from a teleprompter the performances were so bad, particularly Edward Nortons which is a shame since I respect the man as an actor. Maybe only the worst parts of the performances came through in the trailer and the rest is actually good, but I find that hard to believe. And considering friends of mine who do 3D modelling and animation agreed with me that the 3D in the trailer looked pretty bad, I'm inclined to think my feelings on it are quite valid.


The reason it's being remade is exactly that: The Avengers.

Plus, the fact that the first version with Eric Bana bombed out big-time, meant Marvel Studios could buy back the IP on the cheap and do it the way THEY want to do it: PROPERLY. The only reason they can't buy back Spaderman straight away is because the trilogy was so successful that Marvel Studios can't afford to buy it back yet.

It's also the reason why we haven't had a Captain America movie yet: as one of Marvel's strongest characters on their roster, they felt the only way a Cap movie would do the comics justice is if it was Marvel solely behind it.

I think Ive seen him to. He was a character in some SNES Mavel fighting game

Am I the only one that played The Hulk on the sega genesis? Somebody else must remember it, if only for it having the easiest final boss EVER.

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