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OK.... OCReMix people.... I put my faith in you... should I buy D3 or not? What is the verdict? I have been following this game on and off since June 2008... there were things I loved about it, and many things I hated about it as the announcements were made throughout the years... DRM, auction house, gameplay, art direction, how skills and customization work, and now so many people bashing it for so many reasons, mainly the company and their decisions and not wanting to support it. But when it comes down to it, I still, as a gamer and a musician and appreciator of art, recognize the work that went into this game - all of the scripting, design, field recording, casting, long nights to make deadlines, etc. etc. the list goes on, and to be honest, I just wanna tear up some demons with my friends. I won't participate in the AH, I won't be playing solo, and well, my internet is up and down but I think if I can easily browse these forums without any issues, then well, I think I have a fair chance and having some fun with this game. I just need a little boost that's all... I really want to like this game... I don't know what to do. Anyway, hopefully in the morning there will be some responses to help me with my decision. My neck is killing me from a long day at work (I sit at a desk and stare at a computer for 8 hours a day), then I was tracking my sonic remix song so basically sitting at computer for 18 hours a day... neck and shoulders are killing me, and my brain is fried. Sorry for the vent / spillage of thoughts, but hopefully someone can maybe shed some light on me so I can see and think clearly this weekend. Time for bed now.

should I buy D3 or not? What is the verdict?

Think about what drew you to Diablo in the first place.

If you're all about gameplay, then get it. It's taken a few hits from the dreaded 'streamlining' compared to D2, but the core hacky-slashy-looty bits are all intact.

If things like story or atmosphere are the most important thing to you, I'd give it a pass. D2 was made by a different studio, in a different time. This installment, while fun, doesn't really capture the same feeling.

Disclosure: this information is second-hand, compiled from friends of mine over the last several hours. I have no intention to purchase, due to the lack of offline/LAN play.

OK.... OCReMix people.... I put my faith in you... should I buy D3 or not? What is the verdict? I have been following this game on and off since June 2008... there were things I loved about it, and many things I hated about it as the announcements were made throughout the years... DRM, auction house, gameplay, art direction, how skills and customization work, and now so many people bashing it for so many reasons, mainly the company and their decisions and not wanting to support it. But when it comes down to it, I still, as a gamer and a musician and appreciator of art, recognize the work that went into this game - all of the scripting, design, field recording, casting, long nights to make deadlines, etc. etc. the list goes on, and to be honest, I just wanna tear up some demons with my friends. I won't participate in the AH, I won't be playing solo, and well, my internet is up and down but I think if I can easily browse these forums without any issues, then well, I think I have a fair chance and having some fun with this game. I just need a little boost that's all... I really want to like this game... I don't know what to do. Anyway, hopefully in the morning there will be some responses to help me with my decision. My neck is killing me from a long day at work (I sit at a desk and stare at a computer for 8 hours a day), then I was tracking my sonic remix song so basically sitting at computer for 18 hours a day... neck and shoulders are killing me, and my brain is fried. Sorry for the vent / spillage of thoughts, but hopefully someone can maybe shed some light on me so I can see and think clearly this weekend. Time for bed now.

Give it some time if you're not sure. The DRM sucks, because any kind of DRM is bullshit and this is the worst kind. Auction house isn't up but thats something you don't even need to participate in to enjoy the game. I like the art direction, so far it's in line with what I think a diablo game with real 3d models should look like. The skills are fun, bashing monsters with them doesn't gets boring. It's fun times.

The customization doesn't seem like it will be too deep, but I think people overestimate how deep the customization in diablo 2 actually was. I checked the game's bandwidth consuption and its minimal compared to games like team fortress 2 and such, so even if you have a shitty connection (like mine is very often) it should work nicely, if everything is ok on Blizzard's side.

That said, if you want to boot up the game and start playing without issues, don't get the game right now, because you'll only be pissed half the time at errors, disconnects, lag and emergency server maintenances that lasts for hours. I think Blizzard will get their shit together by next week probably.

I just got to act 2 after the servers came back up. I'm having a blast. I just really wish they had released the game with an offline mode and ditched the goddamn real money auction house so i didn't have to have so many issues to play the damn single player campaign.

Posted (edited)

Hehe, never did I actually think it would have a connection with your personal practices but I couldn't resist a mental image of DS running around throwing seven-sided strikes while Gentle Fist plays in the background.

Okay gotta knock it off now.

Edited by RiverSound
Posted (edited)
OK.... OCReMix people.... I put my faith in you... should I buy D3 or not? What is the verdict? I have been following this game on and off since June 2008... there were things I loved about it, and many things I hated about it as the announcements were made throughout the years... DRM, auction house, gameplay, art direction, how skills and customization work, and now so many people bashing it for so many reasons, mainly the company and their decisions and not wanting to support it. But when it comes down to it, I still, as a gamer and a musician and appreciator of art, recognize the work that went into this game - all of the scripting, design, field recording, casting, long nights to make deadlines, etc. etc. the list goes on, and to be honest, I just wanna tear up some demons with my friends. I won't participate in the AH, I won't be playing solo, and well, my internet is up and down but I think if I can easily browse these forums without any issues, then well, I think I have a fair chance and having some fun with this game. I just need a little boost that's all... I really want to like this game... I don't know what to do. Anyway, hopefully in the morning there will be some responses to help me with my decision. My neck is killing me from a long day at work (I sit at a desk and stare at a computer for 8 hours a day), then I was tracking my sonic remix song so basically sitting at computer for 18 hours a day... neck and shoulders are killing me, and my brain is fried. Sorry for the vent / spillage of thoughts, but hopefully someone can maybe shed some light on me so I can see and think clearly this weekend. Time for bed now.

I'm currently close to the end of Act 1 Nightmare with a level 35 Wizard. I think the skill system rocks, it completely opens up once you start getting a few levels and the fact that you can try out new builds almost instantly is a godsend.

I have no doubt that sooner or later everyone will start gravitating to the few optimal builds (which is what happened in D2 after all), but in the meantime it's just tons of fun to teleport into mobs with a suicide bomber melee wizard. The game really encourages you to figure out fun spell combos for yourself, without overloading you with synergies that force you into a particular build.

That aside, at its core, it's a Diablo game through and through. You click, stuff dies, often in a very satisfying manner thanks to the visual effects and sound design. I wouldn't even say that it's much easier than D2 because especially Acts 3 and 4 started giving me major trouble anytime a mob got anywhere near me, and I remember even getting oneshotted by a unique mob at one point (something that probably wouldn't happen in D2 Normal).

Battletag is Tensei#1659 by the way.

Edited by Tensei
Posted (edited)
While I practice Dragon Style in real life, in-game I am playing Demon Hunter.


And yes, once you're in Act2, those friggin mosquito/wasps are a pain to bullet dodge. Also, it really feels like you're fighting hordes of demons instead of "kill 3-5, run around for almost a minute, kill 4-5, etc.". Although at times I've been guilty of running head first with my barbarian into a group without caring and ending up dead because there were also champions in there. Getting up to 14 mobs killed in a single blow or 50ish mobs killed in one fight is totally worth it, and truly satisfying.

Gotta say, the difficulty ramps up nicely. As for the streamlining "problem", it's simply that they offer more quests per act vs D2. In D2, some of the acts ended up with half their quests being optional and more or less irrelevent to the main story (Jade bird for example). There are a lot of sidequests if you decide to explore. I'm still on Normal, so I can't say for the main quests if you have to do them all again or if you can skip certain ones (like how you could with the Horadric Cube) and such.

Tensei got it right with the skills and all, they did a good job at it. I think between lv10-15 is where you start unlocking enough options to make that character your own. And yes while there'll ofc be certain builds that are stronger than others, the way the skills work lets all builds be viable and quite close to said optimal builds in efficiency.

BTW my battletag is Vilecat#1870 if anyone wants to add me :P

Edited by Vilecat
Posted (edited)
Demon Hunter is what I was going to try first when I eventually buy the game. Is it a fun class?

Enjoying it so far, but then again I always play ranged classes in games. It's nice being able to throw down Caltrops and fire off Engtangling Shots while Vaulting all over the place. Sometimes you really feel untouchable.

Than again, I'm playing on NORMAL and I'm not really too far in the game; I only played a few hours last night and got to level 11. I'm looking forward to getting into the more dangerous stuff where actually staying alive feels like an accomplishment in and of itself.

EDIT: oh I also want to echo that it's really nice to be able to respec your talents/skills practically on the fly. Also it feels like the variety of skills has less to do with maxing out damage output and more about tailoring your class to a specific play style that you will enjoy. I still need to unlock a lot of skills but I find myself really enjoying what certain ones have to offer over others, even if they may be weaker.

Edited by DarkeSword

Yes respeccing is actually very fun. It takes out that feeling of needing to search the internet for what works and what doesn't. You just play what you feel is FUN.

I dunno why people are saying this game is easier than D2, because it's not. Normal difficulty in D2 is a piece of cake and it only gets challenging after you beat the game. D3 I find it slightly harder, but still pretty easy in normal.

Still having a blast. I am adding everyone who is offering their Battletags as well!.

Damn sir! Is the game that short or have you just been playing that long? I remember D2 taking forever to win.

The game felt shorter than diablo 2. But I have done nothing but play diablo 3 all week. I took my time too, exploring and such, and I also played a monk till level 21 before beating it with my barbarian.

Now, time to finish that sonic song before Diablo calls me again >_>

I played the game up to Diablo on tuesday and finished him off on wednesday morning. The game really isn't that long.

do the majority of people not bother hitting max level and continue to farm for loot? I mean... I don't see the point in paying $60, beating diablo in normal then calling it a day...

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