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Inferno is a whole different ballgame though. As of Act 2 Inferno you can expect normal mobs to kill you in 2-3 hits at most, so the ability for DH to effectively chain 20-30 seconds of invincibility was huge. Probably a good balancing decision in the long run, especially if they intend Inferno to be group content.

Monk really got shitfucked though. Even with Boon of Protection spam and the Quickening glitch the class felt pretty underpowered in Inferno.

Posted (edited)
Fix your battletag man FIX EET

What... it no work? I will check when I get home from work... I know you're all dying to play D3 with me... -_-

Edit: Ohhhh.... Syllix#1925 :)

Edited by Ryan Jobson

Smoke Screen literally gave you 2 seconds of invincibility (3 with the rune) and no cooldown. Would be pretty silly not to use that. It's still quite good but it requires your build to be more focused around it, and a lot of Discipline regen.

Posted (edited)

Even with the nerf it's an amazing get out of jail free card. Pair that with Preparation with the rune that gives you 60% life back and you get a huge boost your health and all the discipline you need to just walk away.


Oh man so we thought Lightning Ball was the best? Just hit 59 during my lunch break and got the last rune for E. Arrow. Nether Tentacles is a direct upgrade that also heals for a pretty substantial amount. Also I mean direct as in it is the same exact kind of projectile and it doesn't convert all your weapon damage into a single type.

Edited by eternal Zero

Unless you're overgeared, around hell difficulty it's pretty expected that you'll die a couple of times to the more bullshit elites, but they can usually still be taken down.

On Inferno you basically have to get super lucky to face elites that you can actually take down at all, otherwise you're forced to either restart the map or try to run past.


I was just playing act 3 hell on the catapult section. Died like 5 times to some damn molten winged demons that keep running away and killing me. Then died 3 more times to some other Frozen Vampiric elite. Then got to the keep part, and what is the first mob that greets me? Fire Chain, Fast, Vampiric Tongue demons. I couldn't even touch those cuz they kept jumping all over the damn place before I could land a single hit.

I said fuck it and ragequitted. Life for a barbarian is tough.


I am so horribly and unforgivably underpowered.

I got some sweet drops but they're for like, 5 levels above me...

Bought some boots on the AH, needs to save up some money and get some more armor. Need to get that Vitality++++ -- yeah I'm searching for Vitality stat armor.

Anyway... it's still fun I guess, even though I die almost constantly, and a lot of the time in 1 hit. It's hell. :-P


Finished Act 1 Inferno without too much trouble on my DH, didn't skip any elites, got the Butcher on the first try, and even got the achievement for doing it fast.

Of course, then Act 2 came along, and suddenly normal monsters hit as hard as elites in Act 1. It took me 4 deaths to finally kill an actual Elite.


well isn't that nice and passive aggressive

though i will say when all of my real life gamer friends tell me how they're pretty disappointed with how it turned out i'm not incredibly convinced that's the case

especially when about a 4th of them have had their accounts tampered with and/or hacked


You link a shitty 9gag image in a thread with people who are generally quite pleased with the game, how is it passive aggressive of me to tell you to actually play the game and judge for yourself instead of relying on hearsay?

Bnet accounts are incredibly susceptible to hacking cause they're more lucrative and easier to get away with than even credit cards. Hook up an authenticator and you should have no problem.

Unless you're overgeared, around hell difficulty it's pretty expected that you'll die a couple of times to the more bullshit elites, but they can usually still be taken down.

On Inferno you basically have to get super lucky to face elites that you can actually take down at all, otherwise you're forced to either restart the map or try to run past.

Get about 300 to Resistance All.

Something a lot of people dont understand is that +Resistance All includes physical damage. Having near 66% reduction to all damage + armor + talents made the game so much easier. I went from dying every 2-3 pulls to pulling 4-5 mobs at once.


To explain my build I'll discuss why I chose the talents I did.

Frenzy with Vanguard: 15% movement speed, this is very useful not only for trying to run past content if need be, but it helps to kill anything at ranged that tends to run away. For one reason alone, using Revenge. You cant heal what you cant hit.

Revenge with Provocation: Absolutely mandatory to survive. Not only does it heal for obscene amounts of health if you have packs on you, its also my number one AoE.

Furious Charge with Dreadnought: I can heal for up to 13-20k if I aim my charge correctly. Not only does it help escape or run to mobs, it stuns and it also allows for you to escape when jailed.

Ignore Pain and Iron Hide: Use when cycling with leap for sustained damage reduction. Cycle between the 400% armor and the 65% damage reduction. Also a good time to try and heal while it is active. Or when you get stuck in a desecrate you cant get out of.

Leap and Iron Impact: Not only can you escape wallers, if you time the leap correctly you can also jump to avoid frozen. You also leap down one story to lower platforms to run away and heal or skip content. Using leap in that way can make it easy to kite if youre in a group.

War Cry and Impunity: The glyph is what makes it really strong especially for those that have low resistance gear, increasing the amount by 50% for the whole duration. When you include the Inspiring Presence passive for healing you'll make yourself able to kite more since youll be healing while running and not always reliant on Charge or Revenge Procs. Plus it heals your whole group for the duration as long as they are in 50 yards.

Diracy;862963']Get about 300 to Resistance All.

Something a lot of people dont understand is that +Resistance All includes physical damage. Having near 66% reduction to all damage + armor + talents made the game so much easier. I went from dying every 2-3 pulls to pulling 4-5 mobs at once.


To explain my build I'll discuss why I chose the talents I did.

Frenzy with Vanguard: 15% movement speed' date=' this is very useful not only for trying to run past content if need be, but it helps to kill anything at ranged that tends to run away. For one reason alone, using Revenge. You cant heal what you cant hit.

Revenge with Provocation: Absolutely mandatory to survive. Not only does it heal for obscene amounts of health if you have packs on you, its also my number one AoE.

Furious Charge with Dreadnought: I can heal for up to 13-20k if I aim my charge correctly. Not only does it help escape or run to mobs, it stuns and it also allows for you to escape when jailed.

Ignore Pain and Iron Hide: Use when cycling with leap for sustained damage reduction. Cycle between the 400% armor and the 65% damage reduction. Also a good time to try and heal while it is active. Or when you get stuck in a desecrate you cant get out of.

Leap and Iron Impact: Not only can you escape wallers, if you time the leap correctly you can also jump to avoid frozen. You also leap down one story to lower platforms to run away and heal or skip content. Using leap in that way can make it easy to kite if youre in a group.

War Cry and Impunity: The glyph is what makes it really strong especially for those that have low resistance gear, increasing the amount by 50% for the whole duration. When you include the Inspiring Presence passive for healing you'll make yourself able to kite more since youll be healing while running and not always reliant on Charge or Revenge Procs. Plus it heals your whole group for the duration as long as they are in 50 yards.[/quote']

I am enjoying the game for what it is, and that 9gag image is just retarded and wrong in many points, but if there's one problem I have with D3 is precisely this. Every single barbarian is using this build, because there is simply no other choice. Also: DW barb is just not viable so you have to run sword and shield in Inferno, which is a huge bummer for me because all I wanted was to play a DW barb. It will be possible for me to do Inferno as DW at some point, after I've invested hours on farming millions of gold to be able to get the best gear possible. That ain't happening anytime soon and it might not be feasible in the end.

There's another build that kinda works which is based in kiting with seismic slam but its retarded to have to kite as a melee to kill anything, plus it takes like a million years to kill something, even more than with a full resistance build.

I just hope that in future patches they make other choices viable for Barbarian because as it is now you either run this build with full resistance and vit plus sword and shield or you won't get past act 2.


Complaints that this game are:

A) Too cartoony

B) Not difficult enough

Are both absurd and either from people who haven't yet played it, or just won't be pleased with anything. I really don't know what level of detail some people are looking for in dynamic lightening, this many particle effects, and an upwards of 30+ foreground characters on screen.

Also: When was the last time anyone LAN'd, anyway?


LAN is still the primary way I play multiplayer games, actually. I'm not knocking DIII for not supporting it, but since the rest of my family cannot get good high speed internet that was (and still is, when I'm around) the primary way we plau with one another. The lag otherwise is pretty tough to deal with.

LAN is still the primary way I play multiplayer games, actually. I'm not knocking DIII for not supporting it, but since the rest of my family cannot get good high speed internet that was (and still is, when I'm around) the primary way we plau with one another. The lag otherwise is pretty tough to deal with.

you can DIY your own server to functionally run a LAN with diablo 3

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