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Oh wow I didnt even notice.

The only reason I noticed is because I was using a laptop and I had the monitor pushed back a bit too far. ;-)

My Diablo 3 now says "Shipping Soon" from Amazon. I've got the D3 Installer downloaded as well, but uhh... well, I think I'll be able to install it when it unlocks in EDT time zone, but I won't get my key until the box arrives in the mail.

If you're playing SuperiorX, give me yours and I'll add you when the servers go up :)

Sure, mine is SuperiorX#1928. FYI though I haven't bought or preordered the game even yet, so I don't think I'll be playing it right at launch tonight. I'll probably pick it up sometime later this week or over the weekend, so I'm not sure right when I'll be on.

I'm also new to the whole multiplayer aspect of Diablo. I only ever played single-player on Diablo 2, so we'll see how that goes this time around :smile: This might be a dumb question... but how do you progress through the game on multiplayer, do players have to be at the same point in the story, or is the multiplayer experience completely different from the story-driven single player mode?


I'm also new to the whole multiplayer aspect of Diablo. I only ever played single-player on Diablo 2, so we'll see how that goes this time around :smile: This might be a dumb question... but how do you progress through the game on multiplayer, do players have to be at the same point in the story, or is the multiplayer experience completely different from the story-driven single player mode?

Well in D2 it was based on wherever the host was in the storyline, so if they were in Act 4 and you were just starting Act 1, you wouldn't be able advance because they had already finished the quests. I assume it's the same in D3.

Sure, mine is SuperiorX#1928. FYI though I haven't bought or preordered the game even yet, so I don't think I'll be playing it right at launch tonight. I'll probably pick it up sometime later this week or over the weekend, so I'm not sure right when I'll be on.

I'm also new to the whole multiplayer aspect of Diablo. I only ever played single-player on Diablo 2, so we'll see how that goes this time around :smile: This might be a dumb question... but how do you progress through the game on multiplayer, do players have to be at the same point in the story, or is the multiplayer experience completely different from the story-driven single player mode?

Wherever the host is in terms of progress is where everyone will be. This includes the waypoints and checkpoints. So if you had gotten Waypoints A, B, and C and then jumped into your friend's game who only got as far in the story where you can get up to Waypoints A, and B, you will be temporarily pulled back to that point of the game in that session. This is to fix the problem back in Diablo II where had you joined a game where some people with mixed progress... the ones who were behind might not be able to progress at all so you had to exit and make your own game to get further. Also this prevents people from rushing the game as fast as people ended up doing in Diablo II.

Posted (edited)
I will definitely be getting it. I just hope its more diablo than world of warcraft. :(

Diablo III has elements from World of Warcraft. A lot of the same elements that StarCraft 2 got from World of Warcraft as well. World of WarCraft uses elements that it got from WarCraft 3 that WarCraft 3 got from Diablo 2.

Inferno mode has enrage timers which are used in WoW raids but are a necessary tool in order to make sure players can't just herp derp past a boss on what is supposed to be the hardest mode in the game.

List of things that have NOTHING to do with WoW:

  • Only allows 4 players per game
  • Only has 4 classes
  • Has very little visual character customization
  • Has a linear storyline
  • Has a finite storyline
  • Has randomly generated dungeons
  • Only 2 abilities at once
  • Click to move is the ONLY option
  • Detailed cutscenes beyond the intro

Things that it DOES have in-common with WoW:

  • Achievements (but so does everything)
  • An online character profile (so does SC2)
  • Talent trees (so did Diablo II)
  • Color-coded item drops (Borderlands uses the same color-coding, and I'm sure other games do as well)
  • Gem socketing (WoW got from Diablo II)
  • Quests & leveling (lul)

So I mean....I'm not sure what you're looking for...

Edited by Ramaniscence

There's a limit to which skills you can learn and how you can build them up. Not quite the same as "trees", but the concept's not entirely different either. There's also 5 classes instead of 4. Doug's facts aren't entirely straight, but they're close enough to make the point: Diablo III shows that they've learned from WoW as well as their past games, but it's not going to be WoW with a different setting.

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