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I also was not very familiar with Super Metroid's soundtrack and I picked Brinstar 1 because for me, it was the best song to remix in a dance genre (been a while since I did dance, but I wanted to do it for Blind).

Anyway, I'm exact where I wanna be on my schedule. I'm gonna mix it today and master it tomorrow so I'll have it up tomorrow evening (if everything goes well).

There are a lot of Brinstar mixes already from what I understand. For the sake of diversity, I might suggest something else. (from reading the thread anyway) It seems there is need for more Crateria, Meridia, Tourian, Boss fights, Intro, Wrecked Ship...I could be wrong, but from what I could tell, those were not seen in the thread.


Well, I wasn't able to make the item found theme work the way I had hoped. Might have been able to last night, but I forgot what the hell I had planned today. Oh well, I redid the end of it and I like it more now. Parts of it aren't perfect, but I won't have any more time to work on this before the deadline, so I'm considering it pretty much finished for the purposes of the album, barring any last minute production suggestions anyone may have. I highly doubt I'll be able to change much arrangement wise in time.


Would you rather me cancel it because it seems everyone decided to do this one?

I've been thinking about it, and even if you'd rather me stop working on it, I'm not going to (plus there would be no way I'd be able to complete a different track by the deadline). There may be a lot of Brinstar mixes, but I'm still taking the time to do this for bLiNd. I will not regret working on this, even if he thinks there are too many. Besides, each mix is a completely different interpretation, and holds the ideas and emotions of someone else. Multiple mixes of the same song do not necessarily equate to boring.


I cleaned it up a lot, and spent a long time on #OCRwip to work things out. I feel it was for the best. To me it sounds cleaner, it may still be lacking, especially intro and ending wise...

Link's in my sig, don't be afraid to give it a listen, it won't turn your brain to a puddle, I promise.


If it must be said, I had sent my song to Darkesword via email because I was afraid to post the song here, but I figured I'd go ahead and share it with you guys. This is actually an updated one compared to what I sent Darkesword originally.

Nario's Music: Because I don't want to risk losing bandwidth due to direct-linking, I thought I'd go ahead and link you all to my general music page on my website, where you can then go to the Video Game Arrangements section and download the song for yourselves.

Darkesword: If you ever see this message, please consider this version the finished one. I felt like something was missing whenever I first sent you the song, and while it may be tedious to say "here's my second finished version!" I feel as though the update is important enough to have you delete the first version and replace it with this one. I'm sorry if there's any inconvenience.

bLiNd: I hope you enjoy the song, too. It may not be anywhere as good as your music, but I still wanted to make it for you. Always keep in mind that I appreciate your music and that I hope you'll continue to improve, both in body and mind. Thanks for allowing me to remix a song just for you. ;)

well im done it took me 6hrs a day i had started on tuesday. so im pretty happy in what i got so far. lemme know what yuo guys think.


Very nice indeed, but am I the only one who hears audio clipping at around 40%? Dunno if you still have the time to correct that, but in any case, good stuff :-)

Mine is finally done also. I gotta say, during the mastering process today, it was a pain in the ass maximizing this thing. This is as loud as it can be before the compression really starts getting audible. I hope it's loud enough though.

This is a remix of Brinstar 1. On some parts I changed some of the chord progression since I thought it worked really well.

I hope you enjoy it bLiNd! :-)

Very nice indeed, but am I the only one who hears audio clipping at around 40%? Dunno if you still have the time to correct that, but in any case, good stuff :-)

yeah after listening to it like 30 times ive picked up on the clipping unfortunately its too late for me to pick apart the mix to fix it. However im going to clean it up and sub it like in 2 months or so.


Unfortunately I couldnt get mine finished in time. Research work all came in a sort of flood yesterday. I will finish the track eventually, though, and it will remain dedicated to the original intended recipient(s).

All the best on your road to recovery bLiNd!


So I ran out of time, so it's not as good as I wanted, but at least the parts fit together. My only complaint is that the piano bit in the beginning only varies a little bit, I wasn't able to work something else that would fit the feel out in time, but it is rather short, so there isn't much time for it to get on your nerves. Without ado, here is Jazzed Up 'Troids!


EDIT: Also, I fail at quality as well.

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