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Whoops, sorry I forgot to tag mine. I guess after exporting about 50 versions over the course of working on it it just didn't occur to me in the end.

Same thing.

Worse part is: I like well tagged songs and I have spent some time retagging songs in the past.


Well, I'm not sure if I'm in time or not, but I'm uploading my tune right now. It'll take about an hour to upload thanks to my painfully sluggish 1kb/s upload speed, but it's on its way. As soon as it's done and I test the link, I'll send you a PM, DS.

I would have sent it sooner, but between being unexpectedly swamped with shit to do, and then thunderstorms off and on all night, I didn't get much of a chance to mix it down and try to send it until now.


Album stuff is here, there's another thread for bLiNd himself.

Anyway! Album art makers! Here's the tracklist.


I'll accept all submissions for album arts; just give me a front and back. I'd also prefer you draw something yourself instead of photoshopping sprites and stuff, but it's not a total dealbreaker.

Remember: the title of the album is Super Metroid ~Reserve Tank VARIAtions~.

Get 'em in to me by Wednesday!


I still advocate this as being cover art (albeit having to be finished)

I like quite a number of bLiNd's remixes, so I drew this for this project (I didn't know about the "Energy Tank" title when sketching, though):


I'm thinking of adding a text that says "Get up, bLiNd. The Galaxy awaits!" It's still a WIP. I think I can clean it up to a decent lineart by Friday; but I don't think I'll have time to color it properly (I work slow).

Album stuff is here, there's another thread for bLiNd himself.

Anyway! Album art makers! Here's the tracklist.


I'll accept all submissions for album arts; just give me a front and back. I'd also prefer you draw something yourself instead of photoshopping sprites and stuff, but it's not a total dealbreaker.

Remember: the title of the album is Super Metroid ~Reserve Tank VARIAtions~.

Get 'em in to me by Wednesday!

I shall cherish this moment as my first ever album contribution.

I still advocate this as being cover art (albeit having to be finished)

Thanks for that :)

To be realistic, I won't be able to finish it by Wednesday (tomorrow). Still, I will work on it as far as I can.

I have no experience in designing the whole CD cover. That is, I can finish the image, but I don't what other things to add to make it a CD cover. Is it possible that someone else use the image to make a CD cover?

Otherwise, I think we can use it as an inner cover/insert page or something :P


I came up with a little something for variety for the CD case...


For the front


For the back

Sorry that it's a simple photoshop, but it would take me a week to draw Samus and I don't have that much time (it being due tomarrow and all)...

EDIT: Fixed your name José

I still advocate this as being cover art (albeit having to be finished)

Me too, and I'm starting to work on it right now.

Unfortunately, the scan is really .. small. I'll try to contact the artist for a higher res shot.. or i'll just make do with this.

Anyway! Album art makers! Here's the tracklist.

Ah damnit. Can you change my tags so I have Sengin as the artist and my name as the composer? Thanks.


ok... here's my first attempt at a cover. Spent 4 hours in the GIMP, and if there's one thing I must say, IT DESPERATELY NEEDS FOLDERS FOR LAYERS. Seriously.

There are some things i can modify, like the font, font size, anything, etc. And I can make a back probably by tomorrow, but not tonight, i'm too tired.


or, the smaller in-forum preview.


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