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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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I used to really like the stats; I really enjoyed seeing kill to death ratios and how many times I've killed whoever with the ax. So, I understand people coming from this angle.

That being said, recently, I've just started playing on more of a day to day, game to game basis. The ideas that GMan and DarkeSword have put forth both seem like great ideas to me: they both allow people who care to find out if they really want to and allow others to completely ignore it if they so choose.

I don't know anything about hlxstats, but if either of these are possible it seems like a happy medium.


Just read back a page. If you can disable the in game announcements, that would be great.

Actually, if people are seriously concerned with their KDR that may be why we have a retarded shortage of medics.

Then everyone should go Medic, problems solved :<

Well, I can dream.


There are also alternatives for stats. Psychostats for instance; Psychostats updates aren't instantly reflected, though.

All you need for Psychostats is a host with Perl, PHP, and MySQL... all of which I conveniently have.

Edit: Gameservers already has a setup with GameTracker for our server, but it's not as in depth as HLStatsX.

Edit 2: As for KDR, I don't really care about that... which would explain why, despite having the highest played time on the server (10+ days), I only have a rank of 14!

That and I like playing Spy. :D


D: look what I found after about 1/2 a second of searching,

5. My rank is embarrassing. How can I opt out? Say /hlx_hideranking while playing on a participating game server. This will toggle you between being visible on the Player Rankings and being invisible.
Haha, It's in the stinking help page! Does anyone read the manual anymore... :<


A stat reset this time wouldn't be so bad... I mean I do lose an awful lot of points whenever a person just joins the server and kills me after his 50 kills.

I was going to see if I could get my Steam name on the first page, but it hasn't been updated since July... ahh well. For all of you who don't know I go by Suomynona on TF2, usually.


It shouldn't be too hard to guess what my steam name is at this point, but for posterity it's Dark Link. Honestly, I've only been on the server for a few weeks, so a reset doesn't affect me too badly. I'm cool either way.

D: look what I found after about 1/2 a second of searching,

It's in the stinking help page! Does anyone read the manual anymore...

blahhh, I had checked the website a couple of times in the past, but could never find a FAQ or anything of the sort.

Good show!


hey guys, iii_demon from magfest has been working on an alpine payload map, where BLU pushes a bomb-cart up a mountain to destroy RED's "Ultralaser." It's playable, but still in an alpha stage... most of the map geometry is in place but there are a few staging/defense areas that need to be tested with larger teams to see what is good and what is imbalanced. 3D just compiled a2 earlier tonight and i was doing some pre-lim testing with him and a couple of his friends and it seems pretty solid. You can catch some a1 feedback and screenshots here and i'll mirror a2 at my hosting at http://hosting.thasauce.net/users/Garian/pl_ultralaser_a2.bsp.bz2. (edit: you can catch some of 3D's dev screenshots at http://solfire.com/~iii_demon/temp/tf2/)

One of 3D's main goals was to make a map that got progressively more difficult for offense to win as the battle progressed, as well as incorporating the vertical axis in a way that forced the player to think of the level on a slope instead of a flat plane with elevated areas. When i was playing, I noticed that the map pretty much requires at least one engineer with teleports on each team because of the sheer size, there is a LOT of ground to cover and even with the distance between caps, it's quite the trek to get to the cart before it gets to the objective.

If anything i could host a game off of my box, but I was thinking maybe the OCR TF2 crew could do some testing, to support one of our own (hey, magfest is part of the greater community!). what do you guys think?

also, regarding hlstatsx: i like the stats, but i think it should be reset every couple of months, if anything to clear out all of the pubbies who only play on ocrtf2 for one night and then never return

Except the last time the stats were reset, the server population bottomed out. I really think it would be a bad idea for the future of the server to reset the stats.

Since this seemed to be ignored, I decided to quote it. It sucked when this happened to the server, and I'd rather not see this happen again.

yeah but you play all the bloody time

Eloquently put. And yes it's very true. But I've still played 24 hours less than you, and around the same as everyone else in the top 30. So I'm just saying that it's not impossible to significantly change your rank. Even if it means investing a bit of time.

garian: "map durrr"

i have to admit, i laughed before i cried when i saw your version of <snip>.

Also, SAM/Chadly, are you sure that the server wasn't already bottomming out from something else other than the stat reset? I'm not sure exactly when it was but IIRC it was before the heavy pack came out so there was a lot of people refraining from playing so that the pack would be a bit more than a breath of fresh air? I can hardly believe a stat reset would really impact anyone's playtime; i think that the change of seasons as well as decreasing free time led to the server going empty for a while.

also, what happened to password saturdays?


I'd be fine with a stats reset, as my previous stats have been less than admirable.

As an alternative to or in addition to a reset, I might suggest raising the kills required for points to 100 or 150 (or more), which would allow only players who play on the server more than once to be part of the stats system.

Also, I don't see how a stats reset would upset the player base. If anything, I think it'd be encouraging to be on equal footing, and not feel that the top spots are unattainable as some have voiced.

I'd be fine with a stats reset, as my previous stats have been less than admirable.

As an alternative to or in addition to a reset, I might suggest raising the kills required for points to 100 or 150 (or more), which would allow only players who play on the server more than once to be part of the stats system.

Unfortunately, I don't have any access to the HLStatsX configuration.

Speaking of changes, I added the advertisements plugin to the server... not that regulars really need to know the triggers.

Although, thanks to the magic of the advertisements flags, only people without reserved slots see the message bugging them about reserved slots. :P

It also tells you what the nextmap will be and in how long.


As an alternative to or in addition to a reset, I might suggest raising the kills required for points to 100 or 150 (or more), which would allow only players who play on the server more than once to be part of the stats system.

This would be awesome, cut down on the annoyingness of pubbies and make everyone happy.

Unfortunately, I don't have any access to the HLStatsX configuration.

Speaking of changes, I added the advertisements plugin to the server... not that regulars really need to know the triggers.

Although, thanks to the magic of the advertisements flags, only people without reserved slots see the message bugging them about reserved slots. :P

It also tells you what the nextmap will be and in how long.

Nice feature with the nextmap thing, it's nice especially for those who don't know the command.
i have to admit, i laughed before i cried when i saw your version of <snip>.

Also, SAM/Chadly, are you sure that the server wasn't already bottomming out from something else other than the stat reset? I'm not sure exactly when it was but IIRC it was before the heavy pack came out so there was a lot of people refraining from playing so that the pack would be a bit more than a breath of fresh air? I can hardly believe a stat reset would really impact anyone's playtime; i think that the change of seasons as well as decreasing free time led to the server going empty for a while.

also, what happened to password saturdays?

I can't see the stats reset contributing to a decrease in traffic, if anything people will be on more to regain their rank, and the randoms don't know, so they don't care. It doesn't make sense that it would be the cause.

Also password saturdays were pretty fun, but you may want to put it in the MOTD so when pubbies see it locked they don't freak out and delete it from favorites.

As an alternative to or in addition to a reset, I might suggest raising the kills required for points to 100 or 150 (or more), which would allow only players who play on the server more than once to be part of the stats system.


Is it just me or has OCR server disappeared from the server list? I re-added it, however it's still not showing. I get a "Server is not responding." error.

I was on it up until just a minute ago; it's been running for the past few hours at least.

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