Powerlord Posted April 4, 2009 Posted April 4, 2009 I was back last night, and after a bit of fumbling on the first map (ctf_well), I think I'm back on form. I might be back tonight, depending on how far I am along in this assignment that's due tomorrow. Edit: I'm bored of working on this assignment, so I'm checking to see which of our maps are out of date and installing new versions. The following map upgrades will be installed (those without versions are the "final" versions): arena_harvest_v2 cp_corporation_b3 cp_shabbytown_final cp_woodshed_b2 ctf_2docks ctf_aesoprock_b7 pl_cashworks_b3a pl_cranetop_b8 pl_frontier_b2 pl_haywood_beta6 pl_hoodoo pl_strider_v1 pl_woodland_b4 Edit 2: I just noticed that a lot of these aren't on the server's list of maps to include in the nominate menu, so you can't access them anyway.
Bahamut Posted April 4, 2009 Author Posted April 4, 2009 You have to update the maplist.txt file in the Addons/Sourcemod/configs folder (or something like that).
SirChadlyOC Posted April 4, 2009 Posted April 4, 2009 While you're there, can you add a different version of cp_Warpath? The one we have is meh. Insta-caps I believe. *shudder*
Powerlord Posted April 4, 2009 Posted April 4, 2009 You have to update the maplist.txt file in the Addons/Sourcemod/configs folder (or something like that). I know which file it is; I had to update it to add the new versions of the maps that were in there. Also, the regular maplist.txt seemed to be the same thing, so I replaced that one, too.
WindStrike Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 Oh wow, did not know about cashworks_b3a. Play on b2 last night and the night before that. Sweetness! ... go grab that map now, cause it's one of the greatest maps ever (not to mention 40mb) - http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/download/69298 Actually, if you unzip it, it's 90. ... still, awesome map.
Powerlord Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 Oh wow, did not know about cashworks_b3a. Play on b2 last night and the night before that. Sweetness!... go grab that map now, cause it's one of the greatest maps ever (not to mention 40mb) - http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/download/69298 Actually, if you unzip it, it's 90. ... still, awesome map. For reference, here are links to all the maps on the download server. These are compressed bz2 files, but Steam games recognize them. Servers don't, but that's another story... Currently in map rotation: ctf_2fort_night pl_dbheights_b2 Currently in nominate/admin select screens: arena_2fort_b2 arena_mach2 arena_starship_v1 cp_2Skyscraper_b3 cp_420_water_arena_v3 cp_aqua cp_avante_b2 cp_blackmesa cp_castle4 cp_dam cp_desertfortress cp_downtown_b31 cp_lazytown cp_orange_x3 cp_shabbytown_final cp_snowpath_b2 cp_studio_rc4 cp_warpath ctf_convoy_v2 ctf_cruise_b1 ctf_mach4 ctf_snofort_final pl_cashworks_b3a pl_cave_b6 pl_donkeykong_final pl_dustbowl_b4 pl_haywood_beta6 pl_hoodoo pl_strider_v1 Not currently in nominate/admin screens, but still on server: achievementbox_b3 arena_harvest_v2 avanti_b1 cp_concussion cp_corporation_b3 cp_cyberpunk cp_labor cp_smbcastle2 cp_stronghold_b1 cp_toy_fort_elite cp_warpath2 cp_wolf2_b1 cp_woodshed_b2 ctf_1fort_a1 ctf_2docks ctf_aesoprock_b7 ctf_bball2 ctf_blitz ctf_crossunder ctf_hallofdeath ctf_royal_b3 ctp_epsilon_a3 cyberpunk garbage_day pl_cranetop_b8 pl_frontier_b2 pl_grassandcave_a5 pl_payback_beta pl_woodland_b4
Sporknight Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 So now that I'm off co-op and can browse these forums during the day, expect to see me around quite a bit more. My roommate has started playing with me on the server - he goes by Prophet Orwell. I'll talk to him about registering on the forums here, too.
Xerol Oplan Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 Can we try out pl_great_heights? I've played it on a couple other servers, and it's great fun. Probably one of the most balanced PL maps I've played, there's a nifty underwater section, lots of environmental hazards, and most chokepoints are balanced enough to break through with coordination. The third stage is a bit rough (in terms of quality) but otherwise it's a good map.
D-Lux Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 I'd really like to see more variance in map selection, so I'm really happy about those new maps. I know I try to pick maps I haven't played recently when we rock the vote, so now I'll get to pick ones I haven't played at all!
EdgeCrusher Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 Anyone up for tonight? I had to leave last night during the OCR night last night. And Id be up for trying great heights. Looks fun.
Garian Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 i thought "ocr night" was on hold until we were able to have a large enough population of regulars to warrant a weekly password night again, but i'd really like it to make a return. I REALLY like cashworks, bahamut said it's in the rotation after dustbowl and goldrush, so hopefully when enough regulars have the map we won't see the massive drop off in users when it switches. A number of guys always says 'customs kill servers,' but that really isn't true from my observation... it tends to be downloading and the resulting player drops from the server that does it. Dr.Tiddlywink's "Downtown_b31" seems to be pretty popular these days, whenever we switch to it if we're in a slump, we end up filling right back up (i guess the fact that it's tiny in comparison to others helps). Speaking of Downtown, Tiddly has been working on a new version, with larger buildings and less outside area to run around in. I'm not too sure of what to think about it right now, but to me it's not nearly as fun as the old version b31, although it does show a lot better work in details and other things... I may have to give it a bit more time, and try to give him some better feedback than 'tiddly, you're dumb!' Tonight while Brushfire and I were playing (just after bahamut and most of the rest of the OCR crew left... around 12 am central) we ended up downloading the quake sounds, and when we got in game they were functioning, which is really cool (and if they bug you, you can use !quake or /quake to bring up the menu for changing your settings), but the "humiliation" thing for backstabs is REALLY annoying, especially when there's a good spy on a payload map where the other team fails at spell checking. Is there any way that that event could be ignored?
Rambo Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 especially when there's a good spy on a payload map where the other team fails at spell checking. Irony +1!!!
The Derrit Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 i got to stop by the other night quickly and it was lots of fun. i'm going to make sure to do it more often! /tonight
Sensai Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 Irony +1!!! Was going to point this out as well. I've said this a few times, at least 4 to Tiddly alone, but Downtown is a TON of fun. Absolutely a blast. We need to play it quite a bit more. I'm skeptical about the changes that Garian highlighted (I really like the amount of out-of-doors that's in it), but I'm glad to hear it's symmetrical now. Also, is there a list somewhere of the current map rotation? I suppose I should check the first post, I'll do that now.
Teknobunny Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 i didnt know you guys had your own team fortress server going. im gonna have to check it out sometime. and... hey!
Xerol Oplan Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 Cashworks has way too many low-performance open areas for me to enjoy. I like the map, it just runs like shit on my computer. (At worst Dustbowl/Goldrush get down to 10fps during spamfests, Cashworks was dipping under 5 in open areas with no one shooting anything, and never above 20.) I liked the original version of downtown with the underground area, even with the spawns facing each other. If you combine the back-area spawns with the underground middle CP, spread out the buildings a little (it was way too easy to stickyjump across), and moved some of the health/ammo pickups around (there was a medium healthkit on every building point, if you knew where they were you had a huge advantage as an attacker) it could be a great map. Also I'm going to bug everyone daily until great heights is put on Can you also put cranetop in the nominate list? That one's great fun for small/medium teams (not so much above 9v9 though).
Powerlord Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 Current map rotation is: ctf_2fort cp_granary ctf_well arena_badlands cp_dustbowl tc_hydro pl_badwater cp_fastlane pl_goldrush cp_gravelpit cp_orange_x3 pl_dbheights_b2 arena_ravine ctf_turbine cp_steel pl_goldrush cp_dustbowl pl_cashworks_b3a cp_well arena_lumberyard cp_badlands (looks like 2fort_night's been removed from rotation) Also, maplist has been updated. All maps on the server should now be in the nominate menu/admin list. There has also been one other slight change: rtv will only show maps from the map rotation except for those nominated by people. P.S. Is cp_downtown_a2 the new one?
Bahamut Posted April 7, 2009 Author Posted April 7, 2009 a2 is a new one, although it's quite different from b31. People weren't happy with downtown_steaksauce (the one before a2) because of a few things brought up, but perhaps it'd be good to try a2 to see how it goes sometime. Also I'm going to bug everyone daily until great heights is put on In a few minutes it will be there. Edit: It's on the server now. Also I recommend everyone who might want to play pl_great_heights_b2 download it from the fpsbanana link on the first page, as it's a hefty 30+ MB download zipped. Edit #2: Two random pics!
Bahamut Posted April 7, 2009 Author Posted April 7, 2009 Also, three more things - Xerol suggested we have a custom map night. Anyone up for this? I'm also going to bring up this question again - do we want an OCR only night again on the server? And third, on Wednesday night, I'll be on the server to micspam up some of the tracks from the DKC 2 project - don't miss it for full length listens!
Bleck Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 Also, three more things - Xerol suggested we have a custom map night. Anyone up for this? yes I'm also going to bring up this question again - do we want an OCR only night again on the server? yes And third, on Wednesday night, I'll be on the server to micspam up some of the tracks from the DKC 2 project - don't miss it for full length listens! yes
WindStrike Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 I wasn't able to join in on this when I saw the HLStats page for the OCR server, but uhh... what was with all the pokemon names? I only recognized garian cause I saw him as electabuzz previously, but I have no clue who the rest of them were.
Garian Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 rambo: rofl spellchecking! windstrike: that was brushfire having fun with the sm_rename admin command, he was garchomp. i'm not really certain WHO everyone was at this point because the sm_rename changes only last until the person leaves the server or map changes. also i'm sticking with electabuzz right now because of my spray
Brycepops Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 Seems that this laptop CAN run TF2 somewhat well >_>. I shall be popping in sometimes
Garian Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 excellent! we can always use more ocr guys! also i forgot to chip in my support for PW night and Customs night, i was thinking that probably monday or tuesday should be customs because those are pretty slow nights except for the extra-regulars (usually me, ellipse, joseki, and brushfire) and any pubs who happen to be playing through the night. Seems we've been attracting some new regular players, too, which is good! I remember for a while we were still getting full 24 player games with password back in the autumn when it was by word of mouth... people inviting their friends seemed to work out better because the games were a lot more intense, and a higher ratio would have mic, and those who didn't would still communicate via chat or voice commands! finally: previews of the DKC2 project is going to be AWESOME.
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