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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Hey guys, I've been in the talks with atmuh about some things, but I figure it should be fun. I know we are usually a laid back group, but I want to see how we'd do against an actual team. Specially against atmuh's rag-tag bunch of fella's from his server and FA. I've played with them and they are quite good, but atmuh always rags how much better they are with us, so I figure we should just go up against them. Teams are "1 medic 2 soldiers 1 demo 1 scout and 1 either scout or sniper or whatever, just not 2 medics." We can work out the details later (as in, who is what, etc, etc), but if anybody would like to sign up, just lemme know.

I'd probably be playing demoman.

Best of three at granary or badlands with gravelpit as the tiebreaker.

(As in, we play granary to 5, then badlands to 5 then, if there's a tie, gravel)

What the bloody hell is the point of assigning team classes? Half the game is deciding what class to use in what situation.

Not in 'pro gaming' apparently. If you assign classes you'll be sure you have a balanced team with everybody covering the role in the team that they're best at.


Medics are invariably invaluable, and demos and soldiers as well, but more heavy with the soldiers because they don't do nearly as much damage to themselves when they x-jump (x = sticky or rocket). Snipers can be a gamechanger with one hit kills (headshots) and have obviously the farthest reach of any class, plus there tend to be skilled snipers from lots of older FPSs, since it just requires precision aiming that can be gotten from other games. There tends to be a heavy too since the heavy/medic combo is very powerful, especially with no crits. Two medics would be nice, but there is the concern that you cannot protect both adequately.

As for my thoughts, I'm not really interested in doing any such - I don't care for trashtalk, and I'm not really interested in having any connection to atma after all the bullshit he has done combined with all of the chances he has been given.

A seperate challenge I have been issued though was by Optik (those of you who have been around for a while know who he is) - he generally plays with another community now that I guess he's a part of, but he offered a challenge of deFy regulars vs. OCR regulars, with 24 people on each side and matches of 3v3 for each game if I recall the details right (it has been like two weeks since he messaged me about this or something like that). If there's enough interest for this, then we'll do it - it'd be for fun, no pressure or anything like that.


A seperate challenge I have been issued though was by Optik (those of you who have been around for a while know who he is) - he generally plays with another community now that I guess he's a part of, but he offered a challenge of deFy regulars vs. OCR regulars, with 24 people on each side and matches of 3v3 for each game if I recall the details right (it has been like two weeks since he messaged me about this or something like that). If there's enough interest for this, then we'll do it - it'd be for fun, no pressure or anything like that.

we. would get ruined.

Just forewarning.

EDIT: Concerning custom maps: look at the server population graph for yesterday. lol


not to mention a great many people who play on atmuh's server and aren't just remod dudes are pretty much just terrible people

Bennie would clearly not be the scout, though. He's probably the soldier.

It's really easy to find a heavy, engineer, medic, and demo, though.

Are you shitting me?

Bennie IS the scout.

His entire deal is that he outruns the BEAST.

The scout = speed.

Benny = speed.


I'd like to think that the "best" setup of classes is dynamic. For instance, someone who starts as engie and eventually loses his turret / dispenser combo might actually be better off switching to a different class, as he'll never have the time to rebuild a sentry on some maps.

Also, no spies? I think that they'd be quite valuable in getting rid of snipers, at the very least.


Also, no spies? I think that they'd be quite valuable in getting rid of snipers, at the very least.

you've gotto remember that youre dealing with only 6 people a side. On very organized teams. Spies hardly ever get played because everyone knows where everyone else is, or should be. Plus you need the firepower. Plus you wouldn't use a sniper terribly often. (unless he's say... the bestest evar)

(unless he's say... the bestest evar)

I kno u iz da bestast and u iz mai favorite!!!!!

Sarcasm aside, we should snipe more. I miss the good old times of us sniping each other and presh owning everything.

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