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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Here's the thing about that.

The only maps that a straight majority of our players actually enjoy are Dustbowl and Goldrush.

Even if another stock map comes up, there's bitching and moaning regardless. Just about different things, most often teams. I'll skirt the issue here, because I've already said what I had to say on it a couple of pages ago.

My argument is, essentially, 'If you play a map once and decide it's dumb, especially if you rtv halfway through, you're making a poor judgement. Play it through to completion, at least twice, then your argument will have some weight.'


60% of the current maplist is customs.

A bit of overkill if you ask me.

More custom maps = less time play Dustbowl/goldrush/dustbowl/2fort/dustbowl/gravelpit

So yes, more customs plz.


I, Bleck, endorse this. What I am about to show you embodies everything I cherish as a person. If I could sum me up in a single webpage, this would be that page. Also, if I die from excitement shortly after clicking this, please put what I am about to show you on my grave.

More custom maps = less time play Dustbowl/goldrush/dustbowl/2fort/dustbowl/gravelpit

So yes, more customs plz.

Don't make me set the server to 24/7 Dustbowl/Goldrush...


It wouldn't be that much of a problem if the customs were actually inventive, but so far I've seen at least three alpine-themed payload maps that were huge and incredibly convoluted. Out of those, the only one that I actually enjoyed was Frontier. Then there's stuff like Toy Fort and Warpath, both of which were in my opinion REALLY badly designed due to numerous chokepoints and narrow corridors. This means rocket and demo spam rules supreme.

I don't mind going without gold rush (hate that map too actually) and dustbowl (which I still like for some reason), but even then there's enough options in terms of playable official maps (cp_egypt, cp_well, cp_granary, cp_badlands, ctf_turbine, pl_badwater, cp_steel, cp_gravelpit, hell, even some of the arena maps) that provide a valid alternative to wacky custom alpine pl map #457382.

Never mind that the custom maps which actually ARE good in my opinion (cp_follower and pl_frontier come to mind) didn't see nearly enough play.

It wouldn't be that much of a problem if the customs were actually inventive, but so far I've seen at least three alpine-themed payload maps that were huge and incredibly convoluted. Out of those, the only one that I actually enjoyed was Frontier. Then there's stuff like Toy Fort and Warpath, both of which were in my opinion REALLY badly designed due to numerous chokepoints and narrow corridors. This means rocket and demo spam rules supreme.

I don't mind going without gold rush (hate that map too actually) and dustbowl (which I still like for some reason), but even then there's enough options in terms of playable official maps (cp_egypt, cp_well, cp_granary, cp_badlands, ctf_turbine, pl_badwater, cp_steel, cp_gravelpit, hell, even some of the arena maps) that provide a valid alternative to wacky custom alpine pl map #457382.

Never mind that the custom maps which actually ARE good in my opinion (cp_follower and pl_frontier come to mind) didn't see nearly enough play.

granary, turbine, badwater, steel, and gravelpit are all on the rotation atm. Badwater is even on twice in a cycle.

cashworks (which is a pretty damn good map) is only on the rotation once. Same with frontier. warpath was a request by chadly, which I obliged since we very rarely play it. toy fort hasn't been in the rotation for a loooong time either, and seemed to have gotten decent love from regulars before.

Well has gotten a bit tiring IMO. Egypt is kinda bleh - you're more than welcome to rtv to it, which we have done twice yesterday. Badlands suffers from some poor attrition at times too. Woodland isn't really that heavy on the alpine theme (more dirt & canyon-like from what I can see), and has been pretty good to many of the regulars as well. It isn't even as expansive as others.

But the point is is that the rotation was implemented for yesterday and for today to be refreshing. The rotation for tomorrow is going to be more normal when the update comes out, with the new maps included.

I even asked for input earlier on the rotation :/ .


Toy Fort rocks, but you guys are just mad that I would not let the damn map die last night :D

But seriously, let pacman die. Its a fun novelty map, but once you play it for 5 minutes, and some guys set up sentries, its just not fun anymore.

Toy Fort rocks, but you guys are just mad that I would not let the damn map die last night :D

But seriously, let pacman die. Its a fun novelty map, but once you play it for 5 minutes, and some guys set up sentries, its just not fun anymore.

What you said about pacman applies exactly to toy fort. Fun novelty map but if you can rack up kills by just spamming rockets/pipes/stickies on a chokepoint, that means it's a bad map.

if you can rack up kills by just spamming rockets/pipes/stickies on a chokepoint, that means it's a bad map.

Dustbowl, stage two. Red Demoman stickies the roof of the dip just outside blue spawn. The red side, obviously. Dumps pipes into the dip itself, detonates whenever a big group comes through.


Dustbowl, stage two. Red Demoman stickies the roof of the dip just outside blue spawn. The red side, obviously. Dumps pipes into the dip itself, detonates whenever a big group comes through.


There'll usually be a uber or 2 built up at that point, since it's the start of the map, and there's another exit as well. In Toy Fort, there's literally ONE (very narrow) entrance to each team's respective last point. My team got badly rolled up UNTIL that point where all it needed to draw the match out was just throwing the corridor full of stickies. Never mind that the main entrances to the central CP are very narrow as well and that a demo can just lob stickies/pipes over the big blocks at the central CP to rack up kills.

There'll usually be a uber or 2 built up at that point, since it's the start of the map, and there's another exit as well. In Toy Fort, there's literally ONE (very narrow) entrance to each team's respective last point. My team got badly rolled up UNTIL that point where all it needed to draw the match out was just throwing the corridor full of stickies. Never mind that the main entrances to the central CP are very narrow as well and that a demo can just lob stickies/pipes over the big blocks at the central CP to rack up kills.

Nothing stopping my hypothetical Demoman from trapping the roof all game. It'll be less effective, because respawn waves make the flow of people erratic, but he will still get an impressive number of kills.

Also, there are two entrances to the point. The central gateway you mention, and a small side tunnel on the right side. Well, left if you're coming out of spawn. Just go backwards from the medium healthpack.

Anyway. Toy Fort is a bad example of a custom map; the theme is well-executed, but you're right, it doesn't play well. There are no forward spawns, making Soldiers and Heavies significantly less viable. The mapspace is either very cramped or very open; there's no middle ground to speak of at all, unless you count the pencil-fenced area around each side's door.


Yeah, there are multiple ways to get to the last point in Toy Fort. I took advantage of this many times last night as a pyro, cause I was guarenteed at least 2 or 3 kills no matter which way I went due to the other team fanning out way too much instead of pushing all in one tunnel.

Pacman wise, the sentry fighting is stupid in it, the doors suck ass, and its a scout rush most of the time. I'd rather be playing Donkey Kong.


Toy Fort also has a quirk where the map doesn't ever end unless one team wins, to the point that I forced a map vote to change the stage when I was on yesterday.

Also, I finally got one of my friends to try TF2 for the first time... and he ditched because of the constant map downloads. Joy.

I love those achievement names.

There're WAY too many Jarate achievements (6: Friendship is Golden; Jarate Chop; Jarring Transition; Number One Assistant; Rode Hard, Put Away Wet; and Saturation Bombing). It had better be the very first unlock.

Also, 4 achievement names just from one sentence in the Meet the Sniper video is a bit... weird. "Professionals have standards: be polite; be efficient; have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

There're WAY too many Jarate achievements (6: Friendship is Golden; Jarate Chop; Jarring Transition; Number One Assistant; Rode Hard, Put Away Wet; and Saturation Bombing). It had better be the very first unlock.

There are no milestones achievements. These might not be unlockables.


Valve has however stated before that they were unsatisfied with the achievement unlock system and were looking for alternative ways to unlock weapons.

It will be interesting to see if that makes it into this update; and if so, how it will manifest.


In other news, I need to learn when to just give in and ragequit. Honestly. It's bad for my blood pressure otherwise. (But I REFUSE TO LET THE GAME BEAT ME GODDAMNIT.)

Apparently I really do suck that much, though. I checked my server stats and I only have like 40% wins. Given how often teams are scrambled and maps change and whatever and so forth, I'm forced to conclude that the 10% off even wins/losses is my suck infecting my whole team.

But yeah. Expect to see him as nothing but scout or pyro until the update achievement-whoring wears off, given that they're both decent against spies and snipers. I only need one more achievement for scout to get the last unlock, and I need like four more for the axetinguisher. Of course, I only have like 8 of the medic achievements... but sadly medics are prime targets for both spies and snipers, so we'll probably not be working on those any time soon.

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