Powerlord Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 I don't think 3 is reasonable because out of a max possible 12 people on a team, 3 of each would mean you could have a possible 6 snipers & spies on each team - half a team's worth at best. That is absolute garbage.When I get back from church I'll restart the server to start up the plugin. Since we're installing plugins to take care of things that annoy us, can we install a plugin to limit the number of spectators?
sephfire Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 I'd say put it at three. The class limit thing seems a little dumb to me anyway, but at least three strikes a balance between "ARGH TOO MANY [class]" and "NO FAIR I WANNA BE [class]"
Bleck Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 I'm going to go with baha and say 2 is a pretty good number
duckyboycantfly Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 Will I get banned, because all I do is pretty much play sniper, spy, engineer, or demoman. Though scout has recently become a lot more fun. And fuck you valve. They give us the chance to reset our stats, and what comes next? They base the gaining of items off of how much you play. I just realized why I was getting no fucking drops. According to the drop system, I started playing like two weeks ago. Fuck.
Sensai Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 duckyboy, I think they mean more like 'if you play a lot now, you're going to get more items,' not 'if you've played thirty thousands hours you're more likly going to get a drop than that guy who just started.' I could be wrong, but if the entire point behind the random drop system is to bring in new players, the way you're proposing simply wouldn't make sense. @ Bahamut: I really think 2 is too few, though. Pav, Action Hawk, Gibbo, and Lumpy all on a team, all as Sniper would be perfectly fine. The problem is when you have skateboardguy2 along with his buddy dragonkpr1289 both playing Sniper simply to troll. The problem we're having is that people completely incompetent seem to be playing only one or two classes, which makes it a lot more obvious than having said incompetent people spread across all the classes. Limiting the number of people in a certain class may be the best course of action to prevent these people, but it also limits a lot of people who aren't trolling. @ Powerlord: It'll calm down as soon as everyone gets their precious weapons, haha.
Bleck Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 @ Bahamut: I really think 2 is too few, though. Pav, Action Hawk, Gibbo, and Lumpy all on a team, all as Sniper would be perfectly fine. The problem is when you have skateboardguy2 along with his buddy dragonkpr1289 both playing Sniper simply to troll. no uh see it really wouldn't unless they were all using the huntsman and as such could actually move from their roosts and do important things like pushing the cart/capping the point/stealing the intel basically as it stands right now the more people you have sniping then the more people you have who aren't really doing anything helpful
Sensai Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 You really think that Pavlvs and Action Hawk aren't helpful? Really? Yesterday (or maybe the day before...my biological clock is really messed up ATM) I was on BLU on Goldrush 1. My team was literally debilitated by Gibbo, Lumpy and Pav. We simply couldn't do anything to counter them. I'm not saying we had the best team, but the point still stands. Also, new Heavy unlockables confirmed: http://ccmcs.org/4sc/.meimei/84707.jpg
Bleck Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 We simply couldn't do anything to counter them. did you try spies I bet you didn't
Bleck Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 wait a minute why don't we have mario kart on the server
Bahamut Posted May 24, 2009 Author Posted May 24, 2009 duckyboy, I think they mean more like 'if you play a lot now, you're going to get more items,' not 'if you've played thirty thousands hours you're more likly going to get a drop than that guy who just started.' I could be wrong, but if the entire point behind the random drop system is to bring in new players, the way you're proposing simply wouldn't make sense.@ Bahamut: I really think 2 is too few, though. Pav, Action Hawk, Gibbo, and Lumpy all on a team, all as Sniper would be perfectly fine. The problem is when you have skateboardguy2 along with his buddy dragonkpr1289 both playing Sniper simply to troll. The problem we're having is that people completely incompetent seem to be playing only one or two classes, which makes it a lot more obvious than having said incompetent people spread across all the classes. Limiting the number of people in a certain class may be the best course of action to prevent these people, but it also limits a lot of people who aren't trolling. @ Powerlord: It'll calm down as soon as everyone gets their precious weapons, haha. I'm going to lift the class limit eventually, and 2fort in particular has it unrestricted. However, skill should not factor into the decision of who gets to play sniper or spy for example, especially with the free weekend & all of the recent Orange Box purchasers. People should not be restricted as to what class they should be all the time just because others are more skilled at it unfortunately (and much to my own chagrin at times). In the interest of fairness, regulars should get some opportunity to play those classes.
Sensai Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 You're right Bleck. We completely forgot to try Spies. Man...if only the Spy were updated recently...we probably woulda had a ton! (We had 4 spies.) @ Baha: Okey dokey. As long as I can snipe (and get killed a ton) on 2fort, I s'pose I'm good.
Bleck Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 You're right Bleck. We completely forgot to try Spies. Man...if only the Spy were updated recently...we probably woulda had a ton! (We had 4 spies.) were they good spies
Rambo Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 And fuck you valve. They give us the chance to reset our stats, and what comes next? They base the gaining of items off of how much you play. I just realized why I was getting no fucking drops. According to the drop system, I started playing like two weeks ago. Fuck. I agree with the fucking of valve. But I DIDN'T reset my stats, so it says I have around 500hours played. And since the update I've played 7 hours without a single drop. Sooo.. I really don't think it matters. Because this is so badly programmed that there isn't a user based system to it at all, methinks.
SirChadlyOC Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 new Heavy unlockables confirmed:http://ccmcs.org/4sc/.meimei/84707.jpg Needs moar football helmet. I also vote 3, not 2. 4 is obviously way too many, but some long maps honestly call for more snipers.
EdgeCrusher Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 wait a minutewhy don't we have mario kart on the server Cause this isn't 4fuckingchan.
Bleck Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 Cause this isn't 4fuckingchan. from the man who thinks toy fort is a good map
Powerlord Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 Ugh, I was going to check if there was an updated version of toy_fort_elite with the round end time fixed on fpsbanana, but Google currently has them listed as spreading malware as of earlier today.
Bahamut Posted May 24, 2009 Author Posted May 24, 2009 Ugh, I was going to check if there was an updated version of toy_fort_elite with the round end time fixed on fpsbanana, but Google currently has them listed as spreading malware as of earlier today. I don't think they have an updated version - that is the latest version that I know of.
EdgeCrusher Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 If you want to play mario kart, 2F2F plays it all the time.
EdgeCrusher Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 Do you randomly delete stuff in your steam folder? Cause I have yet to see anyone that has as many errors as you do.
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