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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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That is certainly the oddest Engineer I've seen.


(Also, if a server randomly started awarding me stuff in droves I'd stay there until I got all the hats, at least. I'm not one to idle [although I did for a few hours in OCR that one day, I don't think I got anything that I didn't already have], but simply playing way more than I should to punish Valve for a shitty system? Sure!)


I love it when my parentheses enclosed statements are longer than the non-parentheses enclosed statements.


The ones that have thier address listed will get the patch in the mail on the 1st of June.

Updated!! RAR!! AGAIN!!

This is the current list of Patch recipients. If your name isn't on there and you want one, they are free, and I need to know because once the 50 are gone, no more patch forever.

EdgeCrusher Adress gotten

Zephyr - Address Recieved

Bahamut (At least I think he said he wanted one) - Address Recieved


Atmuh - Doesn't want one, but I think it would piss him off more to get one. - Address Recieved





SirChadly Address Gotten

Triad Orion




Powerlord - Address is in


Le Optik.



Depo 007


Hemophiliac -Address Received



Native Jovian

FireSlash - Address Received

Abyss Addres Gotten


RAMBO!! - Address Recieved

Bonzai - Address Recieved

Pavlvs Address Gotten


SporkKnight - Address is in


Ashamee - Address Recieved

Nekofrog - Address Recieved

Scrobble - Address Recieved

Halt - Address Recieved

Vimk - Address Recieved






Oriden Address Gotten

A-Cha Address gotten

Windstrike Address Gotten

MiamiGuy - Address is in

If you want one, just post in the thread and ask for one.

49/50 are already gone! Once they are gone, they are gone from forever!!


I'm considering boycotting the game until Valve implements the trade system. I'm extremely irritated that other players can dominate me at my best class as said class just because they have one of the unlocks and I don't.

(Specifically Spy and the Ambassador)

I'm considering boycotting the game until Valve implements the trade system. I'm extremely irritated that other players can dominate me at my best class as said class just because they have one of the unlocks and I don't.

(Specifically Spy and the Ambassador)

If I didn't get the Huntsman in relatively short order I'd be feeling your pain right now. Then again, after having a Spy completely destroy me as a Scout 20 minutes ago with that damn Ambassador, I'm starting to get pissed that I don't have one either.


New Update:

Added Sniper/Spy milestone achievements as an additional way players can get the new unlockables

and some other crap we probably don't care about:

Arena Mode

Added tf_arena_use_queue server convar. Turn this on to get the old queue behavior. Default is off

Added tf_arena_round_time to set a timelimit on the round

Added the userid of the player who built the teleporter to the "player_teleported" event

Fixed player killed event causing server crash

Fixed Spies not being telefragged when standing on an enemy teleporter exit with the Dead Ringer enabled

Fixed attackers seeing the mini-crit particle effect for full crits if the victim has the Jarate effect enabled

Fixed the Ambassador not doing damage to buildings

Fixed Spies disguised as their own team not drawing blood effects

Fixed players killed by flaming arrows not showing the appropriate death icon


Full list:

Added Sniper/Spy milestone achievements as an additional way players can get the new unlockables

Arena Mode

Added tf_arena_use_queue server convar. Turn this on to get the old queue behavior. Default is off

Added tf_arena_round_time to set a timelimit on the round

Added the userid of the player who built the teleporter to the "player_teleported" event

Fixed player killed event causing server crash

Fixed Spies not being telefragged when standing on an enemy teleporter exit with the Dead Ringer enabled

Fixed attackers seeing the mini-crit particle effect for full crits if the victim has the Jarate effect enabled

Fixed the Ambassador not doing damage to buildings

Fixed Spies disguised as their own team not drawing blood effects

Fixed players killed by flaming arrows not showing the appropriate death icon

Full list:

lol, I edited my post *right* before you posted that.

Also, the Milestones have lower requirements than before. They're at 5/11/17 instead of 10/16/22 like the old updates.

Now I can stop bitching. With 22 Spy achievements, I'd even have the unlocks in the old system. :D (Note: I haven't been trying to earn achievements; 22 is just from normal play as Spy. Incidentally, I only have 2 Sniper achievements.)

this is why i died to this sentry, i saw the engy but not the sentry gun, and the gun was positioned directly in front of him. apparently i can bend arrows too because i shot the sg.

I've been seeing quite a bit of this today o_o

Also, the Milestones have lower requirements than before. They're at 5/11/17 instead of 10/16/22 like the old updates.

About fucking time, and the lower milestones just make it even better for those of us who have put way too much time in lately. Guess I'll finally get my Razorback since I have 21 Sniper achievements. I'll have to get cracking on the Spy ones though since I have a whole one.


Ditto with Powerlord: I have 23 of the spy achievements, but only 3 sniper achievements. Luckily, however, I found the Huntsman last night. Now I can have fun with the Dead Ringer though.

Guess the trading system will strictly be for hats.

Guess the trading system will strictly be for hats.

Or people who completely suck at TF2. :D

I wouldn't be surprised if they try ditching milestones again once the new system is fully up and running. But at least if it's implemented the way they say they were going to in the end then I don't think it would be a big problem. The only reason the drop system was so bad right now was because it was half finished and took control away from the players.


I kinda hope they do ditch milestones every time there is an update for a class, just for a week or two. That cuts back on how many retards run around as said class just to farm like morons.

I kinda hope they do ditch milestones every time there is an update for a class, just for a week or two. That cuts back on how many retards run around as said class just to farm like morons.

I agree.

I really wouldn't have a problem with the random unlock system if the ability to trade had been introduced alongside it. Honestly.

@ whoever was talking about Spy achievements: I think they're easier with Spy than other classes. I don't aim to get achievements, just letting them happen in due time, and in the first four hours of play after the patch came out I had 22 of the Spy achievements.

That's including the time that I wasn't playing Spy. :-/

I kinda hope they do ditch milestones every time there is an update for a class, just for a week or two. That cuts back on how many retards run around as said class just to farm like morons.


Also, I dunno about you, but this is epic.


There was also a teleporter right outside of view, to the right.

Oh yeah, the engineer responsible for this also captured the intel 3 times.

I'm having problems with reserved slots...and I'm not quite sure why. Tomorrow morning I'm going to work on fixing it.

Having glanced at the sourcemod error log, there's an error on line 1059.

The problem was that two accounts had the auth type set to "Steam" but sourcemod only recognizes "steam" (in lowercase). I've since fixed the entries for SpectreShot and ouij007 so that they're lowercase.


I was just wondering if we could perhaps find some new custom maps people would enjoy, and put them on the server? The same old stuff is just starting to get bland.

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