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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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contains the source to 10 TF2 maps

We need some plr_hydro up in this thing. Or a regular PL map; sort of waste-style, where the bomb can take different routes depending on who's pushing it at certain checkpoints. No blocked paths, everything open.

Also, garian, if you happen to read this, check your damn PMs. :P


Man...so many pictures of so many good times.

'OK, so, you got the Engineer over there by ubering him and using sticky bombs to get him over there.


....could you do it with a Pyro?'

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Man, people are kinda silly.

And I really enjoyed last night's all melee, all medics, all string quartet battle. Lots of fun was had.

Man...so many pictures of so many good times.

'OK, so, you got the Engineer over there by ubering him and using sticky bombs to get him over there.


....could you do it with a Pyro?'

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Man, people are kinda silly.

And I really enjoyed last night's all melee, all medics, all string quartet battle. Lots of fun was had.

Can't believe I missed a melee battle. Tell me in advance beforehand plx.

what are you talking about ducky baha only gives admin to people who won't abuse it obviously

Okay honestly now Bleck. You're being absurdly childish. It's obvious that you're jealous of people with admin, but I fail to see how that's meant to support your cause. All you've done so far is discredit your ability to resolve matters with diplomacy.

Furthermore, if you have a problem with Bahamut, take it up personally with him. Or trash talk him with your friends via some other medium. I like playing TF2 with you, but in all the time you've ever posted in this thread, I can't recall a single positive contribution. Your negativity is starting to become, as you would say, "really fucking annoying".

Or trash talk him with your friends via some other medium.

Get out of my head, Charles! (seriously are you psychic or something?)

On a semi-related note:

[20:17:04] Tensei: its ironic that rambo calls really anything related to tf2 'really fucking annoying' because honestly there's few things more annoying than consistently not healing people on purpose

It's obvious that you're jealous of people with admin,

see rambo I think you're misconstruing 'thinks that the admins don't deserve to have it' with 'is jealous of the admins'

I wouldn't even need to have admins if the ones we have you know actually did stuff other than kickban people who are dominating them or continuously light beacons on each other

or do whatever rofl bullshit neko was apparently doing earlier

Get out of my head, Charles! (seriously are you psychic or something?)

On a semi-related note:

[20:17:04] Tensei: its ironic that rambo calls really anything related to tf2 'really fucking annoying' because honestly there's few things more annoying than consistently not healing people on purpose

Have you even played on the server in the last month? I can't remember the last time we've played together. If you have a specific time in mind, please tell me. Otherwise you've got me confused with someone else. People have yelled at me for healing TOO many people before, when sometimes its better to tank with one and uber. On occasion I do refuse to heal griefers however.

see rambo I think you're misconstruing 'thinks that the admins don't deserve to have it' with 'is jealous of the admins'

I wouldn't even need to have admins if the ones we have you know actually did stuff other than kickban people who are dominating them or continuously light beacons on each other

or do whatever rofl bullshit neko was apparently doing earlier

If you aren't jealous, then you're just not presenting your arguements well. I understand that people use their admin when they SHOULDN'T. But how would giving you admin change that? I hardly ever see admin used well, but I've hardly ever seen a case where it needs to be used at all.

I don't know what neko was doing. I missed that completely. I WAS online when edge kicked 2 people instantly for micspamming during setup.

Annnd I'm done talking about this. Either pm me or I'll tty both later on IRC. PEACE


I kicked the first guy cause his micspam was a garbled mess with shitty quality. I couldn't even tell what genre it was. Then atmuh got kicked for playing a jpop micspam that was not balanced at all. Wes already said that if micspam is too loud, don't play it. Atmuh was then kicked again cause he felt the need to try to harass me, which I also told wes about. I'm tired of his shit, and either he can stop doing it, or get kicked every time, or wes can take away my admin. It's pretty much common sense that you shouldn't try to harrass an admin, especially when you are on thin ice already, so his lack of common sense in the matter and need to feel like Internet Tough Guy really needs to cool the fuck off. I don't see why he gets favortism cause half of the people in #ocrtf2 want to suck his dick on a daily basis.

Im sure this will get a lot of good replies from tensei/ducky/etc, but I don't really care. You guys are all trolls. Annnnnnnnnd I'm done on this topic.


My issue with getting kicked is that I only got kicked once I started trashtalking edgecrusher, which was after HE started trashtalking me ( "How do you like the backburner now tensai?" or something like that). Seems to me that kicking me if I respond to that with "Maybe you could've used that airblast that time oh wait" is a bit too strict. Don't dish it if you can't take it.

Second point: I trashtalk a ton of people, at least be consistent and kick me whenever I call neko a fag or something, not just when you get 'harassed' yourself. Oh, and kick all the other people who even dare to taunt/trashtalk as well. Nobody should ever talk or type anything during TF2 ever.

Overall, it's like Bleck put it, there might be a ton of admins but none of them seem to do their job (and I bet half of them don't even know the admin commands). It usually comes down to "just mute the guy".


Actually tensei, if you had noticed any time I kicked you was cause you seem to want to make smartass comments before I did, such as "W+M1 much?" or along that line, and even then that was a playful kick. In fact I think I maybe have kicked you 2 or 3 times total for that, ever. But seems like I can't win for anything cause if you mute someone, someone said they should be kicked instead as a warning, if I kick someone, someone says they should be muted, etc etc. Funny thing being though that in the case at point, being the other night, both the kick of the first guy and atmuh I recieved thanks from at least 2 or 3 people on both.

a playful kick


anyways rambo the point I have contention with is that baha claims to only give admin to people who use it responsibly - and all I see is anything to the contrary (whether it be people abusing admin to 'playfully' kick people or just not using it at all)

I may get really angry at the game all the time but if I ever actually had admin I would have the common sense to know when to actually use it i.e to ask if I should force mutes on people who have terrible mics/are yelling/are micspamming or to kick people who are clearly just trolling or hacking

basically the best admins are the ones who only ever actually use admin when it is absolutely necessary and my argument is that we don't have any of those at all


anyways rambo the point I have contention with is that baha claims to only give admin to people who use it responsibly - and all I see is anything to the contrary (whether it be people abusing admin to 'playfully' kick people or just not using it at all)

I may get really angry at the game all the time but if I ever actually had admin I would have the common sense to know when to actually use it i.e to ask if I should force mutes on people who have terrible mics/are yelling/are micspamming or to kick people who are clearly just trolling or hacking

basically the best admins are the ones who only ever actually use admin when it is absolutely necessary and my argument is that we don't have any of those at all


Of course, it's really really easy to say all this when you don't have admin, but it really is true what they say about power. Once you actually have it, it's very hard to resist abusing it sometimes, either out of anger or just to troll someone. I personally cut Neko some slack because he said it was his last couple days of TF2. Speaking of which, what's the deal there? You cutting yourself off from video games or something? Made a hasty promise to quit TF2 if your mom stopped smoking? :P

I kicked the first guy cause his micspam was a garbled mess with shitty quality. I couldn't even tell what genre it was. Then atmuh got kicked for playing a jpop micspam that was not balanced at all. Wes already said that if micspam is too loud, don't play it. Atmuh was then kicked again cause he felt the need to try to harass me, which I also told wes about. I'm tired of his shit, and either he can stop doing it, or get kicked every time, or wes can take away my admin. It's pretty much common sense that you shouldn't try to harrass an admin, especially when you are on thin ice already, so his lack of common sense in the matter and need to feel like Internet Tough Guy really needs to cool the fuck off. I don't see why he gets favortism cause half of the people in #ocrtf2 want to suck his dick on a daily basis.

Im sure this will get a lot of good replies from tensei/ducky/etc, but I don't really care. You guys are all trolls. Annnnnnnnnd I'm done on this topic.

I was actually going to talk to you about this, since I talked to a few people about it trying to figure out what happened definitively (due to some people being insistent about what you did being wrong without considering all of the possibilities first).

One thing you shouldn't do is kick if they're micspamming. There is the server-side mute function, so you could just type "/mute atm" and the server would mute atmuh. Most of the pubs who prefer to micspam obnoxiously off the bat will end up leaving anyway from that, but let them make the choice to leave. From what I've gathered from some others, Atmuh's micspam was at an ok volume, although I don't remember what it was like - I can see why you might've thought it was loud if it was j-pop since it tends to be brash.

I was going to talk to you about it Edge because I was thinking of taking away your admins so that no one can accuse you of using them improperly, even if they try to egg/troll you on to do so (which is listed in the server rules for people not to do I'd like to point out to everyone)

Overall, it's like Bleck put it, there might be a ton of admins but none of them seem to do their job (and I bet half of them don't even know the admin commands). It usually comes down to "just mute the guy".

I'll address this since this is the core point - most DO do their jobs for the most part, and I'll put it right out there that most who make their accusations can't name more than a handful of incidents, which I'm almost certain is far better than they can muster if they were given admin. I always cross check each incident with as many people as I can, especially those who have no bias either way, to get to the root of the ones that I'm not there for,

A large part of complaints I get, I daresay more than half, are not ones where action is necessarily warranted, and there's a lot of whinery just because swift action isn't done on limited knowledge, or that something isn't decided in their favor. Good admins should not act on quick impulses unless it is a clear cut issue with no ambiguities. Oftentimes, I find complaintants being wrong in their assessment, such as with the case of Bleck whining about Tiddly for what turned out to be a non-issue, which is why it's important for me to hear multiple points of views for issues I'm not there for.

Edit: So I'm going to put it like this - put up, or shut up. In the case of the Tiddly "incident", not once did I get an apology for the bullshit that got launched into from the beginning, or an admission of fault. If you're going to continue to rage on Bleck, you just decrease your own credibility and the likelihood that anything you have to say is worthy of consideration, so keep that in mind.

Once you actually have it, it's very hard to resist abusing it sometimes, either out of anger or just to troll someone.

my compulsion to resist doing shit like this would be how much I fucking hate it when they do it to me - the day I sink down to that level is that day I stop playing the game entirely

I personally cut Neko some slack because he said it was his last couple days of TF2.

again, not getting punished for doing something wrong because it's your last day is uh kind of dumb

no offense to neko he is a pretty cool guy

Speaking of which, what's the deal there?

I think he is leaving to army


In the case of the Tiddly "incident", not once did I get an apology for the bullshit that got launched into from the beginning, or an admission of fault.

that's because you're still at fault???

yeah, whatever dumb teleporter shit he was doing turned out to be not so dumb (but still pretty dumb)

but the fact that he has been unbanned in the first place after being banned for bloody racism is still basically rofl good jorb admins

Im sure this will get a lot of good replies from tensei/ducky/etc, but I don't really care. You guys are all trolls.

:3 Drama Center lives up to it's name. I dunno what went on with atmuh, but I agree with baha in that mutes are usually best. Then unmute, and if they keep doing it, it's a kick.

Anyways, my entire problem with the neko thing was this. He never mentioned it was his last day until everyone was pissed off. That is not a good way to go about things. If he would have asked, or said something, rather than just changing the map and canceling rtv votes, I would not have been as pissed (okay maybe I'd still be a bit angry if he was like "hayi guys this is my last day, so i'mma take over the server"). He's changed the map to pacman a couple times before (or at least fully intended too, but after everyone complained he didnt, I don't recall which), so I thought it was him just abusing this again.

Seriously, a simple little note or announcement or vote or something letting the server know what he was doing besides abusing his admins could have solved all the rage that was that night. I simply would have just left the server, since I could care little about pacman, and am indifferent towards neko, rather, was indifferent.

^see I'm reasonable give me admins plox XD

(I got all my sick with power days out when I was admins over at spongeboob, when there was nobody there and I learned a greater amount of commands)

Overall, it's like Bleck put it, there might be a ton of admins but none of them seem to do their job (and I bet half of them don't even know the admin commands). It usually comes down to "just mute the guy".

I'd do my job, but I haven't been able to play for the last two months.

So I am blameless.


Nobody told me he was banned for racism - someone want to give me a heads up on that?

Also, how was I at fault - I could post the chatlog if necessary, but for the most part I was inquiring about it until you turned it into a he-said-she-said type of argument, which at that point I got frustrated & kinda pissed.

So here's something I'd like everyone's input on - what commands admins should have, clear guidelines on their usage, and same for reserved slot holders.

Admins currently have the ability to:






Change Cvars (i.e. timelimit for a map, and various other ones, although most admins do not know how to change stuff like class limits, or tf_birthday, etc.)

Changing Configs (perhaps server.cfg, or map specific configs? I'm a bit fuzzy on this one)

Chat (special chating privileges)


Scramble Teams

Alltalk configuration

Deadtalk Configuration

Cancel Votes

Reserved Slot holders can:

Vote Map

Vote Kick

Vote Ban

Scramble Teams (? I know vote scramble at the least)

Alltalk Configuration

Deadtalk Configuration

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