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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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was that before or after Black Mesa won the vote?

After. It actually was quite enjoyable playing Borax if only because the map was fun to explore. There are plenty of balance issues to it, but everyone there was having fun regardless.

Still, I agree with the Black Mesa sentiment. I would gladly never see Borax on an RTV list ever again if it meant I didn't have to play Black Mesa for the rest of my life.


So I've recently picked up my needles again and started working on some designs:



Which got me to thinking about TF2-themed apparel. I want to do a full set of hats, solid team color with a class emblem on the front, 18 in total. I can't seem to find good quality images of the class emblems though, I'm trying to find something like this in at least 100x100 each.

I'll be selling them for an amount that covers my costs and labor to an extent, right now that's looking to be about $12-15 per hat. If anyone has any requests they want done first PM me and we can work something out.


I don't even know how to start off this post. I guess I'll start by saying it's times like these I wish I had the internet at my place here at school because I'm reading this thread at the library, and being frustrated to the point of tears in public, let me tell you, is not fun.

I'm surprised at how tame Bonzai's post is, and for that I'm glad, because I don't know how tame I can make this.

The OCR server has issues, no shit. But the reason that I keep on coming back to OCR is because the general group of regulars aren't complete assholes, generally we are a group of people who respect each other enough to just play a good game. Even on OCR I have dealt with bullshit about being a girl that quite honestly I could have very easily retaliated about but I didn't, because I fell like, that if I ever feel discriminated against or blatantly offended through, gee, I dunno, a rape joke, or any other sexist and offensive "jokes", that I could go to an admin if it honestly made me feel like shit, or even, hey, and admin could message me and ask me if I was okay. I've desensitized myself enough on the internet to deal with stuff like this. I still don't think that saying "OMG we were raped!!" instead if rolled, or "DUDE that's so gay" instead of dude that sucks is appropriate, but I understand that this is the internet and people act like this. I've even gotten a "You're a girl, get back in the kitchen", and didn't say anything on the server because it's not worth my time.

More importantly, it's the Internet, and there are random people from the Internet on the server. Stick a password on the server if you can't deal with (very tame) rape jokes.

I can deal with tame rape jokes. I can also be a complete bitch and serve you up a nice hot pile of your own bullshit right back at your face. But saying "OMG GIRL, LET'S RAPE HER BEFORE SHE LEAVES". Not cool. In any sense of the word. So what if they were joking. This guy got off with not even a slap on the wrist and my sister feels like shit. Yeah, there are random people on the internet. That doesn't mean that we should make rape jokes at every girl who decides to say something into the microphone. Believe me, I understand that it is the internet so people think that being an asshole is okay and there won't be repercussions. But on OCR I guess that I would have thought that someone would have at least asked if my sister (hell, any other girl on the server) if she was okay. So thanks for everyone who didn't.

On a lighter note, an honest thank you to the people on this forum like Darkesword, and others who make this a community that I actually want to be a part of.


I think part of the reason some people don't speak up is that they don't want to get accused of "white-knighting" a girl. A lot of times on the net when a guy sticks up for a girl, people will look at him and say, "you're just defending her because you want to impress her and you want her to like you," even if he's just trying to do the right thing.

We shouldn't worry about that kind of bullshit. If some random dumbass pubbie is treating any player (boy or girl) like crap, call them on it. Let them know, "hey, that's not cool, and it's against server rules. Knock it off." Unfortunately, sometimes admins aren't around and can't mute/kick/ban the d-bags, but sometimes if the majority of the players speak up, you can make it clear that that kind of crap is not okay, and maybe they'll stop or say sorry or just leave. We also have votekick commands and stuff, so don't be hesitant to use those against abusive players.

EDIT: Oh also, sometimes when I play TF2 I get really into it and I don't really pay that much attention to the text chat, so I'll miss stuff that's said there. If someone says something to you that you find seriously find offensive (racism, sexism, etc.) while I'm there playing and I don't do anything about it, feel free to MSG me on Steam and say "hey that guy said something pretty terrible." I don't mind stopping to take care of it. This doesn't apply to just the women in the community either, it goes for all of our pleasant players who are credit-to-community.


I have little to say on the issue, but since it's back I'll chime in.

People who drop the N-bomb in our server receive an instant ban. Whether or not the term is directed at someone who's black is irrelevant; hate speech is still hate speech.

But when you isolate and identify someone as a target, to me, that's significantly worse:

"ITS A GIRL LETS RAPE HER" after the person identifies that Bonzai is a girl, to me, is not on the same level as dropping an N-bomb. It's on the same level of identifying someone's voice as characteristically black, and then saying "ITS A N***** LETS LYNCH HIM". I don't think either of these instances should ever warrant a second chance, but I don't think everyone sees it that way.

Bonzai has asked me while I've not been in the server, to deal with players who are being racist. I've logged on and done so. The insults don't effect her directly, but it's a community she considers herself a part of, so she has a stake in it. Similarly, she should never have to think twice before using her microphone. She's smarter than that in other servers, but here she(and all girls) should rest assured that her community will back her up.

EDIT: Darke snuck a post under me. What he said.

No one in this community should ever think less of you for protecting the interests of any player on our server; community members especially.

EDIT: Oh also, sometimes when I play TF2 I get really into it and I don't really pay that much attention to the text chat, so I'll miss stuff that's said there. If someone says something to you that you find seriously find offensive (racism, sexism, etc.) while I'm there playing and I don't do anything about it, feel free to MSG me on Steam and say "hey that guy said something pretty terrible." I don't mind stopping to take care of it. This doesn't apply to just the women in the community either, it goes for all of our pleasant players who are credit-to-community.

what people can generally do and is rather effective is open teamchat (press u) and type "@hey this guy is a real ballsack can you do something" or whatever you want

the @ before the message will send it to only the admins on the server and it will appear in GREEN on their screen so its kinda hard to miss

I think part of the reason some people don't speak up is that they don't want to get accused of "white-knighting" a girl. A lot of times on the net when a guy sticks up for a girl, people will look at him and say, "you're just defending her because you want to impress her and you want her to like you," even if he's just trying to do the right thing.

Again, for this situation, the person who said it was being mildly stupid the whole game, so I'd put money on the fact people were just ignoring him entirely

If someone says something to you that you find seriously find offensive (racism, sexism, etc.) while I'm there playing and I don't do anything about it, feel free to MSG me on Steam and say "hey that guy said something pretty terrible." I don't mind stopping to take care of it. This doesn't apply to just the women in the community either, it goes for all of our pleasant players who are credit-to-community.

Pretty much this. Don't be afraid to speak up about it. If you've not already, feel free to add any of the admins as steam friends. Atmuh's suggestion of admin chat is also a viable option.

what people can generally do and is rather effective is open teamchat (press u) and type "@hey this guy is a real ballsack can you do something" or whatever you want

the @ before the message will send it to only the admins on the server and it will appear in GREEN on their screen so its kinda hard to miss

I did not know about this feature. Duly noted.


DarkeSword, Rozovian. I want you guys to know that taking this issue seriously is great. It really shows that the admins/mods/dudes-in-charge actually care, and aren't one-sided.

So I want to say thanks.

Admin meeting is now scheduled for Tuesday (tomorrow) at 8:30PM EST on Server #2. I know I'll be there before that, but that's when we'll take care of business.

Wouldn't IRC be better for this sort of thing?

Also, FireSlash started some work a while back to separate the two servers' sourcemod installs. I'm going to finish this later this week; probably Wednesday, as I have the day off.

I have a feeling that the merged sourcemod installs are the cause of our current rtv problems, possibly with the mapcycle too.

P.S. OCR Old is now password locked. If you *really* want to log onto it, password is "ocrold".

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